BKD Cookbook Club.......Seasonal Cookbooks: The Snowy Cabin Cookbook

It's time again for  Jo Tracey's BKD (Brookford Kitchen Diaries) Cookbook Club. I've followed Jo for awhile and have read several of her books, including one of her most recent which features a group of ladies who have a cookbook club. If you haven't read any of Jo's books, you should.

This month we're talking cookbooks that revolve around summer if you're in the southern hemisphere, and for those of us in the northern hemisphere, all things cozy and comforting as we're in winter. I thought of just the cookbook and was excited to find that it was at my local library. I spotted this book while my hubby and I were on a weekend away last fall in a gift shop. At the time I didn't want to buy it, though it was so tempting. I'm a visual person so anything with color and fun photos immediately grabs me (anyone else like to read cookbooks).

The Snowy Cabin Cookbook by Marnie Hanel and Jen Stevenson is a perfect winter book. They also have 3 other books that look pretty awesome. In fact I might be looking for used versions of all of them in a bookstore or on Amazon. These would be a fun collection to own. Now, whether you are truly heading to a snowy cabin in the woods or just want to feel a little winter hygge at home, this book has it all. 

Okay, let's get on with some photos from the book, AND at the end I'll share the part of the book I wanted to highlight with some photos. 

We've had a wet, cold winter so far, BUT last Thursday and Friday we got some snow, and I was so excited! I took the photo at the beginning of the post just the other day, but this one I took one cold morning in front of our gas fireplace. 

This book is filled with yummy recipes. Several I'd make, several I probably wouldn't. That's probably the thing that keeps me from purchasing cookbooks...how many recipes will I actually make. However, this book is filled with so many other fun things that I think it is one I would buy. 

This sounded really good and really easy! It is one I will try. Not sure how my family will feel about it so maybe I'll make a small portion for myself to test it out. 

Who doesn't love fondue! Though I've never made it from scratch, I just might try this one!!

Aside from recipes, they have fun games, tips, etc. 

I checked out their other books on Amazon to preview the pages, and they all have similar things, but catered to the particular book. I mean how fun is this 99 ways to use a mug! I'd be lucky if I came up with 10.

I laughed when I saw potato chips as fire starters because I actually saw a reel using potato chips and was surprised, though it guess it makes sense since they have oil in them. 

The section I want to focus on is Perfect Your Raclette Etiquette. Raclette is something we learned about years ago after a visit from Swiss friends. Raclette is the perfect cozy get together meal because it requires participation from everyone as you sit around a table. 

Typically enjoyed in the fall and winter months, it is a cozy and hearty meal that consists of roasted or boiled potatoes, a variety of meats, vegetables and raclette cheese. Oh, and don't forget your raclette cooker. When we visited Switzerland in 2019 it was August and our friends took out their raclette grill and we feasted around the table. When we came home we bought our own to host people. Now, if you don't have the particular grill, you can use other things as well...sometime to make things a little easier, I'll pull out my griddle to cook more on and you can melt the cheese on the griddle too. The idea is that everyone is gathered around, participating in the cooking of their toppings of choice and it causes you to slow down and enjoy the process, visiting while you wait. 

Raclette comes from the French word that means “to scrape” and refers to both the type of cheese and the traditional Swiss dish it is served with. Cheese legend says the dish originated hundreds of years ago when farmers would heat up a piece of cheese over the open fire for a hearty and filling meal

I think it would be fun to haul our raclette grill on trips in the winter and enjoy a hearty meal. Now I may decide to buy a smaller one just for my hubby and I. 

A typical tabletop grill has a portion below that is used to melt cheese, and then the upper part is used to grill your toppings. 
We always have a variety of toppings from meats (bacon, sausage, ham) and veggies (onion, peppers, mushrooms, zucchini, etc). I always buy a bag of small potatoes to roast in the oven.

We gather around our island, but we've also gathered around the dining room table.

I also have a variety of "sides"; crusty bread, fruit, pickles, olives.

In 2013 our friends from Switzerland came here and served us this for the first time..(see above). We just used a griddle to melt the cheese. 

In 2019 we visited Switzerland and enjoyed it at their dinner table. 

Next month we'll be focusing on seasonal cooking...it will be getting closer to spring, so I'll look and see what I can find. Maybe I'll head to the farmers market to see what's in season here in the PNW. 

With Joy Unquenchable,


  1. this book looks like a lot of fun!

    1. I'm going to buy all of them that she's written because they're so fun. I'm on the hunt for them used.

  2. I've only ever had raclette once and it was so much fun. This book looks so much fun too. Who would have known there were so many ways to use a mug?

    1. I know. So neat. Her other books have 100 ways to use other things (I can't remember what they are) I'm planning on buying all the books since they're so cute and fun. I'll look for them used

  3. P.S. I came via Joanne's BKD Cookbook CLub! https://sherryspickings.blogspot.com.au

  4. This is a cool book. Yes, I read cookbooks! Thanks for bringing it to our attention.

  5. That looks like a fabulous book. I had never heard of raclette before but it looks like a fun way to share a meal with family and friends.

    1. It is so much fun. I had never heard of it either and so glad I did.


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