Weekend Coffee Share....Come Sit with Me

It's another week of Weekend Coffee Share. I always love everyone's posts. Are you like me and try to visit everyone? It doesn't always happen but I try. I have loved getting to know different bloggers and I figure if they take the time to write a post, I'll find the time to visit, even if it's a week later. I truly enjoy what you all share and I often learn so much. 

Check out all the other posts on Weekend Coffee Share, hosted by Natalie the Explorer. I'm off to go visit some now. #weekendcoffeeshare.

If we were having coffee we'd probably talk about:

The weather: Do you even want to know! It's the first day of spring as I begin this post. It is gray and wet. Typical for the PNW. But it's spring and we're getting closer to better weather. Last week we had some serious bouts of hail. So much that it looked like it had snowed. There is flooding in parts of Oregon.

What we're thinking about: My hubby was potentially going to have shoulder surgery, but he's going to wait until next year and he's doing some alternative therapies to see if he can strengthen the surrounding areas, etc.. So now, I'm thinking about possible trips or small getaways we might take. 

What we're thankful for: So thankful we have stayed healthy this winter. Thankful nicer weather is around the corner. 

Around the house: I did get some dirt moved around on Wednesday before the rain blew in. I'm hoping this weekend to get some bulbs planted and dirt put into my tower gardens and then hopefully get some plants for them. A friend gave them to me and I've never used something like this so we'll see what happens. I'd love to run to one of our local nurseries to find some plants for our side area. The hummingbirds are back and I love watching them. Ours usually stay around all winter as long as there's a feeder out. 

There's a stupid woodpecker who keeps pecking on my pipe for my gas fireplace. It reverberates through the house and is so annoying. One time Pepper said "Nonni, can you please tell him to stop doing that". He is looking for a mate...so far he apparently hasn't been successful. 

For the love of food: My BKD bookclub post is live, you can read it here. I cooked some great recipes from the book I chose. Next month it's all about greek food so I need to be on the hunt for a cookbook...any suggestions? 

I did make corned beef and cabbage, though not on Monday since I worked late. I made it Tuesday and it turned out really good. I kept it very simple and I didn't use the seasoning packet that comes with it since not everyone is a fan of the spices used. 

I also made a recipe out of a printed cookbook my daughter and I bought called Staples Made Simple from Milkmaid Farms.  I made Swedish Meatballs, and I served them over potato/cauliflower mash.  I had extra gravy so I'm saving the leftovers to have with pork roast that I'm making. This cookbook has so many amazing from scratch recipes, taking you back to a time when people made even the simplest of staples from scratch. 

I also made a sourdough banana bread which is always good. I used Kamut flour this time. 

My youngest also had a beach weekend getaway for her birthday and they wanted to make homemade pasta, so the W
ednesday before they left, we "practiced" so she'd remember how to make it. 

Yummy meatballs for the Swedish meatballs. I use a combo of turkey and beef. The recipe called for pork but I don't usually have that on hand. 

For the love of reading: So far I haven't read near as many books in March as I did in February but that's okay. Reading comes and goes in waves. I finished a few books in the last week and just started
Case of the Bleus: A Cheese Shop Mystery by Korina Moss. I love this series. I'm awaiting my Pass along bookclub read for April to come in the mail. One of the books I'm reading for the 52 book club, Stake & Eggs is slow going. I'm having a hard time really getting into it so I'm considering setting it down and moving on. As a local author told me recently "there are too many good books to read". So true...why waste time on a book that's not grabbing you. If said if it's not grabbing her by page 50 she puts it down. I also remembered as I'm typing this (on Friday) that I need to get my #WOYBS post written and published. Update...post is live. You can find it here

What we're watching or listening to: I finished the audiobook You're Not Listening by Kate Murphy. That was really good and eye opening. I have several bookmarks that I need to go back and write down. I am on the hunt for a new audiobook to start.

I have finally caught up with all the episodes of When Calls the Heart. The season finale is this weekend. It is such a good series. 

Since I'm in between audiobooks I've listened to some podcasts in the car, which is where I typically listen to audiobooks. I've listened to These are Good Days and am currently listening to The Way I heard it: with Mike Rowe , the episode with Gary Sinise.

Favorite quote: This weeks #WQ is about self care. Self care is definitely something I'm working on especially the physical aspect and exercise. It has been a real struggle for me lately. As I am in peri-menopause, it has felt like my body is turning it's back to all my efforts. I had made great strides, and now feel like I've gone several feet backwards. No matter what phase of life we are in, it's important to take care of ourselves. When I was a young mom and even in the teenage years I don't remember hearing much about "self care". We poured ourselves into our families, at least I did...I don't regret any of it at all. However, I realize now that I should've taken more time for me. 

I'm running late on getting this post finished so I'll share these three that I found quickly. Good food for thought. 

Self-care needs to be included 
in what you should be doing.
It is not a privilege.
It is a necessity.
~Jessica N. Turner

An empty tank will
take you exactly 
Take time to refuel.

Taking care of myself
doesn't mean "me first". 
It means "me too". 
L.R. Enost

Favorite photo(s):

My grandkids love that their auntie works at a coffee shop. I was sitting in a booth when Pepper and my oldest daughter came in. She showed me her little "princess" computer she got for getting her ear pierced and then ran over to the counter to show her auntie. Her mommy is standing at the counter.

Random or not so random things: My oldest daughter re-pierced my ears. I had two holes above my main holes that had mostly closed up. I could get earrings through the front but not out the back. I was at the coffee shop waiting for my car to get done across the street so she popped over and did it there. So funny! She had borrowed a kit from a friend to re-pierce one of Peppers ears and I've been wanting to re-pierce mine. 

I ended up with three screws in one of my tires last week. My FIL took it to Les Schwab while I was at work Monday but then the tire pressure was low again on Tuesday. I kept air in it Tuesday and brought it in on Wednesday where they found two more. So I either picked up more or they didn't notice or look for the other two. 

I'm running under the wire to get this post finished so I'll just leave it here. 

With Joy Unquenchable,


  1. I'm impressed by your home made pasta. Thank you for your weekend coffee share.

  2. sourdough banana bread looks delicious! Did you post the recipe anywhere?
    (Creative Spirit in Portugal)


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