Wednesday Hodgepodge

It's time for Wednesday Hodgepodge with Joyce, who blogs at From This Side of The Pond.  Each week she'll pose some questions for us to answer. What a great way to journal life.

1. What is one cliche you think is nonsense? I'm going to go with "It's not rocket science". I don't know if that's considered a cliche, but I hate when it's used. I feel like when someone says "it's not rocket science" it can make the receiver of that comment feel as though they are stupid because they couldn't figure whatever it was out.  What's one you think holds truth? "think outside the box". I do like this phrase because if I use it, it's in order to challenge myself or someone else to think differently about how something can be done, or another perspective. I like to say that sometimes the inside of a box is so boring and bland, so let's rethink this or that, because the "outside" of boxes are often so much more beautiful.

2. What's the last thing you broke and how did it happen? Haha...I'm kind of a klutz so breaking things happens often if I'm not taking time to be careful. I think the last thing I broke was the lid to a container. I was just trying to stack too many things to carry to the fridge. Thankfully that's all that broke and not the container. 

3. Are you a fan of s'mores? YES!!!! I love them. Have you had a s'more this summer? Yep a few times. I usually have one, and then roast a few marshmallows to eat by themselves.  Last thing you ate that you wanted to ask for 's'more of'? PASTA!!!

4. A mode of transportation you've never tried? Horse and buggy. Joyce also said Hot air balloon, and I've never done that, and I never will...I don't do heights.  Will you someday? I'm not sure! 

5. Believe it or not, next week's Hodgepodge lands in a brand new month. What's your happiest memory from the month we're bidding adieu? Spending lots of fun times with grandkids...going to the zoo, the fair, going to a swimming pool with friends and family. Having out of town friends up several times for dinner and hanging out. Also helping my daughter at a few events for her coffee cart!

6. Insert your own random thought here. I'm a day late posting so I'll keep this short. The highlight of the week was hosting a cooking party at our home last Friday. We had an Italian chef come over and we made pasta and two sauces with friends and family. SO MUCH FUN!!! Here are a few photos. 

With Joy Unquenchable,


  1. Oh that cooking party looks like such great fun! I would love to do something like that! I'm also a klutz so I was surprised that I had trouble thinking what was the last thing I broke. I guess I'm lucky my clumsiness hasn't resulted in any real disasters lately. Enjoyed all your answers! Hope you have a great week and a great long weekend!

    1. We had a wonderful time. Haha..yes, not too many disasters for me either.

  2. Oh my goodness - that cooking class looks like so much fun. I've thought about attending one of those but have never imagined having it in my own home! Looks like you guys had a lot of laughs (and good pasta)!

    1. We had a blast. I even made homemade pasta a few more times since then.

  3. "It's not rocket science" is one of my least favourite too. The cooking party looks so much fun! Love the laughing faces.


    1. Thank you for visiting. Yes not a favorite phrase


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