Weekend Coffee Share.....Come Sit With Me

Check out all the other posts on Weekend Coffee Share, hosted by Natalie the Explorer. I'm off to go visit some now. #weekendcoffeeshare

If we were having coffee we might discuss the following things. I'd share my thoughts and ask you yours. 

The Weather: Oh my goodness! We hit I believe 108 last Saturday, about the same on Sunday, maybe a little warmer, and then a record 115 on Monday. That was NOT fun. I know there are areas that are used to this, but not in our area of the PNW. Many people don't have AC. Asphalt was melting, siding on houses and apartment complexes was buckling. Ice was nowhere to be found. I worked Monday and we do not have AC. We do have some small stand up AC units but they couldn't keep up. The doors constantly open and close throughout the day. We decided to close at 3:00 after all our delivery drivers came and did their pickups (I work for a postal annex). I think by the time I left, it was almost as hot inside as it was outside. We are cooling down...the temps actually dropped pretty quick and the last few days have been overcast but still warm. 70's and 80's. 

What I'm thinking about: Assumptions. Isn't it crazy how easy people jump to conclusions and make assumptions without knowing something fully. As I read posts on FB, especially public community pages, sometimes I just shake my head and have to scroll on by. Sheesh. 

What I'm thankful for: I'm thankful that I am exactly who I am. Sure life has thrown some curve balls that maybe morphed who I "was" to what I am, in maybe a not so positive way, say, for example, my sometimes lack of self confidence, BUT for the most part I am thankful that I have a laid back personality that doesn't get easily worked up, doesn't stress over things easily and can let things roll off my back...usually. 

What I'm reading or have read: Still reading my usuals that I've been reading. My new book club book is arriving tomorrow so I can't wait to get that started. We decided to read "The Last Thing He Told Me". I hope it's a good one. If you haven't read "Miss Benson's Beetle" I recommend it. It's a fun and easy read and filled with little tidbits that I have marked with my book darts. 

Around the house: My plants survived the heat..I was a bit worried, but they made it. I know others have lost many of their plants. One of my blueberry bushes has one branch that looks dead, but overall they all look good and berries are turning blue. I'll have a harvest clear through September if I'm lucky.

Our drywall is hung. They now have to come back and tape, texture, and do whatever else they need to do. This photo is just one small part. I need to go out and take a video. I'm so excited. It feels like it's all coming together. Later this morning we are heading to Portland to look at granite. Hopefully we can make a decision. I think we have narrowed down cabinet and island color and flooring. 

If all goes well, we should be able to be in that section by November. We are having a possible issue with our electrical panel so hopefully that can be figured out and it's not major. 

What I'm learning, realizing or understanding: In a kind of funny way, I'm learning why most people have kids when they're younger. Sometimes when I'm babysitting my two grandbabies I think "how in the world did I raise two children". I'm tired by the time I'm done. I also realized that we so easily lose our sense of imagination as we get older, and there's nothing like a little child to bring it back. My grandson is into everything T-Rex, and we run around (or he drives his little jeep) around on our property with his "gun", which is a long piece of wood, hunting T-Rex. I love how he jumps in and out of his jeep. If his Poppi or our friend are home, they have to be the T-Rex. 

I've done terrible with my Duolingo. Not beating myself up, just haven't had time.  

From the Kitchen: With the heat we had this last week I didn't do much cooking, even though we had AC. We enjoyed salad one night, shrimp tacos and corn on the cob another, and on Wednesday we just ate whatever we wanted. Next Monday I'm off so I plan to make some homemade Twix bars and some sourdough bread. This weekend we are going to a 4th of July BBQ at friends house so I'm making baked beans. I have this recipe that I typically make but I may try to find another recipe. 

Favorite quote from the week: Our theme for Writers Quote Wednesday Challenge was "freedom". This was one of the quotes I shared. I love it. Here's my post with the rest of the quotes. 

What I listened to: I haven't had time to listen to much, but heard this song for the first time and really liked it.     

I know some people aren't really into music, but music is something that really speaks to me, lifts my spirits, brings me joy and sometimes clarity.

Random Happenings: The youth group that my girls help pastor and lead (it is the one we were youth pastors of for almost 20 years) is doing their annual fireworks sale fundraiser. So many memories of a very long week with very long hours, but so fun. We've been babysitting the grandkids when we've been able so our oldest daughter can be there to help. It's their biggest and really only fundraiser they need to do. Sadly this may be their last year as more people are pushing counties to ban the sale and use of them. It does make me sad, and I know many have strong opinions, BUT I also believe that the, sorry to say, "idiots", who light them off irresponsibly are still going to get them and light them off. People complain about the noise, or fire danger...which I get...but we also don't ban cigarettes and how many people throw their hot butts out the windows or accidentally catch their house on fire when they fall asleep with one in their hands. Anyways, I don't always feel like banning things is the answer. I know some areas are always dry, and this makes more sense, it's not always the case here in the PNW. Okay, that's my rant. 

I'm babysitting and working tomorrow (Saturday) so I know I'll be wiped out by the end of the day. 

Last Wednesday I went to the dentist for the 3rd time to have the permanent crown put on one tooth (I think I mentioned this last week). Well, the dentist still wasn't happy with how the lab made it, so they took a new mold and hopefully the next one works. I wasn't happy because it was a waste of my time. I had an appointment after that to get the tires rotated on my car but was also hoping to run a few "fun" errands since I don't get to the city that often anymore. Well those didn't happen except for the car appointment. We get them done at Costco and I always enjoy walking around there. We LOVE Costco. I am easily amused and little things make me happy, like tire inflation stations (they use nitrogen so you shouldn't really use regular air to fill up their tires), new self check out lines, AND samples are back to try. Whoo hoo! Still, I had wanted to stop at Goodwill and a kids consignment store, but just didn't have the time. 

Photo of the week: We have two acres of property, one is down a slope, the other is usable. There are always deer, rabbits, and birds that frequent the property. I love seeing them, I hate when they eat my plants. This little guy and his mama were in the back yard yesterday evening. 

That's it for this week. Have a great week everyone and thanks for visiting. I'll be making my rounds to visit all of you soon...it takes me awhile. 

With Joy Unquenchable,



  1. The blessing of having a laidback personality, not easily affected by all the random emergencies of others are highly underrated.. That is truly something to be grateful for. I lived several years in Northern California, and I am very familiar with those temperatures you mentioned. In the beginning high temperatures didn't affect me at all, but after a few years it was like if my body had enough and nowadays 80F is hard. Smart to not do much cooking during the hot days. I enjoyed having coffee with you.

    1. I suppose if I lived in an area with regular high temps I'd be used to it, but we just aren't used to that here. Phew it was not fun.

  2. Wow, your weather certainly sounds crazy! We had a heat record of 104 here in the Netherlands two summers back, but 115, wowah!

    I'm so happy you're able to be thankful for who you are.

  3. Yep, that is crazy hot! We had temps in the mid 90's here with lots of humidity but it seems like overnight our weather has done an about face and it only supposed to be in the upper 50's now tomorrow. Living on the lake we can see just how fast and how much rain is coming down; we've had rain for nearly 2 or 3 days straight now and most of the docks are mostly under water! I really enjoyed The Last Thing He Told Me; a non- scary mystery that left me guessing.

    1. We don't have the high humidity so that is good. We could use some rain, especially with the 4th of july coming up. Hopefully no major fires. Thanks for the report on the book. I was in charge this month of finding books for people to vote on...It was so hard to decide.

  4. Hi Kirstin - crazy hot weather for you guys. We often get 100+ degree days in Summer in Australia...but we have aircon to compensate. Some of the temps I've seen reported lately from Canada have been beyond crazy - soooo hot! You're completely right about how tiring grandkids are, I think it's because we're so focused on the fact that we need to make their visits safe and special - unlike with our own kids where they just got on with things. We love having our g/girls visit for a few days each school holidays - but we're wiped out for the rest of the week once we've taken them home again! We must be getting old!!

    1. Haha...yes. So different than when we are parents.

  5. Kirstin we had the heat wave here too. I don't have an air conditioner so air mattresses were set up in the basement because it stays cooler and sleep is important. I am glad we are back to a more reasonable temperature!

    I love the way children's imaginations are so powerful it takes over. I have been sifting through older posts on my blog and I found one called "A Great Drive Home." You made me think of it when you mentioned T-Rex and your grandson:

    1. Oh man, I'm so sorry. I talked to several people who did the same thing by going to the basement. I too am glad we are back to more bearable temps with cooler evenings and mornings so windows can be open. I know their imaginations are awesome. I'll read your post. It sounds fun. Thanks for visiting.

    2. Oh my Gosh! I just read your story. I couldn't comment though so came back here. THat is hilarious and so much like my grandson (he's 3)..."T-rex...RUNNNNN". Or "Nonni, put your window up so T rex doesn't get us". I just love it so much. At 3 he knows his dinosaurs, at least a few. He loves to watch a show called T-Rex Ranch.

  6. Hi Kirstan. Some of my team at work live in Bellevue WA and so I heard all about the shocking heat wave. Wow! That never happened when I lived there in the lats 1970s. Glad you gys came through okay. Those kind of temperatures just shut me down.

    All the towns nearby us are, watch this carefully - banning the use of fireworks but allowing all the little stands to sell them all over town. I can't help but laugh at them all. What do they think is really going to happen here?

    I'm going to join you with calling some of these folks idiot too and yes, I'm kind of tired ob being punished for someone else's bad behavior.

    1. I grew up 30 miles east of Bellevue...Yes, the temps were nasty. Lol....I am tired too for being punished for someone else. I get the fire danger, but hardly any of them have been caused by fireworks. So it is a bit frustrating. Thank you for visiting. I always appreciate it.

  7. Kirstin, I hope the temperatures get back to seasonal to give you some relief. Looks like your house project is coming along nicely. The young deer is beautiful. Have a great weekend! Thank you for linking with #weekendcoffeeshare.

    1. It is getting there (the temps and the house projects). I love the deer and seeing them. THey make me mad though when they eat my plants. Then I think they look good for dinner..lol

  8. Hard to imagine summer at the moment down here! Love that little deer.

    1. Haha...I bet. On those really hot days, I envied you all! He is sure a cutie...I love when he bounds after his mama.

  9. While I know how hard it can be with too hot weather (we're regulars in Italy in the summer), I'd love to get some! However, our weather has been brilliant this week, even when it's been raining or windy, the temperatures have been good enough. I still miss some really hot weather. Maybe it will come.
    I totally agree about assumptions... people! They can be so stupid, and annoying, and these days I mostly scroll past everything in my Twitter feed.
    Hope you'll get a good week ahead!


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