10 on the 10th...this or that edition
10 on the 10th is hosted by Marsha from Marsha in the Middl e. I've loved participating in these. WOW. I haven't participated in one of these since May. I remembered this week so thought I'd jump in. Though this could be a little hard. I'm not always good at making choices. I will make my choice in a different color than black, then expound on it. 1. A long term meaningful relationship with someone you see only once a year (platonic or otherwise) or lots of short term relatively meaningless relationships with people you see regularly. Man...another tough one. I know it probably shouldn't be tough and probably should be obvious, but I'm more on the extroverted side and enjoy people. Actually the more I read it, the more I know my answer....If the word short term wasn't in it, I might choose the latter option, BUT relationships are important to me, and I think if friendships were all only short term, that wouldn't be good for me, so I'm going with