31 Days Living Inside Out: My Favorite Books

I LOVE to read.  I always have. When I was little I would play "library" with my books, thinking it would be fun to work in a library. I made the sleeves that used to be found in the books with a little card and even had a date stamp. Books have always been a part of my life. They have also been a great source of encouragement to me especially when it comes to learning to live from the Inside Out.

I thought today tonight I'd share some of my favorite books over the years. At some point over the years each one has had an impact on my life in some way depending on where I was at in life. I don't always agree with everything in a book, but I always seem to find some nugget of truth.

Maybe you'll find a book that will encourage you like it has encouraged me. Enjoy!

1. Grace for the Contemplative Parent: (Lily Crowder)
2. Naked Truth: (Elisa Morgan)                                          
3. Power of a Positive Woman: (Karol Ladd)
4. Power of a Positive Mom: (Karol Ladd)
5. Power of a Positive Wife: (Karol Ladd)
6. Supernatural Ways of Royalty: (Kris Vallotton)
7. Raising Positive Kids in a Negative World: (Zig Ziglar)
8. Glory in the Glass: (Rick Manis)
9. Invisible Thread: (Laura Schroff)
10. Dream Culture: (Andy and Janene mason)
11. Cure for the Common Life: (Max Lucado)
12. When the Glass Slipper Doesn't Fit: (Claire Conniger)
13. Loving our Kids on Purpose: (Danny Silk)
14. So you don't want to go to church anymore:
15: Prone to Love:
16. God Believes in You: (Francois Du Toit)
17. Imagine: (Andre Rabe)
18. The Rhema Code: (Scott Schang)

I know there have been more that have impacted my life but these are some of my favorites.

With Joy UNquenchable,


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