Taking in Life Around Me....#Sundaystills Theme: Golden Yellow

This #sundaystills challenge is hosted by Terri from Second Wind LeisureIt's a great themed photography challenge that you'll enjoy. I love seeing the other participants interpretation of the theme each week...it causes me to think outside the box. I joined in hopes of it pushing me to get out and take more photos...I have to some degree, but I also like that Terri is okay with us finding photos in our archives, which is also a lot of fun. So check out my photos and then head over to Terri's page to participate or visit other's posts. There are some awesome contributors who always inspire me.

This weeks theme is our Color Challenge, and the color is gold/yellow. I don't wear those colors often but I do love them. These colors are often associated with wealth, abundance and enlightenment. they symbolize the sun, light and warmth. It exudes brightness and vitality and often conveys a sense of confidence and creativity...from www.paint-by-number.com

I spotted this plant recently at the Farmers Market and thought it was neat..plus I was trying to somewhat keep my eye open for things that would go with the theme, though I had my. 3 year old granddaughter with, so spent more time keeping track of her. 
Apparently this could be a lollipop plant...I noticed this info when I accidentally swiped up on the photo. 

These were in abundance at the Butchart Gardens..

Yellow at the fair!! We took both grandkids this year and they had lots of fun!

I went to a night market in Sooke, BC and spotted this "spirit bear". Isn't he beautiful? Be sure to enlarge the photo...the fish are mosaic and gorgeous. I should have taken a closer photo. 

Before we got on the ferry to head to Vancouver Island Canada, I stopped in at this coffee shop/cafe in Port Angeles. I LOVED their sign, and their slogan! 

I love when cities/towns/communities value public art and creating a beautiful environment. After being a part of Weekend Coffee Share, hosted by Natalie, I'm always keeping my eyes open for murals and art everywhere I go. I spotted this electrical box in Sydney by the Sea in BC. 

My go to coffee at the Portland Airport is the Portland Coffee Roasters kiosk. So much better than Starbucks...sorry Starbucks. 

Spotted this fruit at a farmers market in Hawaii...it's always so fun to see what is offered at farmers markets in other states or countries.

I loved the buttery yellow of this flower, which I believe is hibiscus. 

When we visited Leavenworth in November of 2023 I was so excited to see the Larches. I've seen them in so many photos, including Terri's but never saw them for myself. I didn't get the best photos of them, but it was enough that I saw them with my own eyes! 

There were still some leaves on trees and we enjoyed the fall colors. I don't know if that tree above is a weeping willow or something else. They were beginning to set up Christmas lights while we were there. I believe the tree lighting was the following week. 

With Joy Unquenchable,


  1. A bunch of beautiful yellows, Kirsten! Love the lollipop plant! So happy you saw the golden larches for yourself! I can recognize them when they're green due to their shape and needles. Hope your summer is fun and happy! 💛

    1. Thank you Terri. I hope to see more Larches in the future and get some even better photos

  2. A great collection of photos perfect for the prompt. Your grandkids are adorable.... best job in the world - grandparent.

    1. Thank you Ingrid. I agree...I love being a grandma

  3. These are golden, Kirsten. The quotes are great and I love the joy you show in all your activities. You should have been named Joy. Yellow brings out that in all of us, doesn't it? Thanks for stopping by and leaving your link. :) xxx


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