Weekend Coffee Share....Come Sit with Me

It's another week of Weekend Coffee Share. I always love everyone's posts. Are you like me and try to visit everyone? It doesn't always happen but I try. I have loved getting to know different bloggers and I figure if they take the time to write a post, I'll find the time to visit, even if it's a week later. I truly enjoy what you all share and I often learn so much. 

Check out all the other posts on Weekend Coffee Share, hosted by Natalie the Explorer. I'm off to go visit some now. #weekendcoffeeshare.

If we were having coffee we'd probably talk about:

The weather: We've cooled down a bit from the last few weeks. More 60's and 70's and probably more fall like temps. However, I would love if in a few weeks we'd have some warmer or at least dry weather..we are heading to the Oregon coast and it's always a treat when it at least doesn't rain when you're there. 

Last weekend we were in Seabrook, Washington which is on the Washington coast and the weather was absolutely gorgeous!!! I mean one day it was even in the low 80's! Made for a great time with the grandkids. 

What we're thinking about: This last week has been filled with news of tragedy and danger, and it just seems like a lot. It's made me really think of how easily we want to blame something instead of working to get to the root cause of anything! I know that's vague, sorry...It's made me think about how we only see what people want us to see and how much they may hide what is really going on. None of the things that have happened have been in direct relation to me or my family, though two were at my hubby's work and one involving the incident in Kentucky (freeway shooter) which does involve a cousin who is in law enforcement there. It just has me thinking of the importance of people and relationships and taking time to really "see" and listen to people. Maybe one encouraging word from us changes the course of their decisions or thought processes.

What we're thankful for:  I am thankful for the last weeks of summer that have been beautiful. I'm thankful for the ability to encounter people on a daily basis and love them richly, to care for them, to hopefully give them hope. I'm thankful that I have not grown bitter over the years despite hurts or circumstances. That in the midst of everything I can remain optimistic about life. 

Around the house: We've been working on replacing our door knobs on all the exterior doors. You would think it would be simple, which it is, however the company didn't order the right parts, so we've just been waiting to get them finished. I'm considering getting some fall foliage to put in my outside pots. I think my hanging baskets are pretty much done. I also am planning on taking down my fall decor very soon, though I won't have time this weekend to do any decorating so I'll probably wait til next week. 

For the love of food: Is anyone else ready for all things fall..mostly soups? This week I did make a really good beef and vegetable soup. This is such a hearty soup, filled with amazing flavor. It will be on rotation this fall. I also made some chicken thighs with roasted brussel sprouts, and taco salad. Friday night we had tamales that my hubby gets from a co-worker. I made some refried beans and spanish rice to go with it. 

We did go out to eat at our local golf course last Sunday and I ordered a Hibiscus Mule. It's so pretty. 

What we're reading or wanting to read: We just picked our book club book for the month. It's Someone Elses Bucket List by Amy T. Matthews. I've barely just started it. I'm reading a cozy mystery Over MY Dead BLog by Sarah E. Burr as well as working to finish ones that have been ongoing. I also was chosen to receive an ARC to read and review which was fun. It's the third in a series by  Leah Dobrinksa. A clean rom-com that was romantic, funny and  intrigue. Exes Dont: A Second Chance Romantic Comedy had a bit of everything. Of course I keep adding to my TBR list..lol.

I love this little bookstore in Seabrook. I was going to buy a book but came away with a puzzle instead. 

They also have a really neat childrens area that Pepper loved. It was tucked away under the stairs and upper balcony and had about 4 reading areas, a table and chairs and lots of books. 

This was the puzzle I picked up. It's double sided. I'm looking forward to doing it. I just started a National park one and then will move on to this one. 

What we're watching or listening to: I started a new audiobook The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls, and WOW! Sometimes we really live in a bubble of our lives and where we live and we don't realize how some people have grown up or are living currently. Such a heartbreaking story. It also showed me the resiliency of people and how no matter what your circumstances, you get to choose your response to them. 

I've also listened to a few podcasts but haven't watched much on TV. I've gotten a few glimpses of Master Chef, and while at the beach last weekend we watched some of the Paralympics...Man! Those athletes are rock stars. Yes the Olympics are amazing as are the athletes, but the Paralympics takes it to another level. I loved the husband and wife duo who each won gold, one in the Olympics and one in the Para! 

Favorite quote: This quote was one I saw awhile back on instagram or somewhere and made a graphic with it. It's such a good reminder.

Favorite photo(s): The weather was just gorgeous. I've come to really enjoy this little beach community. 

Random or not so random things: Last weekend we spent Wed-Saturday in Seabrook, Washington with our grandkids, hanging out with them while our daughter and son in law ran a school retreat for their church. We had such a great time and the weather couldn't have been more perfect. That week I ended up with almost 95,000 steps. Phew! This week, I'll be extremely shy of 70,000, which is a bit frustrating, but oh well. Anyways, the beach was amazing. The Tuesday before we left, the kids and I spent some time painting rocks which we planned to put on the gnome trail there.
We spent time on the beach and just being together. 

The gnome trail is pretty neat in that it's a forested area that's limbs have been cut up higher and the forest floor is pine needles, fallen logs, etc. There are old stumps that you can crawl and walk through and people have created so many neat things to observe. The first two photos are an idea of what it all looks like. 

Indy's contributions to the gnomes. 

Peppers contributions to the gnomes.

My simple contribution.

Now while this sign apparently doesn't encourage using other materials...though maybe "rare treasures" could be included in that...I don't think anything is ever removed.

We also walked a lot and did a few crafts. 

We came back early on Saturday but I knew there would be no time to get a WCS post up so I just allowed myself to skip it. Working on that FOMO! 

The grandkids started back to school. Pepper has school on Tuesdays and Thursdays and since Tuesday is my day to watch them I will drive to their house in the morning, take her to school, have 2 1/2 hours to do whatever I want. I usually go browse some thrift stores, Ross, Marshalls, Fred Meyers. Last week I found a little free library and grabbed a book. I need to return next week to leave one. I've also considered walking the lake nearby if the weather is nice.

I wanted to share a bit more but it's Saturday night and I'm running out of time. 

With Joy Unquenchable,


  1. That bookstore looks nice and how fun is the Gnome Trail. Thank you for your weekend coffee share. Have a wonderful week ahead!

  2. What a lovely beachside community and that bookstore looks amazing. I have never heard of a double sided puzzle before but I bet that will be fun! That gnome trail is so cute. I hope your lovely weather continues! We've been having some pretty great weather this month too.

    1. It is a great community. I had never seen a double sided puzzle either.


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