Wednesday Hodgepodge.

It's time for Wednesday Hodgepodge with Joyce, who blogs at From This Side of The Pond.  Each week she'll pose some questions for us to answer. What a great way to journal life.

1. It's National Cheese Day (June 4)...does anyone not like cheese? I love cheese. What's your favorite? Oh boy. I think I almost like most cheeses in some form. Cheddar will always be a staple, but I also love provolone on sandwiches, feta or other tangy cheese on salads. Last thing you ate or made with cheese? Last night I put cheese on my salad. 

2. Last time you were instructed to 'say cheese!'? I don't usually need to be told to say cheese. I just do.  How do you feel about having your picture taken? I don't mind it so much, but I want to make sure whoever is taking it let's me get ready. I'm not always a fan of candid. I feel like if I'm not smiling, I look unhappy, even angry so I want to be smiling or at least turn my mouth up a little. I hate to be self conscious, but I am at times. My hubby took a video of my on the chair with my granddaughter, and I notice my frowning (though not really frowning) side profile and the rolls on my stomach. When I should have just enjoyed seeing my granddaughter and I interacting together. 

3. What's your travel packing strategy? I'm supposed to have a strategy?  Are you typically a light packer or do you throw in everything but the kitchen sink? I'm somewhere in between...I'm not a light packer, but I do always seem to pack more than I actually wear. When flying do you check a bag or aim for carry on only? It depends on where we are going and what time of year. I will typically opt for just a carry on, but there have been times I've checked a bag. I'm heading to Ohio next week to visit family, and I may check a bag so I can bring back a bottle of wine from my aunts vineyard/wine tasting room. 

4. What is it about people's cell phone habits that you find most annoying? Talking loudly in public, or at checkout lines, etc...With so many apps on phones (I have them too), I don't like when people watch IG or FB reels/stories loudly around others or when something else is going on, like watching a show, but then there's stuff going on with the phones. 

5. What will be your summer mantra/slogan? I don't know. So often I feel like my summer is just like any other season because I don't have kids who are on summer break, we all work the same as any other month. Maybe I'll use my WOTY "nourish" and focus on nourishing myself and others this summer. Taking advantage of the longer days, sunshine, warmth and beauty around me to nourish my body, soul and spirit. "Nourish every moment for the gift that it is". 

6. Insert your own random thought here. I head out in an hour to have a root canal, so if anyone reads this before then, I'd appreciate all the prayers. My appointment is 7:15 am PST and should last an hour and a half. We'll see how I feel afterwards..I may come home and take a nap, which I don't often to, but I may need it. I don't like having my teeth worked on. 

I'll leave at this for now...I have some other things I want to do before I head out. I'm still making my way through last weeks posts. I'm really behind. 

With Joy Unquenchable,


  1. I hope your root canal goes well. Yikes. It does not sound fun at all... The picture you posted is so cute! I think women are such harsh critics of themselves in photos. Not sure why- if it is nature or nurture but we tend to notice our flaws and focus on them. I hope you get lots of rest today and are taken care of well!

    1. Thank you Maria. I survived it..haha. I have always been a harsh critic of some of my features, but I've been working on not caring so much because they are part of who I am.

  2. I will be thinking of you. I went to the dentist yesterday just for the routine cleaning and I don't even like that. Your picture is great! I agree we want to look at the joy of a moment and not our bellies or poor posture or hair that isn't perfect, but it's hard not to notice those things. I'm working on that! I like candid shots, but I also don't want a mess on the table or me mid-sentence : ) Take it easy today!

  3. We often go to this one hibachi restaurant (where they put multiple families at a table) and I hate when someone is sitting there watching reels. It's so rude! I just can't imagine not being aware of that but they seem to just do it without care.

  4. Sending you a HUG! Hope all went well.
    I love your photo.. and I like what you shared regarding having our photo taken.
    Love, Carla

  5. OUCH on that root canal, hope it went well. I love cheese, it's hard to pick a favorite, swiss and colby are always good. I think someone should write a book about cell phone etiquette.

    1. Thanks for visiting! haha..yes, a cell phone etiquette book would be great, or in the current times, maybe a video or meme.

  6. IM PRAYING! That is my most disliked visit! I feel the same way about my summer slogan... Don't really have one. Just being grandma. Feel the same about pictures. I try to hide for the most part. I hope you don't have too much discomfort and the rest of your week is beautiful!

  7. I don't know what is worse about going to the dentist—the pain or the cost! I'm sure you will be in good hands. It's the after-part at home. I pray for a quick healing. That's a cute photo of you! I like the animated-type photos best instead of posed.

    1. Haha...i know...both are equally and scary.

  8. I hope all went well with your root canal. I can break into a cold sweat just thinking about that. That is a great photo of you! I am so with you on #4!! Happy June to you.

  9. Hoping your root canal goes well, I've had too and been lucky to have great dentists for both. I feel like when smartphones became a thing, common courtesy went out the window. I cringe at some of the things I have overheard.

    1. I did survive. I didn't post this weeks HP so I'll update next week if I remember. I'm on vacation this week.

  10. I like your picture! I hope all went well with the procedure!

  11. I understand what you mean about looking "angry" in photos. I have a similar problem and feel like I look grumpy or sad in candid photos. Hope your root canal went well and you didn't have any problems or pain afterwards! Hope you're having a great week!

    1. It's so annoying...At least give me a little warning so I can somewhat pose my face.


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