Tuesday Four.....Brands

Brands or Not??


It's time again for Tuesday 4 hosted by Anne from Cottage by the sea. Published each week in memory of Toni Taddeo, it's original author.We keep Toni Taddeo's original idea alive here with 4 questions each week to get you blogging, visiting and  learning about yourself and other bloggers.   The more people join in, the merrier and the better it gets. We are always looking for topics, subjects and ideas so feel free to chime in if you have idea.

1.   Food: ~ Do you buy brand names or go for the cheaper store name brand? I used to go for cheapest I could find, but now it's more about quality and I try to buy organic, less processed, items. Sometimes that means I will buy the store brand of organic item. I look for deals and sales, but a lot of times the items I'm shopping for aren't on sale, which is sad. 

2.   Clothes: ~ Wear designer jeans/slacks with a brand name or regular department store jeans/slacks? I've never really been a brand name person. We really couldn't afford brand name growing up and honestly, unless I REALLY love it, I'd rather save my money. I've had Walmart jeans, that have lasted me forever, but I also got a pair of jeans from someone and LOVED them...they were name brand...when they wore out and I wanted another pair, I bought them on Poshmark. I spent $30 rather than $80. So I'm not opposed to hitting the thrift stores either. 

3.   Handbags: ~ Buy a designer bag or look for a less expensive copy? I could care less. I buy what's functional. Usually I look at Ross. the one I use now, I actually bought at a small leather store in Italy in 2019. It's still going strong! I don't look for "copies" either. I just really don't care about brands at all. I'm not trying to impress anyone.

4.   Shoes: ~ You get the drift, designer or a cheaper copy? Here, I care a bit more, but only because my feet are important and I want a quality shoe...so it doesn't have to do with "designer" as much as quality and comfort. One of my favorite pairs of boots was from target. Also, I don't wear dress shoes that often. For example, I almost always have worn adidas athletic shoes. They fit my feet the best, and we'd shop at the employee store when my husbands company would get passes. However, a few years ago, I started having an issue with one of my feet, and have since moved to wearing a wider toe box shoe in all regards. This can be tricky and expensive. Wider toe box, barefoot, minimalist shoes are harder to find, and usually more expensive. I've found a few comparable brands on Amazon, like Whitin, but also wear some Xero shoes. I've yet to find the perfect boot...because not only would it need to be a wider toe box (which there are some), it also needs to be a wide calf (which I can't find). I did find some ankle type boots that I really like. 


  1. We think alike! I think as we get older, we don't care what others think. We think about being practical, comfortable and even healthier for our well being!

    1. Hahaha! I agree...I really don't care what people think.


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