Weekend Coffee Share...Come Sit with Me

It's another week of Weekend Coffee Share. I always love everyone's posts. Are you like me and try to visit everyone? It doesn't always happen but I try. I have loved getting to know different bloggers and I figure if they take the time to write a post, I'll find the time to visit, even if it's a week later. 

If we were having coffee we'd probably talk about:

The weather: We've had a beautiful week. Two days of mid to upper 90 temps (not so pleasant), but then back down to mid to upper 70's and that's been so nice. It looks like we'll be staying that way for the next few weeks. 

What we're thinking about: This morning I've been thinking a bit about this and that...I was watching some IG stories and one gal was reading a book called More Than a Body: Your body is an Instrument, Not an Ornament  by Lexie and Lindsay Kite. The title alone is powerful, but I read a few quotes from the sample on Amazon and also from what the lady I was following shared, and I went and bought it. It sounds so good. We are so hard on ourselves and often speak so negatively about our bodies, when they have carried us through so much in life. Another book I read Fierce, Free, Full of Fire by Jen Hatmaker, she talks in length about our bodies how we treat them. 

I feel like finding this new book is timely because I've been discouraged the last few months with my body seeming to be fighting against me, and all the strides I made forward with exercise and muscle tone and weight loss, seems to be going backwards and I feel like I'm starting back at the beginning and not liking how I look or feel. 

What we're thankful for: I'm thankful for all the people I've found to follow on social media...that I choose daily to follow people who add to my life even though I don't know them..by their inspirational, positive, encouraging, challenging posts. I'm daily learning, daily being challenged. I'm thankful that I choose NOT to follow people who feed negativity, bitterness, etc...that is draining and exhausting. I'm thankful for all the bloggers I have found in the various link parties that have gotten me back into blogging. So much great stuff and great people out there. 

What we're reading or wanting to read: Well, I tried starting two e-books, but they fell flat for me in the first few pages so I quit, and then thankfully the library book I put a hold on came in. It's another Karen Barnett book, Where the Fire Falls. I'm enjoying her books. We're getting ready to choose our next book club book which is going to be a lighter summer read. I'm slated to choose the following book selections which will be more thought provoking, heavy, serious, whatever you want to call them. I may go and browse some of the What's on your book shelf posts to get some ideas. A gal I follow on IG (Stages of Gray) shares books she's read, with ratings ?/10 and she had a few 10/10 that I may look into and they happen to be ones I have on my Amazon Reading list. I also put on my Amazon reading list a book called Hope's Table. It's a mennonite cookbook but looks so good. I just started following several mennonite gals in IG and a few were using it. 

Around the house: We bought potting soil for my big pots, now I just need to find and buy some plants...I can't wait, but I also can't help but see $$$. I'm thinking I'll put a larger plant in the middle that maybe is a perennial, then some smaller ones around the edge. I'd probably ask if you had any suggestions?

From the Kitchen: I haven't tried much new, I know, I sound like a broken record. I Honestly, I miss trying new recipes since hubby has been doing this Carnivore thing. Hoping he decides it's not for him..haha...I know I can make other things as well, but not all the time because he doesn't really have the self control to just eat the meat part of the meal. Soooo....I'd love to report something amazing I made or something new I tried, but I got nothing. I'll try to remedy that. 

Favorite Quote of the week: This week I chose to do a writers choice for #WQW. The theme I chose was "hometown". In our Tuesday Four link party one of the questions was about hometowns, which got me thinking "what defines hometown". Here are two of the quotes I found, and if you want to read my post you can go here. What are your thoughts on where you consider your hometown?

Favorite photo from the week: I need to take some pictures off my camera, but I loved this one of my MIL with the grandkids. She came up while I watched them Wednesday and they sat on the couch and ate raspberries together. 

What we've listened to or watched: I watched a good Ted Talk. Here's the link...it was by Julia Dhar and titled How to disagree productively and find common ground. She had another one about constructive conversations that was good as well. There's a few podcasts I plan to listen to but didn't have time this morning. 

Randomness: Last Saturday my youngest daughter and I went on a Mural Walk in downtown Vancouver, Wa which is the closest city about 20 minutes south of us. I have been inspired by Natalie's posting of Torontos murals, determined to go out and photograph ones I know are in our neighboring towns and cities. I did a separate post that you can find here because we found over 20. There are even more, that I'll have to go hunt for another day. The ones we found were in the downtown area. As I kept researching I found there are a few other spots they are trying to revitalize with murals. Portland, Oregon which is about 30 minutes south of us, and just over the Columbia River, also has many murals but I haven't ventured to find those. These downtown ones were easy because there were several we could just park the car and find several. 

This one was one of my favorites and the artist actually is the girl who did the paint and sip I went to in February. 

The rest of the week was just the usual working, babysitting, repeat. This weekend should be nice so I need to get out and do some weeding. I'd also like to maybe go to one of our local nurseries to look for some plants to fill my pots. 

I've been thinking a bit about upcoming vacations. Thinking about meals for our Ohio trip but I need to get serious about planning our October trip and finding air bnb's, etc. It feels a bit overwhelming so I think that's what's causing me to procrastinate. It's not like I'm just reserving one place, I need to reserve several and deciding what towns, how many nights, etc. 

Check out all the other posts on Weekend Coffee Share, hosted by Natalie the Explorer. I'm off to go visit some now. #weekendcoffeeshare

With Joy Unquenchable,


  1. I try to visit everyone too...don't always manage! Great post by the way!!

    1. Thank you, and thanks for visiting. Yes, sometimes it's hard to visit others but I try.

  2. It makes me happy to see someone mention social media in a positive context, about how you're thankful for the people you follow. There are truly good things with social media, and I'm also like you thankful for bloggers I'm connecting with through the link-ups and more.

    1. I totally agree. Thank you for visiting Susanne.

  3. What a happy, uplifting post. I love your positivity. The photo of the mural would make a great Thursday Doors entry.

    1. Thank you Suzanne...oh, yes, it would. I see people posting for that link and I'm like "how do they find so many doors". I suppose it can be just one door right? Maybe I'll submit it for a post.

  4. Hi Kirstin,
    I too avoid negative people, but try to retain those who disagree with me but are non-offensive about doing so. One of my best friends for about 35 years now disagrees with me about politics, religion and even on some moral areas, but we've been best friends for most of my adult life and we don't even avoid the hot spot topics, so I know it's possible. All that said, I confess that I'm a better person for having him as a friend for so long and I enjoy any time we spend together.

    1. YES. I agree. ...I can't only follow or be friends with those I agree with, otherwise I will never learn, never have an understanding of where others come from. And when it can be done in a mature way, all the better, even if neither of us changes our minds.

  5. Hi Kirstin - I do love a good wall mural and that one in the photograph was lovely - and your grandchildren are definitely high on the cuteness scale. Life seems to be treating you well and I hope it continues to do so.

  6. I am currently reading "The Sun is Also a Star" by Nicola Yoon and I've been enjoying it a lot. It's light and YA without being too cringey.


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