Weekend Coffee Share....Come Sit with Me

It's another week of Weekend Coffee Share. I always love everyone's posts. Are you like me and try to visit everyone? It doesn't always happen but I try. I have loved getting to know different bloggers and I figure if they take the time to write a post, I'll find the time to visit, even if it's a week later. I truly enjoy what you all share and I often learn so much. 

Check out all the other posts on Weekend Coffee Share, hosted by Natalie the Explorer. I'm off to go visit some now. #weekendcoffeeshare.

If we were having coffee we'd probably talk about:

Well, I'm determined to get a post up this week. It's been a bit of a struggle, and I resigned myself that I probably wouldn't get any posts written this week at all, for anything, but I'm going to try.  I cut a few usual sections out since I'm running short on time and energy. 

The Weather: Today, which is currently Friday it's cloudy, cool and raining off and on. It feels kind of nice. However, we will be jumping back up to warmer temps the next few weeks. We'll see. 

Around the house: Well, this week we are doing a Staycation and the plan was to get projects done.....Ummm...staycations are kind of hard. Sometimes I feel like I get more accomplished on a day off, home by myself than when others are around..haha. We were trying to do projects, but also to do a few fun things. Around the house, hubby pressure washed. I organized the kids toys using a cubby shelf unit I got from my daughter, and then also organized the closet under our stairs and one file drawer. That took FOREVER...the file drawer, which began to discourage me. I still have one drawer to go, but it's mostly random things and I don't think it'll take long to do. I did not get a few other things done...weeding outside (I jammed a finger on Tuesday morning so pretty much haven't used that hand for much) and I had hoped to go through photos on my phone and my Kindle books and kind of clean/organize them.

For the love of food: I've kept it simple this week..for the most part I haven't done much cooking. Tuesday we went to the zoo with the grandkids and ate lunch there so I didn't feel like cooking dinner. Wednesday I made a yummy veggie pizza to take to book club with me, and cooked up some taco meat for everyone at home to eat however they wanted. Thursday I made a chicken with mashed potatoes, broccoli and also heated up all the other leftovers. I'll have a fun thing to share next weekend with everyone (if I don't get to it this weekend).

I made some biscuits to bring to work because we had seen a recipe on Facebook. Now, I'll share a photo of the photo of the biscuit that we saw, and then the photo of what the recipe really looks like. It was definitely deceiving. They turned out good but certainly not what the photo or directions showed. It made us wonder if it was AI generated.

What we're reading or wanting to read: I haven't started any new books, though we are currently choosing what our next book club read will be. It will be interesting to see what people pick...my choices were either The Secrets of Hawthorn Place by Jenni Keer or Someone Elses Bucket List by Amy T. Matthews. I'm making my way through A Collection of Lies by Connie Berry, but it's kind of slow for me. I'm hoping it picks up or I may shelf it for awhile. 

What we're listening to or watching: This week I've actually watched a few movies; Yes, Day, and I Can Only Imagine oh and Find Me Falling. They were all good. I finished the audio book Take Back Your Time and also listened to and finished Animal Farm. I remembered reading it in school and thought I'd listen to it on audiobook. I listened to a few podcasts while I was organizing files. One is called A Really Good Cry with Radhi Devlukia (she is Jay Shetty's wife if you know who he is) She has some great topics and I enjoy listening to her. I've also listened to a few of my usual favorites. 

Random or not so random things: As I eluded to a few times, we have been doing a staycation this week. Both my hubby and I had things that we wanted to accomplish. Most of mine got done except for some outside weeding, and that was because I jammed my finger/hand on Tuesday. We took the grandkids to the zoo on Tuesday for the day and that was fun. It's always fun enjoying things through their eyes. 

I also helped my daughter at an event with her coffee cart. It was a spin studio that brought their bikes to the lake for their Saturday classes. It was so fun. 

My youngest daughter also played in an alumni soccer game which was fun to watch. She even scored a goal.

With Joy Unquenchable,


  1. Looks like you had a fun week. As much as I love travelling and holidays, I do enjoy a staycation at times.

  2. Sounds like a good week Kirstin. Having a Staycation can be good sometimes can't it?

  3. Your staycation looks fun and productive. I hope your finger/ hand is feeling better. Thank you for your weekend coffee share.

  4. The butter swim biscuits in the pinterest photo kind of look like crescent or croissant dough...

  5. Bom Dia Fellow Foodie :) My first thought when I looked at the picture of the ham and cheese butter swim biscuits that it was AI generated. They looked too perfect. I've tried a few recipes from FB and the results have often been disappointing. I now ignore the pictures and look at the ingredients. Haha ... I wonder if they also AI generate the recipes ,

    Your closet looks tidy. I dare not show mine. LoL

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.


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