Putting Fingers to Keyboard.....#WQ : Theme...Nature/Eclipse

It's another week of  Wednesday Quotes, hosted by Marsha from Always Write. If you're interested in joining, you can find more about #WQ here

This weeks theme is nature/eclipse. I'll start off by saying that here in Washington, we got nothing in regards to the eclipse, which was probably good because it was a completely cloudy, rainy, sunless day. We did, however, get to experience it in 2017. I don't think any of us took videos or even tried pictures, but we did enjoy watching it. 

I forgot that Marsha is taking April off and thought I'd just take it off too since not many come to comment on these posts, but I had already started so I figured I'd finish it. 

For me, taking time to be in nature, being surrounded by nature, is healing, soothing, and so relaxing. Even a hard hike is dotted with beauty and reason to celebrate woven throughout the course of the hard parts. When I hike, I tend to pause, and take in things around me. Even when I walk I keep my eyes open. Sometimes this drives people crazy, but it's just how I am. 

When I look at all of creation, the uniqueness of every flower, tree, the way the rivers flow, and the oceans, every sunrise and sunset. The animals that roam and thrive in nature, that live in the places best suited for them. When I look at and think of EVERYTHING, I think "how can people not see God in all of this". I know there are many who don't believe in God and believe that this just resulted from a massive explosion...but I don't. 

I read a quote that says "to walk in nature is to witness a thousand miracles" by Mary Davis. How true that is...so many little miracles all around..some we can't even see with our naked eye. Have you ever watched the nature time lapse videos of plants or mushrooms growing. WOW...of the earth "breathing". WOW WOW! 

Beauty around me
Gods artistry on display
To take pleasure in.

Nature calls to me
Come and have your fill of me
Find contentment here.

I'm never ending
ever changing throughout time
always something new
~Kirstin Troyer

With Joy Unquenchable,


  1. Our sky was so cloudy and still is I haven't even seen a star in ages ! Your photos are very beautiful ! I love the spring season, despite the disgusting weather it starts to bloom and the trees are becoming green and are not skeletons anymore !

  2. I love this, Kirstin. Congratulations on branching out into some poetry! It's lovely. I love your pictures. I did get a few pictures of the eclipse, but nothing to brag about because not much happened here. Trent got a magnificent picture but he went to Ohio. I'll post this link on my Iconic Woman post. I'm getting lots of views on that one. If I get another one written, I'll post a link there too. I just got out of a Board Training session, and we've been dealing with emergencies all week, so I haven't had a minute to spare.


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