Back on Track

Well, I think we are back on track. I have checked the girls everday and no signs of little critters! (For those who don't know..we had lice). We still keep washing things more often to be on the safe side. After I returned home on Wednesday I decided to forgo school for the rest of last week. I think we'll be able to catch up. Tonight I'll sit down and plan out the week and go from there. We've spent lots of time these last few days playing games and just hanging out. I'm fighting a cold and so don't have much energy to do much. Today I called the insurance company to see if by chance our broken window is covered, though I've no clue what our deductible is. I think it is. We also have to do a claim on the car we backed into....boy our insurance company is going to love us! The girls are helping me make dinner tonight. Cabbage rolls, brown rice with veggies and foccacia bread. Yummy! Well, I still have things to do: work on taxes, etc... With Joy UNquenchable,


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