Putting Fingers to Keyboard....#WQ: Do Your Best

It's another week of  Wednesday Quotes, hosted by Marsha from Always Write. If you're interested in joining, you can find more about #WQ here. 

I mentioned a week or so ago that Marsha is doing things a bit different with #WQ due to some new responsibilities she has. She has done away with weekly "themes" and is leaving it up to us, the fellow bloggers to choose what we want to write about. 

There may be weeks I take time to write a separate post, which I do like doing, or I may include it in my Weekend Coffee share post, or Sunday Stills post. It just depends on how my week is going. I try to make it around to comment and I have some fun link parties that I like to do posts for. 

This morning I was questioning whether I had chose a WOTY (so clearly if I had, I haven't been thinking about it.) Turns out I did. That word is "nourish". Here's the link to my post about it. While this hasn't been at the forefront of my mind, as I sit here, I realize I have done a few things that have been nourishing for me.

I have: 

Joined a book study that one of my best HS classmates is doing through her church..we meet via Google meet (or whatever it's called). We're on the second book. The first one was Do the New You by Steven Furtick, and the second is "Unlocking Your Emotions" by Jennie Allen.

I've been more protective of my time, not quickly saying yes when someone asks me to do something but also working on being spontaneous. 

I've been trying to be more aware of how I'm feeling, Physically, emotionally, mentally. 

I've been trying to be kinder to my body. Though I do need to push myself a bit when it comes to exercise.

Sometimes a WOTY can be just as detrimental as a resolution if we're not careful. The thought came to me...just do your best. A few weeks ago my grandson (who is 5) raced in his first motocross race. He said "I don't know if I'll win, but I'll just do my best". This is from a kid who LOVES to win and is competitive. 

Just do your best. Have fun. Enjoy the journey, whatever that may be. 

"Always do your best in whatever you do;
set goals and seek challenges;
become a role model for those
coming behind you;
always have God in your heart"
~C.F. Bolden Jr

Doing your 
looks different 
each day

Sometimes if we're not careful, we can get caught up in the "it's not enough, perfect enough, good enough"...but it is! It just might look different. 

What are some ways I still want to work on "nourishing" every area of my life?

*Continue to fall back in love with cooking and baking more...try new recipes, make pasta, breads, etc. Find more family recipes. 

*Speaking of family, I want to learn more stories of family history. 

*I want to continue to be creative and try new things.

*Regular walks/hikes, just being in nature.

*Spend more time outside in my yard (I don't have many flowers or plants so there's not always a lot to do).

*reading, working on puzzles

*Spending time with friends. 

*Continue to learn to fall in love with me, in each season and phase and change I am in and go through. 

With Joy Unquenchable,


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