Tuesday Four....Looking Back


It's time again for Tuesday 4 hosted by Anne from Cottage by the sea. Published each week in memory of Toni Taddeo, it's original author.We keep Toni Taddeo's original idea alive here with 4 questions each week.  

This week we're going to get a bit nostalgic with our questions and answers. This should be fun. 

1. What music were your parents listening to when you were a kid? Lots of music from the 60's and 70's. We did love music.  Does that music bring back memories for you? Yes...hearing songs just reminds me of growing up and loving music. My dad was a drummer in a band though that was mostly before we were born but still kind of cool.

2. What was your favorite meal and beverage as a teenager? Oh boy, I don't know, I feel like my favorites changed regularly. After I got my braces off I wanted BBQ ribs and corn on the cob. I loved my moms cooking so I loved everything she made.  Is it still or have things changed for you? I still don't really have favorites. I feel like favorites change with my mood or with the seasons...I know...lame answer. 

3. As a teen did you live in a city, country, small town?  We lived in a small town just 40 minutes east of Seattle called North Bend. It's not quite so small anymore but still has a bit of the small town feel What was it like for you there.  I loved living there. We lived in a housing development that used to be part of the river bed a long time ago. We grew up running all around with friends, playing in the creek, river and woods.  Tell us about your hometown please? We moved there in the mid 1970's when I was in 4th grade. I loved a small town feel, where people knew each other. We were surrounded by mountains. There were 3 towns that made up the middle school and H.S., but each town had their own elementary school. If you've heard of Snoqualmie Falls, that was the next town over. Twin Peaks? That was filmed in our town. We were right off I-90 heading towards Snoqualmie Pass. Lots of tourism with the rivers and mountains.

4. Would you like to live in your hometown today? I would love to live in my hometown simply because I do have some friends who still live there and it is such a beautiful area. Why or why not? However, on the flip side, it's become so built up, and such a tourist area and sooooo expensive to live there, that I probably couldn't live there if I wanted to. It's only 2 1/2 hours from where I live now so I can go visit if I want. ALSO, fun fact, I have lived in my current town longer than in the town I call my "hometown"...which makes me ask, "what defines a hometown?" Is it where we originally lived? or where we've lived the longest? My family was originally from Ohio (that's where my parents were born and raised and lived until we moved to Washington).  I wish I had time to look for some pictures but I don't at the moment. 

With Joy Unquenchable,


  1. I enjoyed reading your answers. And I don't think your favorite foods answer was lame. My mom was a great cook and I loved most everything she made and it is hard to pick.

  2. Ya know, I was just thinking about that this morning also...I have lived in my current town for much longer that I lived in my hometown, but I have never felt like I belonged here in this town. I always feel at home in my hometown. It is nice and quiet where I live, just different. Loved your answers! Have a nice week.


  3. Yes, its a good question.. what defines home town? I have also lived here longer than I did in my home town. I think it has a lot to do with being a kid and those memories of that time.

    1. Thanks for visiting Annie. Yes, I agree with your thoughts on home town.

  4. That's some great music! Sounds like where you lived was a very nice place to grow up. That's a good point on what defines your hometown.

    1. Thank you. It was a great place. I need to get around later and read everyone's posts.


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