Taking in Life Around Me......#Sundaystills....Theme: Emerging

This #sundaystills challenge is hosted by Terri from Second Wind LeisureI've also been loving visiting the blogs of the other participants and being inspired by their interpretations of the theme. Sometimes I'm a week late commenting but I do try to visit everyone. After all, if you take the time to produce something, you sure hope people visit.

This weeks theme is Emerging. To emerge means to become prominent or apparent. Coming to existence, to maturity.

2018 found me taking the plunge and letting my silver hair emerge. No more coloring for me. It has been quite the journey. You can read about it here. I was tired of trying to keep up with it and my hair grows so fast, I was done using commercial, chemical dyes, and the henna just wasn't covering it like I wanted. So I decided to embrace it. Very rarely do I regret it, and even then, it's not really regret, it's more annoyance, and that usually stems from me feeling a lack of self confidence at the given moment. Most days I love it, and I often get compliments on it. Well, except the one day a customer asked my co-worker and I if we were mother and daughter...she's in her early-ish 40's but looks freakishly young. I had no words...lol. 

December 2021. It's mostly all grown out...there are still darker areas but it's no longer from color but my natural hair. I never colored my hair far from the natural color anyways, which was dark brown. 

My daughter emerging from the pool on our 2018 vacation to Florida in humid August. They figured out how to play Spike Ball in the water. 

My first piece of "art" emerging from the canvas and my fingers. Final product below. 

My grandson emerging from a dino egg at Jurassic Quest last November. Such a great event. 

I so badly wanted to see a whale emerging from these Puget Sound waters last August, but it didn't happen. Maybe someday. 

Spring crocus above emerging from the ground, and finally my lilacs below are beginning to bloom. I love the smell of them and would have bouquets all over my house, but my husband dislikes the smell about as much as I like it, so I just go enjoy the fragrance outside. 

I feel like the word emerging goes along with my WOTY which is Unfold(ing). What parts of me will unfold/emerge this year as I stretch myself to get out of my comfort zone. I wrote more about my WOTY here for a #WQW. I hope that I am as excited for those as I am when I see new flowers coming from the ground. Will I emerge out of areas that held me back and into areas where I will flourish. Will I emerge from lack of confidence and into confidence in some areas. Sometimes it's easy to let our WOTY's slip to the wayside, but I'm really determined to focus this year and come to the end of the year celebrating where I've come. 

With Joy Unquenchable,


  1. Oh the gorgeous emerging lilacs! They haven't yet emerged here yet--getting close though. Kirstin, I love how you went natural. Your hair is thick and curly and the gray with your blue eyes and skin tone is beautiful! Embrace it! Thanks for including that definition, too. Very helpful. Your WOTY unfolding definitely goes with the SS theme. I love when that happens! Thanks for sharing and have a wonderful week!

    1. Isn't it crazy how the area we are in can affect bloom time, sometimes only a few miles away. Aww thank you on the hair. I can see how in the photo my eyes look blue but they are actually green. They were blue when I was born and I'm not sure at what point they changed. My dad had blue eyes and my mom dark brown....technically I shouldn't have green...lool. You have a wonderful week too..


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