Weekend Coffee Share....Come Sit With Me

It's another week of Weekend Coffee Share. I always love everyone's posts. Are you like me and try to visit everyone? It doesn't always happen but I try. I have loved getting to know different bloggers and I figure if they take the time to write a post, I'll find the time to visit, even if it's a week later. I truly enjoy what you all share and I often learn so much. 

Check out all the other posts on Weekend Coffee Share, hosted by Natalie the Explorer. I'm off to go visit some now. #weekendcoffeeshare.

If we were having coffee we'd probably talk about:

 Last week I had every intention of posting, but just wasn't feeling it. Some weeks are just like that. I struggled to get things done and find the time to really sit and post. I wanted to post my usual format but then thought maybe I'd share about vacation, and then just abandoned it altogether, thinking maybe I'd just do a separate vacation post (which I did you can find it here). Needless to say, all that back and forth, led to me just not having time to finish a post. I didn't post to my other link parties either this week. Then I started beating myself up because the things I have posted to, I haven't gotten around to commenting on other peoples posts. Uggh! 

The weather: We've had some beautiful weather since I've been back home. I'm loving it (well, except when it gets into the 80's). Next week we're heading to Vancouver Island Canada for 4 days and the weather should be nice there as well. When I was in Ohio, the weather was typically in the 80's. If you walked along the lake, the breeze was so nice but as you headed more inland, you could sure feel the heat. I definitely do NOT think I could live somewhere that see really high temps and high humidity. 

What we're thinking about: The other day I had been thinking about something and was going to share, however, now I forgot it and of course didn't write it down. You'd think I'd learn by now. Ha!! However, this morning I was thinking about the thought of "showing up for yourself". A friend had shared that and it resonated with me. I need to show up for myself..yes, of course for others, but that is more natural than showing up for ourselves. I'm thinking in the area of working out and my physical health. I need to be motivated to do what needs doing, and it needs to be for my own health, my own well being. 

Another thought I was thinking about came after reading a friends FB post where she shared about how she and her husband just seem to do everything together in the evenings...eat together, watch TV together, go to bed together...she asked if they were normal or abnormal. It got me thinking...I don't think it's one or the other. Every couple is different, every season of life is different. We change over time and we like different things. Neither is right or wrong. That really isn't the point. Several others piped in that they were the same. For a bit I thought "gee, we aren't that way". Then someone else said they don't do that because of schedules...another friend of mine who saw the post said they aren't really like that either. Phew. 

What we're thankful for: Life and living it to the fullest I can! SO thankful for the people around me, the community I live in, the kindness of others. 

Around the house: We are about 99% done with our master bath. We need to replace one wall sconce (the globe broke) and put the face plates back on the outlets. I like how it looks. Now need some photos or some other decor. I did get around to weeding finally. I still have a bit more to go, but made a really good dent in it. 

For the love of food: Hmmmm...well, I can't think of anything I've made or eaten, other than cinnamon rolls I bought yesterday at our local corner store (which were amazing by the way), that is worth even writing about. Oh, wait. I did make a really good dip (which I failed to take a photo of) for our book club last Monday. Super simple recipe:

2 pkgs. softened cream cheese
1 c. Franks wing sauce (I used mild)
1/2 c. ranch dressing (not powder, actual dressing)
16 oz shredded chicken or canned chicken (I used canned)
2 c. of shredded cheese (I used colby jack)

Put everything in a crock pot or oven safe pan and either cook in the oven, or in the crockpot on low til warm and everything comes together.

 I did use my hand mixer to mix the cream cheese, and two sauces together to help it along. Serve with crackers or tortilla chips. It's kind of addicting. We were saying you could add it to nachos, over potatoes, you name it...in a quesadilla. Just eat it with a spoon. 

What we're reading or wanting to read: While on vacation I read a book that took place on Kelleys Island (which was where I was). It was a cozy mystery and for the most part I enjoyed it. It's fun reading books about where you're going, especially if you know some of the references. Currently I'm reading a few books. My Fathers List: How Living My Dad's Dreams Set Me Free by Laura Carney, Picnic at Hanging Rock by Joan Lindsay, and Take My Hands: Mary Vahere by Dorothy Clarke Wilson. I have a few that are ongoing, that I've already shared. 

What we're watching or listening to: Awhile back I had shared the struggle I was having with a book I was reading. Everything Sad is Untrue by Daniel Nayeri was a recommended book for my 12/12 challenge and I just couldn't get into reading it. I decided to attempt the audiobook, and I'm glad I did. SO. MUCH. BETTER on audio! I'm actually enjoying it. The author narrates it. I'm getting ready to start watching The Lost Kitchen on Magnolia Network. I've also listened to some podcasts. I really want to watch Celine Dions documentary. 

Favorite quote: I didn't participate in #WQ last week. Just didn't have time. I often like to share quotes from books I'm reading. This quote was from the book Everything Sad is Untrue. He shares this in reference to his struggle to find his place as a refugee living in Oklahoma.

"But like you, I was made carefully, by a God who loved what He saw. Like you, I want a friend" 
Daniel Nayeri

Favorite photo(s): 

This was fun. About a month ago I found a Facebook page called Mystery Review Crew. They were doing a summer kickoff and highlighting mystery writers. From cozy mysteries to just normal mysteries. It was a fun week of getting to know new to me authors, entering giveaways, etc. I won a $10 gift card, and ultimately won the grand prize (after two others didn't respond to the winning email). I won a 6" Kindle Paperwhite, plus an ebook from each participating author, so about 30. I bought a cute cover, because I tend to drop things. I'm excited to use it. 

I'm making good headway on this puzzle. I love it. It's a fun one. 

One thing I love, is collecting shells or rocks from wherever I go. I only usually bring a couple home. A friend of ours has a rock tumbler and he has tumbled a few for me. I had this wider vase and decided to put them all in here, with a small jar on top holding tinier treasures. 

I am so blessed by my MIL. The grandkids think she is just the best. They were up at our house last week and she came up and they wanted to go for a walk. It's so fun listening to their conversations and I'm glad they get to know her. It also makes me wish so much that my mom was still here and my dad was here and healthy. 
A few weekends ago I helped my oldest daughter with her coffee cart at an event called Coffee, Coopers and Cruise. It was at a private airfield and about 20 planes flew in. Indy got to sit in a heliopter. We're doing another one there in two weeks. 

Just had to share this one...her expressions are hilarious!! They spent a week in Idaho at and FCA sports camp. They volunteered with Motocross. Indy got to be a part of Jr. huddles and take part in a variety of sports. Pepper hung out with mom. 

Random or not so random things: I had a wonderful vacation with family and you can check out that post here. If you search Ohio, you'll find a few other posts. I need to write one on my trip last October. You can also visit my FB (kirstin bozich Troyer) page or IG page (Kirstin Troyer) and search my Ohio 2024 highlights for more photos and videos. 

The week I got home was adjusting to time, getting back to work, etc. It was a bit of a struggle. This last week I felt like I got a lot accomplished. I spent several hours Tuesday and Wednesday weeding. 

I more than likely will not be posting next week. My hubby and I are traveling to Vancouver Island, BC for 4 days. I'm looking forward to it, but I have a lot to do to get ready for that! 

I can't think of anything else to add, so I'll stop here. I'll be back in a few weeks. 

With Joy Unquenchable,


  1. Have a wonderful trip to Vancouver Island! Thank you for your weekend coffee share.


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