Weekend Coffee Share.....Come Sit with Me

It's another week of Weekend Coffee Share. I always love everyone's posts. Are you like me and try to visit everyone? It doesn't always happen but I try. I have loved getting to know different bloggers and I figure if they take the time to write a post, I'll find the time to visit, even if it's a week later. I truly enjoy what you all share and I often learn so much. 

Check out all the other posts on Weekend Coffee Share, hosted by Natalie the Explorer. I'm off to go visit some now. #weekendcoffeeshare.

If we were having coffee we'd probably talk about:

I may not post next week. I'll be on vacation visiting family in Ohio so it will all depend on if I have some downtime to do this. If not, I'll see you in a few weeks. 

The weather: After 3 days of rain, we are looking at a 10 day sun filled sky streak. Yay!!! I am leaving for vacation next week so hoping my family will stay up on watering for me. I'm also hoping the weather there is nice as well. There's nothing worse than leaving nice weather and going to terrible weather. 

What we're thinking about: I'm thinking about all the things I need to do before I go on vacation. There's a lot and my motivation has been low because of the discomfort of the root canal. So making a list, and focus on the most important things. One of the things I like to try to do when on vacation is get all my VA work done ahead of time (social media postings for a blogger)...however, I will bring my computer so if I need to sneak in some time to finish I will. 

I'm also thinking about my MIL...she lost her sister this last week. She had been fighting a disease that has to do with the frontal temporal degeneration. It's not very common. She battled it for about 8 years. My MIL said there is a certain "aloneness" when you realize you are the only one left in your immediate family. She told me she understands why it's so important for me to see my aunts. 

What we're thankful for: I am thankful for the opportunity to visit my family and my hubby who sees the importance of it and makes it a priority to budget for this. 

Around the house: Anyone tired of reading me saying I haven't weeded yet? I won't mention it. Lawn has been getting mowed and I love when it's so nice and green...soon summer will hit hard and it will turn brown. It's just too big to keep watered. Maybe someday we'll have it more landscaped and maybe we'll have some kind of sprinkler system. Not much more worth writing about. I think my hubby might work on finishing our bathroom while I'm away on my trip...shiplap walls, install lights and mirrors. 

For the love of food: I haven't made anything special this week. Tuesday night I made a new dish, this healthier version of a supposedly popular (I had never heard of it) Jennifer Anniston Salad. I didn't take a picture but it was really good. It would be good as a main dish or as a side. I have vegetable curry on my list but I'm not sure I'll get around to it. I'm making my grocery list to have food in the house for my family when I'm gone, and planning meals for them. I plan to make them a soup, a lasagna, and a chicken and rice casserole that is really good. I'll also prep a lot for my hubby's lunch so he just has to grab and go.

I also had to share this photo..growing up we called garbanzo beans Chee chee beans. My daughter brought this can to the house the other day. Boy did that bring back memories. You can hear how to pronounce it properly here. A few hours later, I thought of saving the can but I had already dumped the garbage. 

This is the salad I made. Not pretty, but really tasty.

What we're reading or wanting to read: I've added several books to my TBR list. The Many Lives of Mama Love by Lara Love Hardin. I'm also following a FB page called Mystery Review Crew..they're doing a summer book bash party this week and highlighting various mystery authors and their books. UMMMM I'm now needing to add so many to the TBR list. I finished the book Death of a Dead Man. It was a good cozy mystery. I read another one called Capuccino, Cupcakes and a Corpse by Harper Lin. I won't go into details about the books...I'll save those for my #WOYBS.
Right now I'm reading A Thyme to Die: A Food & Wine Culinary Cozy by Jamie Lee Scott. Remember the book from my 12/12 list that I was struggling with. I actually found it in Audio version on Libby and after listening to the sample, I think I might like it better that way so I have it on hold.

What we're watching or listening to: I've watched a few episodes of S.W.A.T. with my hubby while I was working on my new puzzle. I'm debating what to listen to on Libby. I have a book on hold, Everything Sad is Untrue but it looks like it could be two weeks before it's ready. I think I may listen to Sisters Under the Rising Sun by Heather Morris. I just listened to a sample and it sounds really good. I love having books to listen to in the car or before I open at work while I'm putting mail away, etc. I got in a few podcast episodes as well. I have mentioned before one that I really love These are Good Days with Leeann Miller and Matt Beres. So good. I'm listening to the latest episode as I type. I was searching through Ted Talks for a talk by the lady who wrote The Many Lives of Mama Love but I can't find it. I need to just google it. 

Favorite quote: I added quotes to my #Sundaystills post for #WQ this week because I knew I was having a dental procedure done and didn't know how I'd feel to do separate posts. I may do the same thing next week since next Wednesday I'll be gone. 

The theme for last weeks Sunday Stills was the great outdoors. I LOVE the outdoors, nature, etc. This quote was interesting. It may be speaking about the outdoor environment or a more general environment but I really liked it.

Favorite photo(s): 

Someone had a busy Saturday and Saturday night...which was when mom, dad and brother came home..more on that below. She hung out with her poppi and some guys while they watched the fights for a little bit and then came in and sat with me. I put a show on for her to watch, hoping she'd fall asleep....she fought it, but finally the eyes closed. She kept saying all day "I'm so tired", but wouldn't take a nap. Love her avocado jammies? I kinda want some.

Tuesday I had both kiddos and they decided they wanted to work out with me. 

Random or not so random things: 

Like I mentioned above, my daughter, son in law and Indy went to Mexico for a mission trip. They were in Reynosa. It went well, Indy was a trooper and did great, however they experienced flight delays both on the way there and on the way back. They weren't sure they'd get on a flight to Portland. Thankfully they did but were 2 hours late getting back. Everyone was so over the travel. On the way there it was supposedly weather related, and on the way back it was crew shortages. They flew into Dallas, then to a small airport in McAllen(?) Texas where they were picked up and driven to their destination in Mexico. They were happy to be home. 

Wednesday I had my root canal. It went as well as it could go I suppose. It was NOT comfortable. I struggle with having my mouth worked on. Once the numbing wore off there was mostly just a dull ache and I'm hoping that's all it is. I haven't used that side to chew yet (though by the time I post this I probably will have). I have another tooth that is affected but it's my far back molar and I think I'm just going to have them extract that. I really don't want more root canals and I don't know if I can handle sitting in a chair for that long again. It's Friday and I'm getting ready to hit publish. My mouth is still achy. I hate taking anything like ibuprofen, tylenol, etc, but I have been taking some here and there to take the edge off, especially when I have to work. 

Next Tuesday I head to Ohio by myself to see my aunts and uncles. I've been trying to do this once a year. I'm calling it "Me Camp". I got the idea from Jen Hatmaker. I also have a dear friend who once a year takes a handful of days and goes away by herself. The difference with mine is I'm with my family still, but I'm by myself so really only responsible for me! It is a relaxing time for me. 

With Joy Unquenchable,


  1. I hope you have a great time on your trip! We have a sprinkler system installed for our yard.. and yet we rarely take the time to get it running each spring/summer. We keep talking about redoing our yard to make it look nicer but then it seems like SO much work! LOL. I want to be a gardener at heart but I'm just not.

    1. Thank you. yah..we've had so much focus on finishing our house that landscaping has taken a back burner

  2. THe little Avocado Baby is gorgeous!! (do you know that book?) #WeekendCoffeeshare

    1. I know..hehe..thanks. I've never heard of that book. I need to look it up.

  3. I am with you on the weeding -- I am only half done it and still have 3/4 of the mulch to move. Plus we are redoing the garden and creating garden boxes and we leave in 10 days for 10 days away. Yikes way too much to do. I am so glad you managed the dental stuff and are on the other side. As to the gramma and kids weights routine -- we do that all the time here. It cracks me up. Love the video of her sleeping on the couch. Have a good trip. Bernie

    1. That is a lot Bernie! Thank you....I'm enjoying my trip.

  4. I think you're very brave for enduring the root canal. I haven't read any of the books you've been reading but will check them out. Also will be checking the Mystery Review Crew. Thanks for the tip. I hope you enjoy your time away.

    1. I always love seeing what everyone is reading.

  5. I'm sorry about your achy tooth. There are definitely pros and cons to getting root canals compared to extractions. The problem with extractions is that your teeth move into that space and change your bite. When the opposite tooth doesn't have a tooth to hit against, it starts to move toward the empty space too, and can eventually lose bone and fall out. It takes years, but unless you replace it with a bridge, which is expensive and time-consuming, you entire mouth begins to change. I haven't read much this past week, but I did have a good trip to Portland to help my brother. I'll be back mid-July for the funeral. Are you still going to be visiting Ohio? BTW, the avocado PJs look good on her. I'll keep my eyes open for adult avocado jammies. hmmm - maybe with some tacos.

    1. Definitely pros and cons. I know some people have terrible reactions to the root canal (probably the stuff they put in it.) So I'm praying all goes well. I know. those PJ's are so cute. She has another pair that are pancakes, eggs and bacon...lol.

  6. I'm glad the root canal is now behind you. Safe travels and enjoy time with family next week!

  7. I never heard of this Jennifer Aniston salad but I'm going to try to make it...but a little later when I come back from my trip.

    1. It was so good! This is apparently a "healthier version" so not sure what the original was, but this was super good.

  8. I hope your root canal discomfort is gone and you're enjoying time with your aunts and uncles. I had internet issues so my comments are later than usual. Thank you for your weekend coffee share.


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