Tuesday Four: September Musings

September Musings

It's time again for Tuesday 4 hosted by Anne from Cottage by the sea. Published each week in memory of Toni Taddeo, it's original author.We keep Toni Taddeo's original idea alive here with 4 questions each week to get you blogging, visiting and  learning about yourself and other bloggers.   The more people join in, the merrier and the better it gets. We are always looking for topics, subjects and ideas so feel free to chime in if you have idea.

September is back to school month and even if you are an adult now, you can usually still recall the back to school days.  It was a new beginning.. sometimes scary, sometimes joyous.  New experiences were awaiting you.

How about now? September is still a new beginning to  the year.  What will it hold for you? Someone on another link party mentioned something about seeing September as the start of a new season in relation to going back to school, etc...she gets a new journal etc..Now I can't remember who it was or where, bummer because it was so good. 

1. As summer's heat fades do you get out and about in nature often? I live in the PNW so our temps are much milder than other locations and often with the fall comes more rain, so I don't think I get out any more than during summer, probably less actually  Where do you go, what do you do? I love to go on walks and hikes, we enjoy farmers markets or sitting outside at restaurants.  What would you like to do? When the rain comes, I usually wish I was somewhere that wasn't rainy. 

2. What has changed in your life that you miss/regret the most? I really miss my mom..she has been gone 20 years and my dad 4 years (my mom and I were much closer, my relationship with my dad was always a bit complicated). Not a regret, but I sure miss them. I guess I could say I regret not having worked harder on my relationship with my sister and letting other things get in the way or take priority. After being a part of a church community for over 20+ years (my hubby was part of it from it's beginning), we left after a (not sure what to call it), but we left. I do regret not making more friendships outside of those 4 walls. 

3.  Money is no object, nothing stands in your way.. are you going to move  or stay where you are? I love where we live for the most part and our girls are still in this area as are my inlaws so I would stay for now, but do a lot of traveling to all kinds of places, and maybe have a few vacation homes. 

4.  How can you improve your life? Now that one is a loaded question. I think there are always ways we can improve our lives and we should always be looking for ways to do so. The biggest one for me right now is to get back on track with exercising and trying to lose some weight that I had gained back the last few years and then some more. 

With Joy Unquenchable,


  1. I think many of us have relationships we wish we tried harder with. I agree about outdoor markets and especially about eating outside on a cool Autumn day. It's special. Thanks for joining in!

  2. I would love to have more rain, but we are just coming out of heatwave and have several fires burning in So CA. I was always close to my dad and had to work hard to draw closer to my mom. I am glad I did. We had a few good years and then she got Alzheimer's. Then it was to late to ask those in-depth questions. Keep working on your health.

    1. Towards end of summer, we always need more rain (I'm in SW Washington state)

  3. Being your PNW neighbour to the north I can relate touch of what you thought I actually like getting out in the rain too. Iias my parents also and my late sister. We could share a lot.

    1. Hi neighbor!! I love the PNW but the rain does get to me.


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