31 Days 2014

2014: 31 Days of Living Inside Out

Day 1: Welcome to my 31 Days
Day 2: Scarcity vs. Sufficiency
Day 3: You are More
Day 4: You are Enough
Day 5: Don't Sweat the Small Stuff
Day 6: Social Media
Day 7: oops, I forgot to write a post
Day 8: Being optimistic
Day 9: My Favorite Books
Day 10: You are Excellent
Day 11: Don't Take Yourself Seriously
Day 12: Me Time
Day 13: Oops, daughter hijacked computer, no post
Day 14-18: nope, no posts
Day 19: It's okay to have a rough week
Day 20: Gearing up for the Holidays
Day 21: Holiday Expectations, Part 1
Day 22: Got distracted, didn't finish post
Day 23: Holiday Expectations, Part 2
Day 24: Give yourself Permission


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