10 on the 10th...this or that edition

10 on the 10th is hosted by Marsha from Marsha in the Middle. I've loved participating in these. 

WOW. I haven't participated in one of these since May. I remembered this week so thought I'd jump in. Though this could be a little hard. I'm not always good at making choices. I will make my choice in a different color than black, then expound on it. 

1. A long term meaningful relationship with someone you see only once a year (platonic or otherwise) or lots of short term relatively meaningless relationships with people you see regularly. Man...another tough one. I know it probably shouldn't be tough and probably should be obvious, but I'm more on the extroverted side and enjoy people. Actually the more I read it, the more I know my answer....If the word short term wasn't in it, I might choose the latter option, BUT relationships are important to me, and I think if friendships were all only short term, that wouldn't be good for me, so I'm going with the long term but only see once a year. We actually have some good friends who recently moved across the state and we don't see them as much, but when we do get together it is special and we have some great conversations. 

2. A bouquet of fresh flowers every week or a flowering bush every year. This one is a tough one. I love fresh flowers...but do I get a new flowering bush every year? I'm going with fresh flowers because they aren't really something I'd buy for myself on a regular basis. We have some local gals who sell them in a few shops here and they are always beautiful but usually around $25ish dollars so I rarely buy them. 

3. A luxury, all expenses paid cruise to the Antarctic or a week in a beach shack off the beaten path. I have always wanted to take a cruise, and a luxury all expense paid one would be cool. I love taking photos so I think there would be some fun photo opportunities and I googled it and there are some excursions you can take, so I'd go. Plus, most cruises can stop at other locations along the way as well. 

4. Pumpkin spice everything or pumpkin spice nothing. I'm not a huge pumpkin fan so I can go without it. I like pumpkin spice chai, and I love homemade pumpkin scones, but that's about it. I would not enjoy pumpkin spice everything. That's an easy choice. 

5. Warm, sunny days with high humidity or cold, sunny days with little humidity. oof I don't like humidity and sweating so while I'm also not a fan of being cold, I'd rather have a colder sunny day with low humidity. Plus...what is considered cold? To some people 68 is cold but here in the PNW that is warm. 
6. A vintage real fur coat or a new faux fur coatI want to say neither..Fur coats of any kind have no appeal to me, but I'll say faux because would a vintage one smell? Would it shed? Though you never said I had to wear it. 

7. The car of your dreams wrapped with a logo of some kind or the car you currently drive. I actually LOVE my current car. It's only a year old. It's a Subaru Forester Touring. I've thought it would be neat to put a Northwest "scene" on it.. in a small form, not huge all over it. 

8. Beautiful stilettos crafted specifically for your feet or sneakers you've worn and molded to your feet. No stilettos for me. They are terrible for your feet. Give me comfy sneakers, preferably with a wider toe box. 

9. The house of your dreams painted in colors you despise or a small cottage you can paint in colors you love. Of course no one ever said you couldn't paint over the colors you despise, so if that's an option I'd do that, but I'm going with small cottage I could paint in the colors I love. I've always loved the look of cottages, especially if there are gardens to go with it and a porch with comfy furniture.

10. Your favorite food every day for a year or foods you've never tried every day for a year. I love trying new foods and I think I'd get tired of my favorite food every day, even if I could maybe cook it different ways. If I could control the new food that would be perfect.

With Joy Unquenchable,


  1. Other than the hot/cold weather we have all the same answers... and I never once considered what some people call cold we don't since I was really thinking of those below zero days when the sun is out but it feel like ice to breathe and I knew I'd hate that. Though admittedly I can't breathe well in the humidity either.

    1. :) When I would talk to family from Florida they would say "oh it's cold today", and I'd say "oh what, is it 65/70"..we'd visit and be wearing shorts and want to swim and they were wearing jackets.

  2. I'm so glad you joined in on the fun this month! I was torn between the flowers one, too! But, I never seem to get bouquets that last for very long. I wondered about a vintage fur coat shedding and smelling, too! I hope you'll join us next month!


    1. I'm glad I remembered...haha. Thank you for hosting.

  3. I kind of expected more of us to choose the beach shack, so it's fun to see how many cruisemates I'd have on that Antarctica cruise! LOL We had a lot of similar answers!

    1. Haha. A few shared photos of a beach shack that looked super cute. I think I envinsioned something terrible...haha...now if she had said bungalow, I might have chosen that.


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