Wednesday Hodgepodge

It's time for Wednesday Hodgepodge with Joyce, who blogs at From This Side of The Pond.  Each week she'll pose some questions for us to answer. What a great way to journal life.

1. What is an adult problem nobody prepared you for? Hmmm....maybe dealing with parents passing away and not having things in order so then it's just a mess, especially when the relationship with a sibling isn't very stable. 

2. Without mentioning any tech, what's your most prized possession? I have a secretary's desk that was my moms and I love it. Is it a prized possession? I don't know..I'm sure there's a few other things that I would consider prized possessions.

3. It's National Peach Ice Cream Day (July 17th). Will you be celebrating? Nope...I don't like peach ice cream. Do you like peaches? I do like peaches though...BUT, not the fuzzy skin. Given a choice would you prefer peach ice cream, peach pie, peach cobbler, or just hand me a peach? Since I don't like the fuzzy skin, I would prefer a pie or cobbler thank you...with vanilla ice cream on the side.  Do you own anything that is peach in color?'s not a color I like, except when it comes to flowers. It is NOT a color I should wear. 

4. What makes a friendship successful? Boy, sometimes I feel like I've failed in the friend department...I mean, I know I have friends, but gosh, sometimes it just seems like those close knit, tight friendships, whether individual or groups have eluded me. I guess when I think of success I think that it needs to be a two way many friendships (and I think they were dear friends), I felt like I was always the one making the effort (and still do)...that gets old and tiring. I think open communication is important, as well as cheering the other on, and challenging as well. Maybe it's also not having too high of expectations of the person or relationship and thus suffocating them. 

5. Let's give our brains a rest and do a little summertime this or that...beach or pool? Beach. ice cream or snowcone? Ice Cream. amusement park or camping? Oh boy...those are two totally different things...I'm going with camping. burger or hot dog? Burger, but sometimes I love a good hot dog. I love melting cheese on it, and having it with a bit of mayo, ketchup and saurkraut. watermelon or strawberries? Watermelon. get up early or sleep in late? Get up early. sunrise or sunset? Both, but I'm more likely to catch a sunset than a sunrise because we are surrounded by trees.

6. Insert your own random thought here. I haven't done a great job commenting on blog posts. I'm trying to find a creative way to fit that in because I don't like linking and leaving. I think it's kind of rude and if I expect or hope others will comment on my post then I should be doing the same. It's definitely not because I don't want to...the week just gets away from me.

A few months ago we were at a home and garden show and ordered a cold plunge tub. It arrived last weekend. I've done it three times, 5 minutes at 53 degrees. Brr.

I did get a blog post up about our trip to Vancouver Island. You can find it here. I ended up with a version of what my hubby had, but thankfully it was mostly just a stuffed up nose and little cough and by the end of last week I felt fine. 

The grandkids were over yesterday and their favorite thing lately has been to chase the bunnies and birds in our yard. They've been listening to stories of Peter Rabbit and so they'll say "let's catch it and put it in a pie" We've spent a lot of time outside. I introduced them to "making mud pies". They spent a good amount of time creating their I need to go find some "kitchen equipment" for the outside. 


With Joy Unquenchable,


  1. Some weeks I don't have time to comment or mean to go back and leave more and forget!

  2. I try to visit as many blogs I can. I go to the Linky sign up and go from there. Friendships are important is that is what you need and want. There is the socialization part like our Senior Gatherings once a month. It's a nice place to make new friends. You have a beautiful backyard. I could not do cold water. I prefer my spa. Have fun with your grands!

    1. I do too..I have two screens so I usually pull them up on both, use one to read and then comment as I'm reading..haha. I love our backyard.

  3. I try to get to everyone's blog who participates in the HP but sometimes it takes me all week. Those are sweet pics of your grandchildren. I think it can be challenging to make friends as an adult. Deep friendships anyway. Hope you have a nice week!

  4. RE: friendships, I feel that way too. I don't reach out as often or try to make plans. Then I'll see friends of mine doing something together and I think, "well, you did that."

  5. Make sure to try the thrift stores for the outdoor kitchen equipment! I enjoyed reading your thoughtful answers to the questions this week. Since we've moved I have made some friends but I don't have a 'buddy' that I can count on here. Lately if I don't time it right it is hard to get around to blogs. Here I am a day late but yesterday got complicated and hot and I was a true couch potato!!

    1. yes!! I plan to do that and hit the dollar store and garage sales. Thank you for visiting Ellen.


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