Word of the Year 2021: Cultivate

December came and went and I hadn't chosen a word for 2021 yet. It seemed a bit daunting. Then I thought about just using my word from last year, because let's be honest, 2020 came and everything went out the door, including my word, which was "Delight". I just got so distracted by everything that I didn't even really think about my word...I was finding it hard to "delight" in anything when I could hardly venture out, was still working and not really able to enjoy or explore like I wanted to. I wasn't even able to really "stay home" in order to "delight" in quiet or doing something different. It was just a weird space to be in.

Recently, I was again thinking of this and had opened my post from last year because I thought "well, why not make last years word, this years word?". But as I read that post, find it here, another word jumped out at me, and I thought, "hmmm, that seems a bit more fitting". That word is Cultivate. While I still like the idea of the word "delight" and may use it another time, this year still feels wonky and not quite "right" but the word Cultivate seemed to fit a little bit better. You know how you have a puzzle piece that seems like it goes in a spot but really, it's just a tiny bit "off" and isn't in it's right place, well, that's how the word "delight" feels this year...fits, but just not quite right. 

Let's look at some definitions of the word "Cultivate"

● Prepare and use (land for crops or gardening)
● Apply oneself to improving or developing
● To nurture and help grow
● To direct special attention to; to devote time and thought to

Seems pretty fitting for this year right? So I'm hoping to spend the year cultivating; physically, spiritually and mentally. I was just talking to a friend at work yesterday about my desire to get my container garden going again this year. I enjoy cultivating seeds and watching them grow, or learning why they don't grow or produce. There's something about working with dirt, with seeds, seeing something from start to finish. I'm excited. 

So, what am I wanting to cultivate this year? I think this will develop as months go on, but I want to cultivate:

❤ Peace: That always seems to be a "pat answer" but it's so vital to our health and well being...mental, spiritual and physical health. I want to cultivate peace in myself but also in others. I want our home, the atmosphere around me wherever I go to exude peace. 

❤ Knowledge and learning: I want to always be learning and growing, I want to take in new things through books, podcasts, etc. AND not just things I already believe. I want to challenge myself to think differently or to understand others that might think differently than I do.

❤ Health and Wellness: I want to continue the journey of healthy living...eating well, exercising, taking supplements, continuing to make changes that will better our life. Also incorporating self care, taking time to do things for my well being. 

❤ Awareness: I want to be more aware of issues that are going on, more aware of peoples lives around me. More aware of how I can help others. 

❤ Friendships/Relationships: I want to develop new friendships and nurture existing ones. 

❤ Adventure: I want to go on more adventures...whatever that looks like, depending on how this year goes, but even if it's virtually. Airbnb has virtual experiences and they look so cool, and they're really not that expensive. I might try one. 

I'm sure I'll add more to this as the year goes on, but we shall see. This is a good start. 

What are you wanting to cultivate this year? 

With Joy Unquenchable,


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