Weekend Coffee Share.....Come Sit with Me

It's another week of Weekend Coffee Share. I always love everyone's posts. Are you like me and try to visit everyone? It doesn't always happen but I try. I have loved getting to know different bloggers and I figure if they take the time to write a post, I'll find the time to visit, even if it's a week later. I truly enjoy what you all share and I often learn so much. 

Check out all the other posts on Weekend Coffee Share, hosted by Natalie the Explorer. I'm off to go visit some now. #weekendcoffeeshare.

If we were having coffee we'd probably talk about:

I probably will not be posting next weekend as my hubby and I are taking a few days to head to Mt. Rainier National Park area and the Olympic Peninsula. If we have down time I may post, but otherwise it will be the following week. 

The weather: This week has been mostly cloudy with a few sun breaks. And chilly. It's a good thing we weren't in the path of the eclipse because we wouldn't have seen anything because it was so cloudy. We did get to see it in 2017 which was cool. I joked with my daughter that I'll probably never see another one, since the next one is in 2044 but I think it's coming over Canada/Montana. We'll see. The next 4 days are supposed to fairly dry, and Saturday it shows 72 degrees. That would be nice. 

Below are pics from 2017.

What we're thinking about: As we have friends getting ready to move to Tennessee, and we've had others move to other places, it often has me thinking about "could I just pull up and move". Could I leave my daughters and grandkids and in-laws and move to a new state. I'm not sure I could. Even if my girls moved...what if they moved to different states, what if they decided to not stay there? Maybe if I was retired, but not while we still need to work. Just an interesting scenario to think about. I'd like to think I'm adventurous enough to go for it, in fact, when we were visiting the NE States, we visited a coffee shop and bookstore that were for sale and joked about buying it and moving. Of course we didn't but it was kind of fun imaging. But, I'm not sure if I am, adventurous enough. We have said that we probably wouldn't ever move until my in-laws are gone because hubby's other brothers aren't local and one doesn't have the ability to care or help them. 

What we're thankful for: I'm thankful for the things in nature that help boost my mood on rainy days. I just love the sound of birds and frogs...the slightly warm, sunny days mixed in with the cloudy, rainy ones. I'm thankful to live in the PNW, and while I don't care for the politics or how expensive things are, I love it's beauty and diversity in nature, and what's available to enjoy. 

Around the house: We purchased some wood for crown molding. This goes on our stepped ceilings in the living area and the master bedroom. We have to paint it and then will put it up. Well, a friend is going to put it up. 

My FIL got my top put back on my blueberry area to keep the birds out once the blueberries ripen. 

I'm enjoying everything being green right now. I'm loving hearing the birds in the morning and early evening and the frogs at night. 

I really need to organize and clean out my desk because we are going to sell the one I use and move everything to the office/guest room. I need to find some organizational containers for some things and a few file drawers. 

For the love of food: This last week I made chicken cacciatore (forgot to take a pic of the finished product). It's not one of the prettiest meals, though I'm sure someone can make it look pretty. I did mine in the crockpot. It's a simple meal my mom made quite often. It's considered a rustic "hunters stew" equivalent, usually used with poultry of some sort. I usually use chicken thighs, or chicken legs, but the thighs make it easier to eat. We serve it over rice or potatoes. I also made an instant pot beef stew. I had some stew meat and originally was just going to cook those up with a potato and vegetable, but realized there wasn't enough for everyone so I looked for something quick. I found an instant pot beef stew and threw it together. It was actually really good. I used celery, potato and carrot and then threw in the remaining bags of some frozen green beans, and mixed vegetables. I also did some BBQ chicken legs, and last night (Thursday) we had chicken on top of salad, and let me tell you, sometimes that is the most satisfying meal!! 

I did attempt to make an affogato (ice cream with espresso poured over it) using my Moka Pot, which makes a stronger "cup" than a regular coffee pot. It was good, but I think true espresso is better. 

What we're reading or wanting to read: I finished my book club book, River Sing Me Home. I really enjoyed it. What a powerful story of a mothers love. It ended a bit abruptly, but I didn't feel like it was a terrible ending. I'm enjoying the book The Book of Joy. I'm only 52 pages in but have so many things underlined. Do you write in books? 

I should be getting my Bookstore Passport book next Tuesday. I can't wait. 

I'm slowly working my way through the Everything Sad is Untrue. Has anyone read that? I've renewed it twice since I can't seem to get it finished. My book list for 12 books by 12 friends is a tricky one this year. Last year there was only one I DNF. This year we'll see. Between this one, and one I can't seem to find to buy or borrow, I don't know if I'll complete it. One friend recommended the book Fearing the Black Body...I'm not sure what kind of book it is...I think it's geared towards a college course..I did find it to buy, but I'm not spending $30+ on it, to rent or to buy. I may choose another book or just forget about it. We'll see. Actually I take that back...I just found it in my library website. I was using my Libby App and it wasn't showing up. 

Okay, I also just started Jo's book One for Sorrow. I'm not a believer of New Age BUT I'm loving this book and having a hard time putting it down. There are few terms and things I've had to look up or figure out what they mean because I'm not from Australia, but it's a great read so far. I'm about 52% done with it! Well done Jo! I keep wondering if the obvious suspects aren't actually the ones and will I be disappointed if it's one of the more likable characters. 

What we're listening to or watching: I did start watching The Amazing Race. I started the current season but only watched the first episode so far. I watched it while I walked on the treadmill and did some online work. I have listened to podcasts, and I did just start a new audio book by Lysa TerKeurst called Uninvited. It's about feelings of loneliness, rejected, etc...and creating healthy connections in relationships and working through past experiences that often have us believing a lie about ourselves when we are feeling "less than" or not accepted. 

Favorite quote: I keep forgetting Marsha is taking April off from #WQ. But this last week, I had already found and prepared my quotes so I went ahead and posted anyways. Here's that link. The theme this past week was nature/eclipse. 

Favorite photo(s): 

I bought miss Pepper a tiny watering can because she likes to help me water the flowers. 

The next series of photos are of my daughters at the wedding event they were at last weekend. This was a fun photo booth that was there. I love it because it portrays them perfectly. 

Also, this one wanted some of her Poppi's pistachios because "these are sooo yummy". She's learning to open them herself. 

Random or not so random things: Last week I mentioned we had the grandkids all day Saturday. Well, most of the day. I took them home once their dad got home, which was around 3:00. Earlier in the day Indy was playing with a loose tooth. I didn't want to pull it (I don't do good at that), and I thought maybe his mom or dad would like to pull his first one out. Well, I probably should've because a few hours later, I was called in from the other room. Apparently he bit into a chicken tender I had cooked and his tooth came out, however, I don't think he knew it had, and proceeded to finish his bite and swallow, thus, probably swallowing the tooth. We looked around, but didn't find it. He does have another loose one so I said, "just save that one as your first". He was pretty excited and shouted "this is so epic". Epic seems to be his word. 

I'm still working on buying plane tickets to Ohio in June. They just aren't very cheap. I mean, I suppose they're better than they could be, but still. 

This weekend we are having company. My hubby will have friends over on Saturday night to watch fights and we'll have a family over Sunday who are going to be moving to Tennessee. 

I did start a new puzzle...I might be crazy. This one will be tough...It's tricky to know where exactly to start with it all. Any thoughts?

With Joy Unquenchable,


  1. Oh my, that puzzle, all the pieces look the same. That hunter's stew sounds delicious. That's a good story to remember for the loss of his 1st tooth. I like photo booth pictures, good times to be silly & fun.

  2. I love all the smiling photographs you shared. Those smiles are contagious.

  3. I don't think I could do a puzzle with that many squiggles and that few of colors! Good luck. I love all your fun pictures. Too bad about the swallowed tooth. I would not keep looking for it, LOL! My brother used to eat rocks when it rained and they washed down our street. It drove my mom nuts and made an awful racket when he got rid of them!

    1. I know...it's crazy. the puzzle...I think they gave up looking haha.

  4. Adorable photos of you, your daughters and grandkids! That puzzle looks very challenging. Thank you for your weekend coffee share.

  5. The eclipse was a bust for us this year because of all the clouds and rain. We did have a total eclipse in 2017 and that will probably be hard to beat. I love all of your photos. That puzzle looks so hard. Please share a picture when you have finished.

    1. Such a bummer. Especially if you were supposed to see it. I will definitely share a photo.

  6. That new puzzle looks really hard! One of my boys' best friends swallowed the first 3 teeth he lost; which we all thought was hilarious because he was legitimately the pickiest eater I ever met. I hope you have a great time on your trip!

    1. I know...it's going to be a tough one. Oh gosh, the first three...wow!

  7. I always fantasize about moving but the hard part is the logistics to pull off the move. I don't believe there's anything wrong with fantasizing. I am open to the possibility but the I believe the first step is just to work towards it at least.


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