Taking in Life Around Me......#SundayStills : Theme: Wings

This #sundaystills challenge is hosted by Terri from Second Wind LeisureIt's a great themed photography challenge that you'll enjoy. I love seeing the other participants interpretation of the theme each week...it causes me to think outside the box. I joined in hopes of it pushing me to get out and take more photos...I have to some degree, but I also like that Terri is okay with us finding photos in our archives, which is also a lot of fun. So check out my photos and then head over to Terri's page to participate or visit other's posts. There are some awesome contributors who always inspire me.

I'm about a week or so behind on commenting...I apologize. I'm struggling with commenting lately. 

This weeks theme is "wings". I originally thought the theme was something else, so I'm glad I double checked. Wings in all forms. Obviously winged creatures, but also maybe planes, AND what about our children and grandchildren...we give them freedom and encouragement to spread their wings and fly..whether it's leaving home or just trying new things.  

Pepper LOVES to swing...she would live there, sleep there, she just loves it. Here she is showing me how she lets go swings without holding on. Of course, I'm a bit nervous because I mean if she goes off backwards or "frontwards" like she says, ouch...however I stood close the first few times, then stepped in front to take a video. 

Let them get dirty, have fun, be creative. I introduced them to making mud pies and they spent a good amount of time making them. 

Both of my girls are pursuing their own businesses...my youngest (on the left) photography, and my oldest has her own coffee cart. We love cheering them on and helping them whenever necessary. 

This thing was on the side of the building at work. He was huge!Half the length of my thumb and about as wide. I did NOT want to see him spread his wings. 

I captured a photo of this mural when we were in Canada a few weeks ago. 

Also on our trip to Canada, at one of the viewpoints, there was this totem. It is part of the "route of totems" which are fount throughout Vancouver Island. 

A BIG treat on our trip was this bald eagle who sat in the tree the whole time we were there. Such a stunning creature. A few other people who were there said he was periodically flying down towards the water and then back up again to the tree. 

This is Romeo, the resident swan at one of our airbnb's. His feet were HUGE. Apparently his "partner" died a few years ago and he has just hung around the neighborhood. As I sat on the patio, he walked up, checked me out and then just laid down next to my chair. I wasn't too happy when he got up and I realized he had pooped. I mean, COME. ON. Haha

One of my favorite things was walking along the shore at low tide. I spent time watching this heron in the water. 

Can you spot the winged creature in this photo. I spotted it on a walk in Ohio last month. 

This is a type of cardinal I saw in Hawaii. I didn't realize it was a cardinal until I looked it up. I was so excited. I LOVE cardinals! 

With Joy Unquenchable,


  1. Great shots of wings real and implied, Kirstin! Graham (in Hawaii) had a pic of a cardinal, too, they must have imported them. Love the idea of the route of totems, I love seeing those. And it's always a thrill to see bald eagles! Great collection!

    1. Thanks Terri! I wonder if they were imported...though I don't know that we have the red crested ones over on the mainland.

  2. A lovely selection, Kirstin although that bug is pretty scary. I love the cardinal, what an amazing bird.

  3. We were thinking along the same theme with our wings post, Kirstin. Your pooping swan made me chuckle.🤭 sad that he’s partnerless and just kind of hanging about. Cheryl @ WorkingOnExploring.com I couldn’t get the site to recognize my url so I’m anonymous for now.

    1. Haha...yah, i gave him a piece of my mind! Thanks for visiting Cheryl

  4. New to your blog. Enjoy the pictures especially of the little one with her love of swinging. Made me miss my smaller grandchildren who like to swing. Blessings.


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