Wednesday Hodgepodge

It's time for Wednesday Hodgepodge with Joyce, who blogs at From This Side of The Pond.  Each week she'll pose some questions for us to answer. What a great way to journal life.

1. When the Hodgepodge lands on September 11th I want to acknowledge that. Will you purposely pause to remember, pray, or attend any sort of ceremony on 9/11? Yes, I always pause and think about that day. Share any thoughts or memories you'd like to share about this day. I just remember being home with my daughters who were pretty young at that time and thinking "what the heck just happened". I wanted to watch it but also wanted to protect them from seeing anything. 

When my youngest daughter and I went to NYC in 2017, we went to ground zero. We didn't pay to go into the museum but we did walk around and I bought a couple books that were being sold by vendors because they were so powerful. Did you know that every day volunteers go out and put a white rose next to the names of the people who have birthdays on that day. There is at least one birthday for every day of the year and 6 on September 11th. 

2. Growing up, did you spend a lot of time with your grandparents? We did up until we moved to Washington when I was in 4th grade.  What's something you learned from a grandparent? I don't have the best memory of when I was little, but my maternal grandmother taught us how valued we were and loving people unconditionally. Even though we lived far away she made sure we knew how important we carried over to when I had my own kids. She was an amazing lady. I'm so thankful my girls grew up near their grandparents and now my grandkids get to grow up (at least for now) near both sets of grandparents and even their great grandparents. I quickly found a couple photos from when I was little. 

Me with my maternal grandma above. 

My sister and I with our paternal grandma. I'm the older one. 

Me with. my paternal great grandpa. 

3. What's your go-to breakfast? I'm not a huge breakfast eater, but if I do, it's usually a smoothie, or avocado toast, or maybe eggs. 

4. Tell us the story behind one of your favorite photos. Oh man!!! This will be hard because there are so many that I love and that are favorites..I need to go look. I'm going to say this is my favorite photo "this week"...haha. Although I think there were a few others I loved...why this one...because to me it depicts the joy of childhood and the joy of spending time with our littles. We spent 3 days last week with them at the beach helping out while their mom and dad ran a retreat. We spent time on the beach and it was so fun watching them run in the water, explore in the sand (well, until Pepper got scared of the stupid sand fleas jumping around). 

5. This week Friday lands on the 13th. Are you superstitious in any way? Nope, not at all! Do you like scary movies, and if so what's your favorite? No I don't. I think I watched one scary movie when I was in HS or JR. High, but none since then. Especially if they have an evil undertone. I like a thriller or suspense, but nothing creepy, gory, evil. 

6. Insert your own random thought here. I'm finishing this on Wednesday morning and I have a lot on my to do list today. Yesterday was my hang out with the grandkids day and after they left I was just too tired to get anything accomplished. I'm been feeling a little "off" the last few days. Hopefully today I can find my mojo has I have a list of things to do so I will keep this very short! 

With Joy Unquenchable,


  1. I was with two of my grandchildren all weekend and need a nap today. We're supposed to have a rainy weekend which feels like an excuse to do some lounging on the couch lol. We have a big trip coming up and I am trying to organize myself for that bit by bit. Love the photo!

  2. I enjoy a good thriller, suspense, or psychological thriller. Those movies really get the adrenaline pumping! Thinking about the times I was able to spend with my grandparents always brings back warm memories and makes me feel grateful for the special moments we shared. I cherish the impact they had on my life. While I don't have grandchildren of my own, I understand how crucial it is for children to have loving and godly grandparents.
    The flower being left daily is very touching. Never forget!

    1. Thank you for visiting, and I agree, I loved being able to have a relationship with grandparents and glad my grandkiddos do too

  3. How wonderful it is to have loving grandparents that make it a priority to stay involved with their grandkids! Love all the photos you shared, especially your favorite from this week. Have a great week!

    1. I agree Kym...I love the time we spend with them and how excited they always are to see us.


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