Tuesday Four...Rainy Days and Mondays

Rainy Days and Mondays

 It's time again for Tuesday 4 hosted by Anne from Cottage by the sea. Published each week in memory of Toni Taddeo, it's original author.We keep Toni Taddeo's original idea alive here with 4 questions each week to get you blogging, visiting and  learning about yourself and other bloggers.   The more people join in, the merrier and the better it gets. We are always looking for topics, subjects and ideas so feel free to chime in if you have idea.

It's been a bit rainy and stormy across the USA this spring and I have seen so many negative sentiments about Mondays.   Karen Carpenter sang about rainy days and Mondays always getting her down.  I used to love that song and the Carpenters. Can we discuss it?

1. How do you feel about rainy days? Well, if I can stay inside, all tucked in and cozy, doing whatever I like, I don't mind them at all. But I do get tired of them, after all winter and spring in the PNW can be pretty wet! Do they make you happy or sad? Neither. I just don't care for them. Do they always get you down? They do bum me out, especially when they happen on one of my days off! That's annoying. 

2. How about Monday. Do they get you down or do you think that just might be a habit of negative thinking? They don't get me down. I do think it is a matter of attitude and how we think. It's all about perspective. Of course everyone loves the weekends, but I also believe we should have jobs we enjoy and don't "dread" going to. I work Mondays, then have Tuesday and Wednesday off, so it's not so bad. 

3. Did you play in puddles as a kid? Yes! At least when we lived in Ohio..in summer, rainy days were still warm, and we'd go out barefoot and jump in them. Here in Washington, rainy days are usually chilly and I suppose you can still jump in them, but brrr...maybe with rain boots. Or were you not the kind that liked getting wet and muddy? With that said, I'm not really a fan of getting wet and muddy now as an adult. 

4.  Are there foods/meals that you find especially comforting on stormy days? Definitely soups and casseroles. Nosy people want to know!!

I laughed when I saw the theme for the week because we've had some good weather the last week, but the next 3 days are supposed to be rainy...then we're headed back up to nicer weather. 

With Joy Unquenchable,


  1. We've had a dry spell here in eastern NY and thursday is supposed to rain. I actually hope it does...our lawns are turning brown and it's only June 4th!!

    I love a good rainy day and I LOVED the Carpenters back in the day....

  2. Come to think of it, my attitude about loving rainy weather might just change a bit depending on where I live. I brisk or bitter rain just might spoil my opinion! I like you do look forward to the upcoming weekend, promising to be very temperate and less humid! Have a blessed summer!

  3. I know you get a lot of rain. It is nice and green you way. Send some rain our way. The Carpenters were one of my favorite groups and I still have their Album!


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