Wednesday Hodgepodge

It's time for Wednesday Hodgepodge with Joyce, who blogs at From This Side of The Pond.  Each week she'll pose some questions for us to answer. What a great way to journal life.

1. Thursday is National Walk To A Park Day. I know these celebratory days are mostly made up, but some are fun to think about. Do you live close enough to a park to walk to one on Thursday? I do live in an area where I could walk to a park, though the ones we have here are mostly playgrounds. Will you? I have to work Thursday, so nope I won't walk to one. The most famous park in the world is Central Park located in NYC. Have you ever been to Central Park? Yes. What did you think? Honestly, we were a bit underwhelmed. We didn't see the entire thing, but, I mean we live in the Pacific Northwest and we see the beauty of green all the time. If you haven't been is this a place you'd like to see? 

We took a trip to NYC in 2017 (I did a series of posts on that you can search on my travel tab if you'd like)...this bridge, above and below was supposedly the bridge in Home Alone where the bird lady sat under, or whatever scene it was. 

Pond in Central park.

Balto Statue.

John Lennon Memorial near the Strawberry Fields in Central Park

When we saw this grassy area we paused, looked at each other and said, well, this is like at home....haha! 

Another bridge in Central Park. 

2. Something you've done recently that turned out to be a 'walk in the park'? Gosh...I'm not entirely sure. I'll say making homemade pasta. I have always wanted to try it, but was intimidated. Then we had a cooking class here and learned and I've made it several times since then. 

3. Can you parallel park? Yes. Do you have to do this often where you live? Only if we go to the city. Not often in our own town, unless I go to the old part of town, and even then I don't always have to parallel park. 

4. The colors of, brown, russet, golden bronze, golden yellow, purplish red, light tan, crimson, orange red, and scarlet. Are these colors you like to wear? It depends on the shade of those colors..I have an olive complexion, so some variations are not good on me.  Is this your season in terms of color? Not really. I would be considered a winter (anyone remember the color thing they used to do in the 80's...I was told I was a winter). What about your home? I do love many of these colors in my home in some way or another. Would we see these tones in your home decorating? Yes, except for purplish red! 

5. What part of history do you find most interesting? Elaborate. I am mostly fascinated with history of how people live(d) (culture, way of life, beliefs, etc). I am also very fascinated by family history. Mine or other peoples. Actually I'm waiting for a gal to bring me a book to work that is all about her family's history. Someone in her family had come in to ship it to a family member. Their grandmother had written it and it was STUNNING to say the least and very thick. I can't imagine how long it took her. I remember thinking, "I wish I had something like this for my family". I'll share a bit of it once I get it. 

6. Insert your own random thought here. Well, I had planned on getting some pumpkins, etc yesterday or today down at the patch (it's easier to do during the week than on the weekend when it's busy and I'm working it), but I just don't know if it's possible. I haven't even decorated for fall yet...not sure if I want to bother with it, though I probably will. I'll probably just get a few things for by the front door, back porch area and pull my decor stuff down today maybe. 

This afternoon (Wednesday) I'm going out with a friend to visit some book stores and get dinner. I'm looking forward to it. We were supposed to go a few weeks ago but had to reschedule.

My youngest daughter is in Brazil on a mission trip. My son in law is on the same trip so last night my oldest daughter and the kids spent the night. They'll probably stay a few other nights as well. 

With Joy Unquenchable,


  1. I still need pumpkins and a few more mums for the porch. I don't do a lot but put out a few things. We won't be here for Halloween weekend and I typically never decorated for it anyway. I like to do my mantle and it's more fall and I'll leave it up through Thanksgiving. NYC and the PNW are so different. You are lucky to have so much green space in your area. I love both though. The trees in the PNW feel ancient but there's an energy in NY I find mostly appealing. And I love that the park is a little oasis in the middle of all the people and so much noise. Homemade pasta is impressive! Do you have a pasta maker or is this all done by hand? I would like to try making some pumpkin ravioli this fall but don't know if I've got the energy to tackle that. We'll see. The book sounds ineresting! Have a great day!

    1. I love how you put the comparison between the two areas and you're right. I do have a pasta maker. I'd love to try ravioli and pumpkin ravioli sounds wonderful.

  2. I enjoyed your pictures of Central Park. That is nice that you kids are in missions. I have been to Oregon and loved all the trees. Only been to Seattle before a cruise. Enjoy your weekend!

  3. Oh wow, your kids in Brazil! That is awesome. I hope they have safe travels a meaningful time there. Homemade pasta sounds really good... and challenging. I used to make egg noodles from scratch but haven´t done that in a while.

    1. The pasta was easier than I thought it would be.

  4. Great photos from Central Park. Living in the PNW really is a nature treat with all the trees, foliage and mountains and water, etc. Truly special. Happy Hodgepodge to you.

  5. I love your Central Park photos! When we were there, we didn't go by the John Lennon memorial, our time was pretty limited so we just blew through as much as we could. That's so neat about your friend's book about her family's history. What a wonderful keepsake something like that would be! Have a great week!

  6. We don't have a single pumpkin or mum. It is just too warm here in Florida. Hoping you have a beautiful weekend, my friend.

    1. I have family in Florida and we have visited many times. I think it would be hard for me to live there, but I'm sure like anywhere, I'd adjust.

  7. Hello, my husband has been talking about having us start to make homemade pasta. We just have to do it. :-)


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