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Putting Fingers to Keyboard....#WQ (Wednesday Quotes) Murals Tell A story

It's another week of  Wednesday Quotes, hosted by Marsha from Always Write . If you're interested in joining, you can find more about #WQ here.  I mentioned awhile ago that Marsha is doing things a bit different with #WQ due to some new responsibilities she has. She has done away with weekly "themes" and is leaving it up to us, the fellow bloggers to choose what we want to write about.  There may be weeks I take time to write a separate post, which I do like doing, or I may include it in my Weekend Coffee share post, or Sunday Stills post. It just depends on how my week is going. I try to make it around to comment and I have some fun link parties that I like to do posts for.  I decided this week since there's not WCS I'd do a separate post for #WQ...we'll see if I get it done. I was thinking about murals. I have always loved them, but Natalie from Natalie the Explorer and host of #weekendcoffeeshare has reignited my love for them. I look for them everywhe

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