Living Intentionally: Books, links, and other stuff
We're winding down our 31 Day Write Series. I thought today I'd share some of my favorite books, favorite links, and maybe a few other things that I resource regularly to be intentional with my Body, Soul and Spirit. I love seeing what other people read and recommend. I have a HUGE wishlist on Amazon. Hopefully this gets posted tonight, the 30th..haha. Ya, that didn't happen. It's now the 31st and the last day of this challenge. I haven't been very consistent because of life happening. Here's a link to some other books I recommended in another post.
Medical Medium (I haven't read this but sounds good)
Eat This and Live
Food Rules
Books by Don Colbert
The fringe hours
Love the Home You Have
The Cozy Life
Grace for the Contemplative Parent
God Believes in you
The Mirror Bible
Relaxing with God
This Son of Mine
Waking Up
Facebook Pages: Pay attention to what others share. Find pages that are positive, encouraging and see to "fit" with what you want in life.
Danette May
Pop Sugar Fitness
Just Eat Real Food
Power of Positivity
David Wolfe
Becoming Minimalist
The Mirror Translation (Francois Du Toit)
Danny Silk: Loving on Purpose
Center for Action and Meditation
Steve McVey
Rob Bell
Websites: Many of these I follow their FB pages as well, but I like their websites too.
The Hearty Soul
Dr. Mercola
Mind Body Green
Back On Pointe (great workouts)
Brene Brown
Ordinary Epiphanies (she is a blogger in this challenge and I loved her writing)
Pen and Hive (another blogger in this series)
Finding Joy
John Pavlovitz
Loving on Purpose
Brene Brown
Well, I hope you enjoyed this series. It was fun, it was challenging, I learned a lot. This series challenged me to get back on track with being intentional for myself, and my family. Who knows what the next adventure will be, but I hope you'll join me. I know there'll always be recipes, I love to cook. Hopefully some crafts, inspiration and life stories in between.
I read this quote last night and loved it. It was on the Natural News FB page and it's so true. Not just for our bodies, but our soul and spirit as well!
With Joy Unquenchable,
Books: Amazon is a great resource. Check out your local used bookstores as well, or Goodwill.
Medical Medium (I haven't read this but sounds good)
Eat This and Live
Food Rules
Books by Don Colbert
The fringe hours
Love the Home You Have
The Cozy Life
Grace for the Contemplative Parent
God Believes in you
The Mirror Bible
Relaxing with God
This Son of Mine
Waking Up
Facebook Pages: Pay attention to what others share. Find pages that are positive, encouraging and see to "fit" with what you want in life.
Danette May
Pop Sugar Fitness
Just Eat Real Food
Power of Positivity
David Wolfe
Becoming Minimalist
The Mirror Translation (Francois Du Toit)
Danny Silk: Loving on Purpose
Center for Action and Meditation
Steve McVey
Rob Bell
Websites: Many of these I follow their FB pages as well, but I like their websites too.
The Hearty Soul
Dr. Mercola
Mind Body Green
Back On Pointe (great workouts)
Brene Brown
Ordinary Epiphanies (she is a blogger in this challenge and I loved her writing)
Pen and Hive (another blogger in this series)
Finding Joy
John Pavlovitz
Loving on Purpose
Brene Brown
Well, I hope you enjoyed this series. It was fun, it was challenging, I learned a lot. This series challenged me to get back on track with being intentional for myself, and my family. Who knows what the next adventure will be, but I hope you'll join me. I know there'll always be recipes, I love to cook. Hopefully some crafts, inspiration and life stories in between.
I read this quote last night and loved it. It was on the Natural News FB page and it's so true. Not just for our bodies, but our soul and spirit as well!
With Joy Unquenchable,
Hello, Kirstin! I am still trying to catch up on my October reading and just saw that you listed my blog in this last post of yours. Thank you so much! I appreciate all your encouraging words and faithful reading over the course of this challenge. Let's keep in touch!