Weekend Coffee Share....Come sit with me
It's another week of Weekend Coffee Share. I always love everyone's posts. Are you like me and try to visit everyone? It doesn't always happen but I try. I have loved getting to know different bloggers and I figure if they take the time to write a post, I'll find the time to visit, even if it's a week later. I truly enjoy what you all share and I often learn so much.
Check out all the other posts on Weekend Coffee Share, hosted by Natalie the Explorer. I'm off to go visit some now. #weekendcoffeeshare.
If we were having coffee we'd probably talk about:
The weather: Most of January has been cold, dry and beautiful. We have had a few days of rain and then we're supposed to have potential snow/rain mix for the next week, then a few dry days and then more snow/rain mix. Could be interesting.
I bought this mug at our local coffee shop and thought it was fitting for the weather we've been having.
What we're thinking about: My heart is sad for the lives lost in the plane/helicopter crash that happened last week. It's a reminder to me to love big, to forgive, to tell those in your life you love them, how much they mean to you. It's a reminder that life is fragile and we never know what tomorrow will bring and we should never take a moment or a day for granted.
What we're thankful for: Each new day. Each moment I get to take a breath.
Around the house: Not much exciting at the moment. I did purchase the BIG Baker Seed catalog to drool over all the plant and vegetable options there are. I'm looking forward to being a little more intentional with some planting spaces this year, both in containers and in the extension we built off our porch that will be a planting area.
For the love of food: I did not make anything exciting or worthy of talking about, though I made chicken lettuce wraps and those were really good.
I did try a new restaurant with a friend the other night and it was so good. Grassa is an Italian restaurant with several locations from Portland to Vancouver (Wa). We went to one of the Portland locations. They specialize in hand crafted pastas. It was interesting because as you walk in, the menus are on big boards in the entry, you order, then go find a seat and they bring it to you. I had Pork Belly Mac and cheese, Fried calamari (Fritto Misto). For a beverage I actually now, looking their online menu am not sure what they gave me. I thought I ordered and Italian mule, but on the menu there was an Italian Greyhound or a gin mule...haha. I'll have to find my receipt. Either way, whatever it was, it was really good. I even had leftovers and they were excellent the next day.
I've never had pork belly, but this was amazing.
For the love of reading: I actually got a lot of reading done in January (9 books). I just started the book The Extraordinary Life of Sam Hell by Robert Dugoni. I actually have it on Kindle but am listening to it on audio because I'm doing a 2 month trial of Kindle Unlimited for .99 and this book had an audio version. I also got the physical book from the library sooo...I guess I can read it however I want. I finished my ARC book Axe Me No Questions by Paula Charles and it didn't disappoint. However now I'm anticipating book three. I started Gone for Gouda (Cheese Shop Mystery, #2) by Korina Moss and am enjoying it. I need to get busy reading my Pass along book club book Husbands & Lovers by Beatriz Williams. I have started it and am liking it, I just need to sit and get more serious with it.
I'm a part of a few FB book communities and recently won a book in a giveaway.
What we're watching or listening to: This week, absolutely nothing. I started watching a movie with the family called Unstoppable but had to stop watching it because I needed to get something else done. I haven't had a chance to listen to any podcasts. I mentioned above I'm listening to the audio book of The Extraordinary life of Sam Hell. It's really good so far. I finished listening to John Stamos's memoir If You Would Have Told Me. It was good, but a LOT of F-bombs and way more than I wanted to know about his sex life.
Favorite quote: I saw this quote in a book I was reading and it was really good.
"Sometimes doing normal things in an abnormal situation helps to process it"
I thought about in crisis or a hard time, we might sometimes see people doing something like cooking, or cleaning, or just something that is routine. We might look at that and think they are in denial, or "cold and unfeeling", but really they are coping, they are processing. I think I am this way. Doing something normal or routine helps me regulate and process what is going on.
Random or not so random things:
It's looking like my hubby is going to need to have surgery on his right shoulder (which is his dominant arm). He has a second opinion in a few weeks. I can't remember what he tore but it's not his rotator cuff. That will be quite the journey.
It's looking like my hubby is going to need to have surgery on his right shoulder (which is his dominant arm). He has a second opinion in a few weeks. I can't remember what he tore but it's not his rotator cuff. That will be quite the journey.
I think I have mentioned on here that I have been a virtual assistant. I enjoy it and over the years I have worked for several bloggers. Then in the recent few years just one of my originals. She has also become a friend. However, due to certain circumstances she is unable to use VA's for the time being. So my last day as a VA was January 31st. It seems very weird to not have online work to do since I've done it for so long. I'm haven't decided what I'll do..I am not going to pursue anything else until after our Mexico trip in March. Then perhaps I'll see about finding other online work or maybe I won't if we feel like we don't need that extra money. I will have more time to put into other things around the house, and I have contemplated for awhile now that it would be fun to do an instagram page or something that is strictly dedicated to cozy mysteries and making the recipes that are found in many of them. Not sure though how or if I would do that. Something I'm tossing around.
Wednesday afternoon, a friend and I went into Portland to have dinner and hit up Powell's Used and New Bookstore. It has been several years since I've been there and WOW...I could spend hours there. It is a book lovers dream, although it can be overwhelming because there is just so much to see. I found myself thinking "how are there so many books".
Wednesday afternoon, a friend and I went into Portland to have dinner and hit up Powell's Used and New Bookstore. It has been several years since I've been there and WOW...I could spend hours there. It is a book lovers dream, although it can be overwhelming because there is just so much to see. I found myself thinking "how are there so many books".
Last Tuesday I went across the river into Rainier, Oregon and found a Little Free Library that is along a walking path. I left a book and took a book.
Last Saturday I went to a Mandala dot painting class with a friend. It was so relaxing and enjoyable, well, except that the ladies next to me were so loud. Haha! I purchased a beginner kit from the gal, but you can find them on Amazon.
Rainier looks like a lovely place. Pretty Mandal that you've made. Thank you for your weekend coffee share.
ReplyDeleteThere is in this trail in San Diego where people leave painted rocks but you have to place with one you painted. It's a cute idea.