Wednesday Hodgepodge
2. Complete one of the following sentences with a thought relating to your life currently-
- Once upon a time there was a lady (me) who became a Nonni and loved spending so much time with her grandkids, but also realized how much she loved the time she had being a mom (sometimes wishing she'd done some things differently), but knowing these two roles are some of her favorites.
- A long time ago (it feels like), I had a community of people who I thought would be in my life forever, and then they weren't. I realized I should've made more friendships outside of that community. I miss it sometimes.
- In a place far far away (though I hope not too far away), I'll be able to stop working outside the home, stay home and care for my home and property the way I'd like to, putter in the kitchen, blog more, have more time to be with friends etc.
porridge/oatmeal (Goldilocks and The Three Bears), an apple (Snow White), a gingerbread cookie (The Gingerbread Man), pumpkin soup/pie/bread (Cinderella), peas (The Princess and the Pea), beans (Jack and The Beanstalk) or a cup of tea (Alice in Wonderland)
4. What's your idea of fun? It could be staying in and playing games. It could be spending the day visiting a new town and browsing shops. Or even going on a hike and being outdoors. Going to the park with the grandkids. It really just depends on who I'm with, the weather, my mood. I also think just reading and working jigsaw puzzles is fun. For me, so many simple things are fun. Sitting and listening to the birds and frogs. Face Timing my grandkids.
5. Next week's Hodgepodge lands in March. Is that right? I guess so. Give us one noun, one verb, and one adjective that tell us something about your February. Community, celebrate, cozy. To make you think a little harder, you cannot use the words cold or snowy.
6. Insert your own random thought here. My aunt asked me if I had ever played "strands" on the NY Times app. I hadn't so I thought I'd try it. I like it but it's hard. I don't think I've been able to do it yet without using hints.
The next few days are supposed to be nice so I'm hoping to take advantage of that and wash my car and hopefully trim my blueberries. Those are top on my list. Then there are some other things that I'd like to get done today, but they aren't weather dependent so I can do them whenever but the goal is by the end of the weekend. Including taxes...ughh.
I'll keep it short this week so I can get started. Have a great week blogging friends.
With Joy Unquenchable,
Hi, I forgot about Thumbelina. :-)
ReplyDeleteI liked your once a upon a time.
Thank you
DeleteOur snow dirty car needs a good washing and now we've entered the season of mud. :)
ReplyDeleteI like how you answered #1 and it was good to read how you filled in the blanks, too. Hope the rest of February goes well for you.
I just washed cars today since it was our first sunny and rain-less day in weeks
DeleteI play Strands and often need hints too. My taxes are still hanging over my head too. I hope to wrap up my portion by Friday. That's the goal, but we'll see. I'm very unmotivated lol. Have a great rest of the week!
ReplyDeleteLoved all your answers! Especially the sentences for #2 - I could have written very similar ones myself. I haven't thought about the fairy tale Thumbelina for a very long time but that's a neat one. Hope you're having a great week!
ReplyDeleteThat is a great answer about happily ever after and is so true.
ReplyDeleteI hope you get some nice weather. I want to get out in the garden and give it a tidy.
Enjoyed reading your answers- agree so much about happily ever after and I liked your answers to the prompts on question 2. I hope your weather has gotten nicer. It's freezing cold here but it's supposed to get nicer later this week. Have a great Sunday!