Wednesday Hodgepodge

It's time for Wednesday Hodgepodge with Joyce, who blogs at From This Side of The Pond.  Each week she'll pose some questions for us to answer. What a great way to journal life.

1. Besides the predictable name-rank-serial number, what's something you know by heart? Thinking of the non-obvious things, I work for a postal annex that has almost 300 mail boxes..I have many of the boxholders names and which box number they are memorized. 

2. Something recently that had you tickled pink? Hosting our granddaughters first birthday party in the new part of our house, getting the gas stove hooked up. Just means we're that much closer to moving in.

3. How do you define the word romantic, and are you one? Well, I know that romantic could be looked at a few different ways. I think when I typically think of the word romantic, I think of it in an idealized sense, like when I'm reading a fiction book...haha. However the realist in me, thinks more practically and thinks of romance in terms of being aware of the other persons heart, likes, love language and doing or saying things that touch them. For example, you could give me roses, but what is more romantic is wildflowers, or mixed bouquets because they are my favorites. 

4. Finish this verse with your own original thought....'Roses are red, violets are blue...

Roses are red, violets are blue, you do the dishes and I'll cook for you. 

5. Five little things you are loving right now? a sketchpad I bought to keep clippings or things I find that mean something to me. Spring bulbs popping through. My new puzzle table. Reading. Sunshine.

6. Insert your own random thought here. Heading to babysit the grandkids soon. The weather is supposed to be nice so I'm really hoping to get outside with them. They don't have much of a yard but we can do sidewalk chalk on the patio.

This afternoon when I'm done, I'm meeting my hubby in town to look at furniture for the new part of our house. I'll be honest, I'm kind of tired of making decisions...we have different taste, so finding things that we agree on and both like without feeling like one of us is compromising too much is exhausting sometimes. 

I'm also having a tough week of my monthly cycle so that hasn't been fun. But I will focus on the positives! 

With Joy Unquenchable,


  1. Love your completed Roses are Red verse!

  2. Hi,
    I like your poem. :-)
    I hope your time picking out furniture went well. I know it is hard.. I get it.

  3. Well that is pretty amazing about the mail box #'s you remember. How fun was that hosting the party? I bet everyone loved the new space. I like your answer on being romantic. That's a great ending to the Roses are red. Hope you had some luck with the furniture.

  4. I love the way you finished "roses are red"!! I love seeing party food on your island. What is it about party food that makes it so good? The occasion? The butter? haha!

  5. The ending of your poem is the deal my husband and I struck long ago; though now we have the kids helping out and dishes is almost always someone else's chore.

  6. Your last line of the poem would be reversed in my house - hubby cooks, I clean up and sometimes that is a BIG task lol! How lovely to celebrate a first birthday.


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