Putting Fingers to Keyboard....#WQ 2024 : WOTY Inspiration

It's another week of  Wednesday Quotes, hosted by Marsha from Always Write. If you're interested in joining, you can find more about #WQ here.

I'm excited about the 2024 #WQ...Marsha has some great new ideas for this year. You can find that info in the link above, or in her most recent post here

For this weeks theme, I'm sharing my inspiration for my WOTY. It has taken me awhile to choose my word, and I'll be honest, I'm not entirely sure the direction I'll take it, but I like it and it fits with my word from last year. My 2023 WOTY was Savor. You can find that post here. I feel as though I didn't lean into it as much as I hoped, so maybe I'll combine the two words...my WOTY for 2024? Nourish

Do you see how the two can go together....Nourish and Savor

 What I nourish, I should then savor. Or savor it as I'm taking in that nourishment. Not just "inhale" it quickly. Ooooh, I'm getting excited. 

When we were in college, we'd finish classes, go change and head to the cafeteria for lunch. We had to eat fairly quickly in order to get to work on time. We didn't have time to sit and enjoy whatever we were eating, usually the wonderful homemade rolls that were made and were the best with butter and honey. OH MY WORD! 

Savor = taste (good food or drink) and enjoy it completely; regarding a moment or experience or memory...intentionally focusing your attention on the positive aspects of it, taking the time to appreciate and enjoy it.

Nourishprovide with the food or other substances necessary for growth, health, and good condition. keep (a feeling or belief) in one's mind, typically for a long time. To cherish, foster, keep alive. How you treat yourself in every aspect of life. It's taking exquisite care of yourself. It's how you talk to yourself and about yourself to others. 

Aren't those definitions amazing. What are ways I can "nourish" myself?

*Get good sleep
*Pursue interests
*Get out in fresh air
*Take care of my skin
*Eat nourishing foods
*Spend time with others
*Take time to do things I love
*Learn new skills
*Try new things

I want to nourish my relationships, nourish my interests, nourish trying and learning new things, nourish creativity. AND THEN, I want to savor all of this in the midst of doing it. It's so easy to rush through things, reading, crafting, etc. We're in a hurry to move on to the next thing. 

For fun, I thought I'd look up books that had to do with savoring and nourishing our lives, and two of the books that came up under both words, are books I have. I also just got another new book that I feel like would be a great "nourishing and savoring" book, so I think this year I'll be intentional about reading them. 

Lovely by Melissa Michaels
All Things Lovely by Jen Johnson
Coming Home by Layla Palmer. 

I read a one liner that said "Nourish to flourish" and that about sums it all up doesn't it. If we want to flourish in the areas of our lives, we HAVE GOT TO nourish them.  Without further ado, here are some great quotes I found around my WOTY. 

I'm looking forward to this...looking forward to a new year of #WQ. I want to challenge myself to learn how to right simple type poems, to stir creativity through writing. 

This weekend is supposed to be cold and snowy, a perfect time to start diving into my word(s) of the year. 

Marsha also talked about organizing in her post and often we use January to do some organizing....well, I do. I'm taking down Christmas decor and it's a great time to do a little deeper organizing, and cleaning. My stuff is mostly put away, just a handful of things still to do, which will happen this weekend, and next week, while my hubby is gone for a work trip, I am reorganizing some of my kitchen cupboards. 

One of the ways my life, and my husbands life is nourished is by being organized. He is much more organized than I am. I know someone else might come to our house and think it's not as organized as theirs, and I may go to someones house and think it's not as organized as mine, but that's not the point...the point is, what is organization to ME, to OUR family. What makes our lives flow easier. 

With Joy Unquenchable,


  1. Wonderful, Kirstin. I love the thoughts that help me think about organization as well as nourishing and savoring. I remember those days of hurrying through lunch. All through school, really a pathway of life. We have been trained that way to hurry up and eat so we can go play! :) I am excited about you writing poems. You would love Colleen's Tanka Tuesday. I usually combine my WQ post with Tanka Tuesday and write a poem about the weather. She will teach you all you need to know about the different forms of poetry. Your list will guide each day! What a great New Year we will have this year together!

    1. Thank you marsha! I did try her tanka tuesday one time and it was fun. I need to do it again.

  2. I haven't landed on a word yet, but I like yours. I find when I have a word it turns up in some unexpected ways throughout the year.


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