Weekend Coffee Share....Come Sit with Me

It's another week of Weekend Coffee Share. I always love everyone's posts. Are you like me and try to visit everyone? It doesn't always happen but I try. I have loved getting to know different bloggers and I figure if they take the time to write a post, I'll find the time to visit, even if it's a week later. I truly enjoy what you all share and I often learn so much. 

Check out all the other posts on Weekend Coffee Share, hosted by Natalie the Explorer. I'm off to go visit some now. #weekendcoffeeshare.

If we were having coffee we'd probably talk about:

I just realized I may have forgotten to get around and visit people last week. I will make up for that. I was doing so good the last few weeks, but this last week was a bit of a struggle for me in some ways.

The Weather: The weather has been typical for May. Fluctuating between the upper 50's and mid 70's, throwing in a few 80 degree days, and some rain. I don't know what this summer holds. The mid 70's is my happy place temperature wise, unless I'm at the water, then 80's are okay.

What we're thinking about: Lately I've been thinking of all the dental work I need to have done. Uggh. It's consuming my thoughts. I went Wednesday for my exam after a cleaning on Monday. I need two fillings, another filling but will also need a crown, and then he said I have an infected tooth and says I'll need a root canal. Often then, those teeth need a crown...all my mind hears is $$$$. We try to do things 

What we're thankful for
: Tooth work is expensive, even with dental insurance. I'm thankful we've been good with our finances so it allows us to save, etc for these things. I just wish they'd stop being issues. Because Obviously there's other things I'd rather spend money on.

Around the house: Not much has been happening the last week. Grass has been mowed, I haven't gotten out and weeded anything. Maybe this weekend since it's a long weekend. 

For the love of food
: I did not cook or bake anything special this week. We didn't go out to eat either. Like I said, I had a very distracted/off week with my teeth issues weighing on me. 

What we're reading or wanting to read: I did get some reading done...probably helped take my mind off of things. I read two Cozy mysteries, Bird on a Wire (A Rosedell Mystery Book 1) by Adrienne Lockhart, and Hook, Line and Stinker (Lily Thistle #1) by Maggie West. I also finished The Puma Years by Laura Coleman which is one of my 12/12 books, and also Happy Hour Murder by Meredith Potts. I'm a sucker for cozy mysteries because they're usually pretty short and fun reads., however I sometimes find that they are mediocre in their writing and not well edited. A few I read were good enough, but fell short in other ways. I'm currently reading Murder at the Courthouse (hidden Springs Mysteries #1) by A.H. Gabhart. We'll see how this one goes. 

What we're watching or listening to
: I've not watched anything, but have listened to a few podcasts and I'm listening to No Time Like the Future by Michael J. Fox for our book club. 

Favorite quote
: I did participate in #WQ this week, sharing on the theme of "Do your Best". You can read about it here

Favorite photo(s)

I love this picture (just one of many), that my youngest daughter took of the grandkids. So cute. She put together a frame of them for Mothers Day for my oldest daughter. 

And....someone graduated Kindergarten. It was so cute! 

Random or not so random things: I mentioned my dental woes above. If you are someone who prays, please pray for wisdom to know the routes to go, coverage by insurance, etc...

I also cut two fingers on my right hand this week...within 24 hours. By Wednesday, I just wanted to start the week all over. Monday at work I cut one finger on the teeth of the standing tape dispenser. Tuesday morning I cut my thumb on one of our new kitchen knives. They're both doing good. I've managed to keep the fingers dry and hopefully by next week I can go around with no bandaids. 

This next week my daughter, son in law and grandson are going on a 5 day mission trip to Mexico. Our granddaughter will be staying with us. I think she goes home Saturday. Depending on how things go, will depend on if I post next week. I'm looking forward to it. She's at a fun age, and I am going to try and have some craft things for us to do together. She loves crafts and painting. 

I really allowed myself to get in a funk this week, and you know, I didn't like it. Yes, I have some teeth issues that have to be taken care of, but I didn't need to let it derail every other area of my life. My steps lacked sorely, so much so that I just gave up, and I just had a meh, kind of a woe is me attitude. That just isn't really like me. I think I just don't like something like this to be what puts the pressure on finances. Anyways...next week I'm determined to get back to exercising. I'm not liking how I'm feeling physically as far as fitness wise and if I'm honest, not liking how "fluffy" and untoned I have let myself get. It's so important as we age to have muscle. So starting Monday I'm jumping back on. NO. Excuses. There I also said it here so I'm going to hold myself accountable. If you are friends with me on FB, feel free to jump into my messages and say "how's the workouts going". 

I also thought I'd share some murals I enjoyed from our trip in April. Natalie got me really being intentional with finding them and photographing them. Oh, I also finished my post on our trip. You can find it here. We are taking another trip in July to Vancouver Island, Canada for 4 days, and I'm looking forward to that. I really want to be more intentional with posting about trips we take. I need to browse and see how others do it and then find the best way that fits my personality. Sequim and Port Angeles sit along the Strait of Juan DeFuca on the Salish Sea. 

This one is called the Olympic Visions Mural...it depicts Port Angeles as the Gateway to the Olympic National Park. 
This mural depicts how the streets were raised to prevent flooding.
I photographed this one from farther away, but apparently it is one of the most photographed mural because of the 3 dimensional people and dog. Now I wish I had gotten closer. It also features the MV Kalakala ferry which ran in the 1930's.
This stairwell in the Wharf building was pretty cool. The next 4 were also in the Wharf building.

I couldn't find info on this one. This one was actually in Sequim. 

With Joy Unquenchable,


  1. I love the photograph of your grandkids. Your granddaughter has a cheeky smile :)

  2. That photo of the grandkids is so cute! I can see why it's a favorite and a Kindergarten graduation is always the cutest. I am so sorry to hear about your teeth; I hate how much dental work costs (even with dental insurance! Though I feel like the insurance rarely covers much of anything anyway).

  3. Thinking outside the box-- is going to Mexico for your dental work an option. They have some really good places and it is so cheap. I can understand about it inducing a funk - money woes and then the actual work itself is never a fun time. But as you said its time to find the silver linings and get back into an active healthier physical and mental spot. Take care and don't beat yourself up. Love the murals but of course love the grandkids one more!! Bernie

  4. Sorry to hear about your dental woes. The photo of your grandkids is adorable. Those murals look amazing. Thank you for your weekend coffee share.


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