Spring Cleaning on a Rainy Day!!
Here and there I hear of people getting busy with Spring Cleaning. Some more ecstatically than others. I've never been a fan of "Spring Cleaning", you know with all the lists that others have. Sure I like my house clean, but I just don't take the time to "deep" clean that often. I decided I need to. So today I started.....with the KiTcHen!
I've decided that for me the best way to "deep" clean is to simply take one room a day, as I'm able. No rush, no time frame, just as I can.
Tomorrow night we are hosting a rehearsal dinner for my friends wedding and so I've doing some "pick-ups" around the house. I decided that I'd clean kitchen today. After all, if people are potentially going to be needing something from my kitchen it would be nice if they could find it easily. Not that my kitchen was un-organized, it just needed some re-organizing.
I think it took me 2 hours. I started at one end with the upper cupboards and worked my way around, then did the bottom cupboards and drawers, ending with the pantry. I emptied the shelves, wiped them down, shop vacuumed crumbs and put things back. I moved some things around and threw some things away. I am very pleased with the final product. It helps that I don't let things get too out of hand. While I'm not psychotic about a totally spotless house, it is important to me that our house is clean and picked up most of the time. I believe a picked up, clean home promotes peace for everyone who enters through it's doors.
In this post, I talked about how I created a Home Box to help with organizing things. I need to get back to using it...I probably said that in that post...I haven't done it yet!
I'm looking forward to the next room I decide to tackle...next week. I have a wedding to be in this weekend...no time for anymore Spring Cleaning! I do have a few more things to do before tomorrow night.
With Joy UNquenchable,
Tomorrow night we are hosting a rehearsal dinner for my friends wedding and so I've doing some "pick-ups" around the house. I decided that I'd clean kitchen today. After all, if people are potentially going to be needing something from my kitchen it would be nice if they could find it easily. Not that my kitchen was un-organized, it just needed some re-organizing.
My spice cabinet.
These Cedar Planks (yes I know it's upside down) were given to me by a friend...can't wait to use them
I'm looking forward to the next room I decide to tackle...next week. I have a wedding to be in this weekend...no time for anymore Spring Cleaning! I do have a few more things to do before tomorrow night.
How do you go about Spring Cleaning? Do you avoid it? Do you make list upon list?
With Joy UNquenchable,
Yeah, having a nice clean house is fine, but usually we don't have time to do some serious cleaning. It's best to do some cleaning regularly, instead of relying on spring cleaning and trying to finish everything in one day. In any case, hope you get to finish your spring cleaning!