Weekend Coffee Share.......Come Sit with Me

It's another week of Weekend Coffee Share. I always love everyone's posts. Are you like me and try to visit everyone? It doesn't always happen but I try. 

If we were having coffee we'd probably talk about:

What we're thinking about: Right now I'm thinking about my cousin who had surgery yesterday to have some cancerous lymph nodes removed. I hate cancer! I hate all sickness and disease and it just makes me more intentional with how I live, and move and eat to give myself the best possible chance of living a long and healthy life. 

I'm also thinking about Thanksgiving and getting ready to decorate for Christmas. Maybe you and I would talk about what we're bringing to the table. My MIL always hosts so I'll be bringing my from scratch green bean casserole and one other thing that I can't remember, or maybe not. The casserole is so good even haters have loved it. One daughter is avoiding dairy right now so I may play with it a bit to make it non-dairy. 

I'm thinking about doing a "purge" of sorts around the house so when we are ready to shift more to the other side of the house, the current side is organized. We'll use our current living area more as a family room/workout room. 

What we're thankful for: A great group of gals I work with, a great boss, and the people who cross my path everyday. The other day two brothers came in. They were probably in their 70's and boy were they fun. Ribbing each other, chatting with us. I loved it. We hugged a lady who recently lost her spouse and had come in to fax some paperwork. When you live in a small town you become familiar with people, and you can see how much it means when you remember them and treat them well. 

What we're reading: So my book club book delivery said it was now coming January 3rd...uhhh. what! It has left Alabama and Georgia and must be going on a road trip for a month. Soooo, I did NOT want to buy another book so I signed up for the trial of Kindle unlimited on Amazon, got the book free, and will cancel when the trial ends. Lol. So I did start that. Wow, it's good but boy, some parts of it are hitting home with what I've gone through with losing my dad and dysfunction in the family. I usually read at night, but I have to be careful not to thin too much about things before I fall asleep otherwise I won't....fall asleep that is. 

Around the home: Our propane tank was delivered on Wednesday. Yay. My hubby picked up the back splash for the kitchen. That's about it. My daughter plans to put up our Christmas village this weekend I believe, so we'll start decorating and get tree next weekend. 

From the Kitchen: This week I've worked late every day and Wednesday I babysat and was so tired I didn't feel like cooking. My hubby brought home some sushi, and I ate oatmeal.  

But the meals I did make were Spicy shrimp over creamy cauliflower rice (I add more spinach and asparagus to this), chicken in the crockpot, zuppa toscana. Tonight or tomorrow I'll be making either breaded fish or fish tacos, depending on what everyone feels like. I found this recipe that sounded good. 

Favorite Quote: These were from my #WQWWC this week. The theme was silence. These were two of my favorites. I think they are so true and resonate so much with me. If we were having coffee maybe we'd chat about what they mean to us.  Is the quiet place talked about and actual place we visit, within our own homes, or just in our minds. 

Favorite Photo(s) of the week:
My mother in law stopped by while I was babysitting on Wednesday. She was in town (my daughter lives about 20 minutes north of us) for a memorial service. She is such an amazing great grandma, but it definitely makes me miss my own mom and that she's missing out on great grandkids.
These two munchkins love each other so much, and are learning to play together. The other day his baby sister was crawling away crying, and he was getting ready to jump off the couch and run. His mom said "indy don't run", to which he replied "I have to run, Pepper's in trouble". Lol. He's quite the character and I think will be protective of his baby sister. 
I just love this little chunky monkey. She's loud, cute, happy, serious. Can't wait for her to start walking. In a few weeks, we'll be watching both of them for 5 nights. Ya'll start praying for me now. I wish I didn't have to work, but December is our busy month so I'll have to shuttle them to babysitters while I'm gone. 

What we're listening to or watched: I listened to a Jen Hatmaker Podcast with Danielle Walker, and also part of another one but I'm drawing a blank on the guest she had. I've wanted to sit and catch up on a few cooking shows but I haven't had a chance. 

Randomness: I won another contest. This one was awhile back and I actually thought maybe I hadn't won, and then I was just expecting a couple jars of pickled beets. It was for a "girlfriends gathering together" contest or something like that. I won a $25 gift card for amazon, and then like I said, what I thought was a couple jars of pickled beets. This is what I got in the mail the other day.

That's a lot more than I expected. Can't wait to try them, though I am a bit bummed that they have High Fructose Corn Syrup (yuck). I try my best to avoid that at all costs, but since I do, I suppose using these up will be okay. 

I thought I had something else I was going to randomly share, but now I just can't remember. Oh well. If I think of it I'll add it or share it next week. 

Check out all the other posts on Weekend Coffee Share, hosted by Natalie the Explorer. I'm off to go visit some now. #weekendcoffeeshare

With Joy Unquenchable,


  1. Love the photos with your mother-in-law playing with the kids! How sweet. I know you'll enjoy the time babysitting them. #weekendcoffeeshare

    1. I do love babysitting them, and she is so wonderful with them too. It always makes me wish my mom was here to enjoy them. She passed away 18 years ago

  2. Congrats on your win! So sweet to see your MIL playing with your grandkids and the two adorable siblings together. Happy Thanksgiving week to you and your family! Thank you for linking up with #weekendcoffeeshare.

    1. Thank you Natalie. Looking forward to yummy food for dinner

  3. Those are going to be some fun and exhausting 5 days! LOL. I'm hosting Thanksgiving this year and funny enough the only disk I'm not making is green bean casserole; my mom makes one completely from scratch that my son just loves so she's bringing that. My baker will help out with the desserts and the bread too so I'm not all that concerned. Congrats on winning the giveaway!

    1. Haha. Yes they are. And it's our busy season at work, so I really couldn't take time off, otherwise I would have. Sounds like a great plan for TG!

  4. Those grandbabies are just gorgeous Kirstin and I love that there great grandmother was down on the floor playing - so few from that generation seem to manage playtime anymore - they tend to sit and watch - which is rather sad really. Good luck with the 5 nights of babysitting - 3 nights seems to be our limit before we start feeling our age!

    1. They are pretty darn cute. she is so amazing with all her grandkids and a real kid at heart. Oh my. My grandson had me running around dancing today, and I thought to myself, "this is why I exercise and try to stay healthy. " lol.


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