Wednesday Hodgepodge

It's time for Wednesday Hodgepodge with Joyce, who blogs at From This Side of The Pond.  Each week she'll pose some questions for us to answer. What a great way to journal life.

1. Did you celebrate St. Patrick's Day in some way?  We didn't celebrate it. We had company coming over, and I made Italian stuffed shells instead. If so tell us how. Are you a fan of corned beef? I Love corned beef and I'm actually making it for dinner tonight (Tuesday) Cabbage? Yes, I love cabbage. Tonight I'm going to make Colcannon with bacon and cabbage. I'm excited to see how it tastes. The color green? Yes, green is one of my favorite colors.  

2. March 22nd is National Goof Off Day...will you celebrate? Well, I'm babysitting so I'm sure there will be some goofiness going on.  Your favorite way to goof off? Dance around and be silly, to sing loud. On another note, if we think of goofing off as doing anything we want at our leisure with no other commitments, I'd say just spending time outside exploring, driving around, browsing a book or thrift store, etc. Last time you had a whole day to spend 'goofing off'? Hmmm...not sure about an entire day, but Saturday was kind of that kind of day. 

3. Something on your to-do list that has been there more than a month? Hmmmm....there is an item that has sat on the to-do list and I'm hoping to get it off the list this next week. Will this be the month you finally cross it off? Yes, that is my plan...whether it is transferred to someone else to take care of, or at least the communication aspect with a family member be finalized. 

4. In your opinion, what emotion is the most beneficial? Which one is the least useful? Hmmmm...that's a tough one because I do believe there is a place for emotions and even those that we often deem negative emotions can be beneficial or useful when expressed correctly and move us toward becoming better versions of ourselves. I don't think shame ever serves us well. I suppose though if we're categorizing, I'd say joy is the most beneficial, and shame or hostility is the least useful.

5. What was your favorite thing to do as a kid?  Playing outside or reading. Elaborate. We lived in a great neighborhood and across the street from our house was a huge wooded lot with trails all throughout it and a creek that ran behind it. We spent hours and hours riding bikes, running around, playing in and around the creek. We would walk to the river and play around the rocks. I also just loved being in my room and reading. My favorite books were Trixie Belden and Nancy Drew. 

6. Insert your own random thought here.  Keeping it short here this week. I'm short on my steps for the day (my goal is at least 10,000, and I'm under 6,000 and it's already 5:00pm), so I need to get those in and get dinner going. Just a busy day. I'll share more on my Weekend Coffee Share on Friday and perhaps I'll share more next Wednesday!

With Joy Unquenchable,


  1. It's funny you mentioned shame; I just watched a youtube video the other day on what role that has played in humanity. For example, you were shamed if you did something that sullied the good name of your family. In some ways, it serves to show you what you should and should not do.

    1. that is true. I like to think that if we did something that brought "shame", that there is hope for redemption and restoration.

  2. Hi,
    I also chose joy.
    I did not think of shame, well said.
    Happy Spring,

    1. Thank you for visiting. I need to make the rounds

  3. Joy was my choice, too. Hope that item on your to do list gets taken care of. Happy Spring to you!

  4. I loved the Nancy Drew books too. I still have them boxed up for my grandchildren. Going through those boxes is on my to do list lol. Enjoy your day!

    1. Oh, that is awesome. We had such little space when we got married that I didn't take anything from my childhood and I think my dad got rid of most of it after my mom died. Which is so sad to me.

  5. Your childhood sounds wonderful. I loved Nancy Drew!

    1. It had it's ups and downs, but I think for the most part it was good.

  6. Yum, you cabbage dinner sounds delicious. Sounds like you have a fun time goofing off. Isn't it amazing what we would do as kids yet we really don't want kids today to do those things. We used to play in the woods. Way to go on doing steps. I've never gotten into doing that. I did go on my treadmill yesterday which was nice. It's been awhile because of my lung issues. Hope you enjoy your weekend.

    1. Thank you Debby. Yes, it is amazing, and maybe a bit sad, but also a sign of the times and what our world has become.


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