Taking in Life Around Me....Sunday Stills: Fresh

This #sundaystills challenge is hosted by Terri from Second Wind LeisureIt's a great themed photography challenge that you'll enjoy. I love seeing the other participants interpretation of the theme each week...it causes me to think outside the box. I joined in hopes of it pushing me to get out and take more photos...I have to some degree, but I also like that Terri is okay with us finding photos in our archives, which is also a lot of fun. So check out my photos and then head over to Terri's page to participate or visit other's posts. There are some awesome contributors who always inspire me.

First, I'll apologize for not getting around to commenting last week. I hate doing that, but it just got away from me. It takes a bit longer to go through comments to find links and sometimes I just forget or don't take the time. 

I almost didn't post this week because I wasn't sure what I had and I knew I didn't have anything new that I had photographed. 

When I think of fresh my mind immediately goes to food. I love cooking. I love finding fresh ingredients. I love showing love to people by feeding them. So I went through some of my old photos and found some that spoke to me. Hopefully I can start doing better with taking new photos and commenting more. 

Last August we had the opportunity to have a chef come into our home and teach us how to make pasta. I've had a pasta maker for a few years but have been a bit afraid to use it. This class was perfect and I'm no longer afraid because it is pretty darn easy to make "FRESH" pasta. 

Even the grandkiddos got involved. 
The week after our cooking class, I made lasagna for my hubby's birthday and made homemade noodles, and then let the grandkids help with making their own noodles.

Our chef Renato helping our friend Lee with her noodles. 

Did you know that on your phone, in photos, you can type a word and it will show you photos that pertain to that word or have that word in them? I typed in "fresh" and these photos popped up. 

While on vacation in Ohio we spotted this stand right by the ferry dock. We hit it up a few times for some fresh produce. 

On our trip to the NE states we spied this little place and popped in for some food before hitting the road again. So good. 

The farmers market is the perfect place to find fresh, local goods. You can find it all...breads, flours, produce, meat. We love going to farmers markets in our area.

While in Canada last year I spotted this fridge outside a business. How cool is that. And guess what? There were eggs in it. 

I love making homemade bread. I don't do it too often because nobody has self control and it's gone so fast..haha...and because of that, I just don't have a lot of time to do it. It has to be on a day off or a weekend if nothing is going on. I don't have a bread machine. Plus there's just something different about doing it all by hand. 

That's it for me. I hope to do better with posting in the coming months...and commenting! 

With Joy Unquenchable,


  1. Terri Webster SchrandtFebruary 24, 2025 at 2:59 PM

    Great shots of things that are fresh, Kirstin! I love the idea of having a chef come to the house to show how to make homemade pasta! Your bread looks wonderful too.

    1. Thanks Terri. We had so much fun with the cooking class.

  2. What a fabulous post Kirstin. I have a pasta machine I've not used but you have inspired me. I even have the 000 flour.
    I make my own bread but use a machine now-a-days
    In the cart photo, which one is Marilyn 😁

    1. You need to use it. It's so much easier than I ever thought. Haha..no idea who Marilyn is...lol. I even asked my aunt who lives on the island and she said no idea...My hubby, daughter and grandson are in the photo. It was on the honor system for payment.

  3. Fresh pasta is awesome! A friend of mine used to make it all the time and her kids refused to eat any other kind. How cool that you had a chef come to your house to show you how to make it. The fresh bread looks appetizing too.


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