For the Love of Reading....What's On Your Bookshelf #WOYBS

Welcome to my What's On Your BookShelf post. The #WOYB link party is hosted by DebJo and Sue....all gals I follow on a few other link parties. I love their blogs. Go check them out. #whatsonyourbookshelfchallenge

My rating system:

⭐ DNF (which there's a reason), story lacking any depth, grammatical or spelling errors (too many), just did not enjoy it and enough to it that I wouldn't recommend. Don't bother reading

⭐⭐ Story line is a bit all over the place, struggle to read it but maybe it had some redeeming parts. Characters  or story line weren't believable or too unrealistic. I wouldn't want to read it again. Too many storylines going on at the same time. Read it or don't read it.

⭐⭐⭐ Solid story line and characters. I liked it but didn't necessarily LOVE it, but I didn't HATE it either. I may have felt that it dragged on, or had parts that weren't necessary to the story. Maybe was a little hard to follow. Probably wouldn't recommend but it wasn't a total disaster.

⭐⭐⭐⭐ A really great read that I enjoyed picking up each time. I enjoyed it from front to back. The characters and storyline were really good.  As someone said "a truly good book, but missing the cherry on top".  Go ahead and read it

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ This book knocked it out of the park and I couldn't put it down. OR it was a book that really opened my eyes to something or taught me something about someones life. One I have bookmarked and even taken notes. It left me wanting to read more by the author or more in the series. Definitely go read. 

I would love to know how you all keep track of your "reviews"? Do you fill in a blog post as you finish a book? Do you have a notebook? I need some ideas. I suppose I could just write a review right in Goodreads. 

June Reads:

Sisters Under the Rising Sun by Heather Morris ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Wow! As I said last month, I listened to this on audio, and it was incredible. I don't think I had any complaints about this one. The narrator was amazing, and the storyline was easy to follow. This was based on a true story, though some things were changed slightly or left up to the authors interpretation. At the end of the book they delved into the real lives of those who survived. Stories like these are such eye openers and make me realize that despite all that is going on in my world and the immediate world around me, it's nothing compared to this or what others are currently going through elsewhere. 

Sunny Side Up (Lake Erie Mysteries Book 1) By Olivia Breen ⭐⭐⭐⭐
I went back and forth as to what to rate this one. At first I went with 3, but changed it to 4 because overall, it was a good book and decently written. The things that might have bugged me were just personal preferences, I think. There were a few "wait, what did I miss", but it seemed to catch me up. This takes place on Kelley's Island (which is where my aunt lives) so it was fun to read and know the locations that were mentioned. When Francie agrees to help her friend June  with an article she's writing, they didn't imagine themselves in the middle of a murder investigation, of course they have to get in on it because Francie's husband is a potential suspect.

Murder & Marble Cake (Comfort Cakes Cozy Mystery #1) by Nancy McGovern ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
This was cute, funny and had me guessing "who done it?" I changed my mind a few times. Rachel is ready for a new start and does so by moving to a beach town and opening her own cake bakery. I loved the quote "my aunt Rose always said that you can't control life or other people. You can just keep doing the right thing and hope it all works out in the end." She's not necessarily greeted with warm welcomes by everyone because here she comes waltzing into town to settle her late aunts affairs, which includes inheriting her bakery..There were a few parts that I felt were a bit unbelievable, but not enough to warrant losing any stars. And I love books that have recipes at the end. I have a goal to cook through some cozies. 

A Thyme to Die (Willa Friday Food & Wine Mystery #1) by Jamie Lee Scott ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
If you're a blogger, you might enjoy this one. It follows Willa (who lives on her ex husbands family's vineyard estate property, actually with her ex She's a food blogger but also does food photography for a local benefit poster. She discovers another vineyard owner dead when she arrives for a meeting, and of course, as all cozy's do, she gets involved. I enjoyed it. I don't expect cozy mysteries to follow the same path as traditional thrillers, so if it's quirky or not quite believable I'm okay with it. I liked that it also had recipes at the end of it. 

Cappuccinos, Cupcakes and a Corpse (Cape Bay Cafe Mystery #1) by Harper Lin ⭐⭐⭐⭐
This was a sweet read. Four stars because, well, I can't remember why! I mentioned I was going to start writing reviews as I read the books....have I done that? NO! So now I don't remember. Maybe I need to create a form to fill in. Buy a book to keep track as I go..hmmm...anyways! The book follows Francesca as she moves back to her stomping grounds to take over the family business Antonia's Italian Cafe. She finds the body of her neighbor and becomes a suspect. She teams up with the victims son who was a high school friend. It's extra fun because a stray dog becomes part of the story. 

Currently Reading in July:

I've not been doing a lot of reading in July, though I have finished a few "cozies" that I'll share next month. 

The Collected Regrets of Clover by Mikki Brammer
This is our book clubs newest pick. Clover is a death doula who helps people in their last days by just "being" with them as they pass away..but she is a lonely person who really has no life of her own. After the death of a feisty client, Clover embarks on a trip to uncover a forgotten love story and just might find one of her own. I'm not that far into it but I'm enjoying it. It's written well.

Dead, White and Blue by Annie McEwen
This is the second book in her Northwoods series. Emmy Cooper has returned home to the Northwoods of Wisconsin and decided to stay..she helps her parents with their resort, and finds time to trip over bodies and become a part time sleuth, usually with her best friend Whitney. The two LOVE cozy mysteries and can't resist getting involved. The first one was really good and I've just started this one. 

Continuing Reads:

Like I said above, I haven't been doing much reading lately so my ongoing reads are the same from last month. I need to get busy! 

Untangle Your Emotions by Jennie Allen
This one is part of a weekly book study so it will probably be another month before I'm done. I haven't been able to take part in our zoom meetings so I haven't been reading the chapters. 

The Book of Joy by Dalai Lama XIV
I was making good progress on this one, but have been slacking 

Picnic at Hanging Rock by Joan Lindsay
I just started this one. My aunt gave it to me to read while I was on vacation. It is rumored to possibly be true, but it's not confirmed as it happened a long time ago. It takes place in 1900, in Melbourne Australia at an all girls school. After setting off on a picnic, 3 girls and a schoolmistress go missing after walking into the heavy bushes. It has been a bit of a slow start for me but I'm hoping it picks up. My aunt really liked it. 

My Father's List: How Living My Dad's Dreams Set Me Free by Laura Carney
I can't remember where I saw this book recommended. I just started reading it as well. After finding a list of "Things I want to do in my lifetime", years after her father dies tragically, the author sets out to complete them. I already have some spots highlighted. I am making headway on this one. Just slowly.

With Joy Unquenchable,


  1. Hi Kirstin, lovely to have you join us for WOYBS? this month. I do enjoy a cozy crime so you have recommended a few I will follow up. The Collected Regrets of Clover sounds interesting and Picnic at Hanging Rock was almost our classic book club's next choice. Have a lovely weekend and thank you for the recommendations. x

    1. I've enjoyed joining in. Thank you for visiting Sue!

  2. Hi, Kirsten - Thank you for joining us at WOYBS. "My Father's List" sounds very interesting. I will take a look for it.
    For each book that I read, I've gotten into the habit of immediately writing a review on Goodreads once I am finished. Nothing overly long or prize-winning or time-consuming. This practice has come in handy for me many times over. I always use a version of these reviews for my WOYBS post - making those posts much easier to write. As I usually read ahead for my book clubs (I like my thoughts to percolate), these reviews are a great refresher for me. They've come in handy when someone asks for a book reommendation, or when a book club is putting together our book reading history. The list of uses is truly endless. <3

    1. I need to do that. I've been trying to keep a spot in my notes section on my phone to add thoughts as I read books.

  3. I do love a cosy crime so thanks for introducing me to some new series!

  4. I have read several of Heather Morris's books so that book will for sure go on my list. I am super into a series right now (Maissie Dodds) and can't pull myself away from it! Bernie

  5. A Thyme To Die sounds interesting to me, and The Collected Regrets of Clover seems like it would be a bit of an emotional read. My Father's List looks interesting as well. I also don't have a great system for keeping track of my thoughts on what I'm reading although I do still write reviews on a book blog - even though I read a lot less than I ever used to and don't even get books to review that much any more. Just don't have time! Happy Reading!

    1. I think it will be an emotional read, but I've heard really good things. I just started keeping a section in my notes on phone and computer to jot down thoughts as I read so that maybe I'll do better at reviews. I rarely write a review. I think because I read other reviews that are so well done and think haha, mine will be so very basic.

  6. Hi Kirstin, thanks for joining us for #WOYBS with your reviews. I like the sound of a few of these particularly A Thyme to DIe, as I like a cosy booka dn it's winter down here so perfect for snuggling up! I note you're reading Picnic at Hanging Rock, an Aussie classic - the movie was fabulous too.

    1. Thank you Deb. I heard there was a movie to that. I should watch it.

  7. Your June reads sound fabulous! I write my blog post as I read each book throughout the month.

    1. Thank You Joanne. I'm going to keep trying to do the same and see if that helps. It also won't take as long to write. I am not a fast writer.


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