Tuesday Four.....My Kitchen

Your Kitchen

  It's time again for Tuesday 4 hosted by Anne from Cottage by the sea. Published each week in memory of Toni Taddeo, it's original author.We keep Toni Taddeo's original idea alive here with 4 questions each week to get you blogging, visiting and  learning about yourself and other bloggers.   The more people join in, the merrier and the better it gets. We are always looking for topics, subjects and ideas so feel free to chime in if you have idea.

 "I need renovations throughout my home and that includes the kitchen. So, I've been collecting pictures with ideas on painting my cabinets, replacing my 1957 kitchen window, my cracked tile floors and my rusty sink and damaged counter tops. " 

 Could we talk about kitchens for a bit? Why yes we can. I LOVE kitchens and spending time in the kitchen. In fact, as I'm typing this, I'm sitting at my kitchen island because I've been in the kitchen all day preparing some meals for my family to eat while I'm out of town this coming week. 

Not the best pic, but this is our kitchen that we've used since 2008..it did have concrete floors until we had a water loss. The timing was good though because we were putting wood floors into the addition we were building off this part of the house so we just continued it. This room was originally going to be turned into a utility room once the addition was done, but it is still being used as a kitchen/storage room for now. 
This is the kitchen in our addition. This pic was right after I moved everything into it and we didn't have the rest of our stools. I probably have a photo somewhere of it now, but I really don't have time to look for one. I love this kitchen. I LOVE the island! 

1.  Is this kitchen in the photo one that you would enjoy working in? It is a super cute kitchen and I think I would have fun working in it, though I like counter space to work. I've lived in an apartment above a garage that had a refrigerator and sink where I had to use a hot plate and a convection oven to cook. I've had a normal apartment kitchen, a single wide manufactured home kitchen, and two homes. Each kitchen served it's purpose and I made it work.  Did you have one of those step stools in your home  growing up? I did not have one of those but I think they are so neat. 

2. What appliances are absolute necessities in your kitchen and what can you do without. I definitely need a blender and a mixer. For sure a coffee pot and crockpot. I love my food processor, air fryer and instant pot, but I don't HAVE to have those...they are very convenient though and I use them quite often (well, except the air fryer). We haven't had a microwave in over 10 years so obviously I can do without one. 

3. What items are always in your pantry? Well, flour and sugar, garbanzo beans (I make my own hummus), peanut butter. Usually a variety of canned beans, tomato sauce. 

4. How about your counter tops... filled with things or empty? They have things on them that I use daily or don't have somewhere else for it to go. I would like to move some things around because sometimes I feel like there's too much on them. Now this has me wanting to take everything off of them and rearranging...thanks! Haha. I'll do it when I'm back from my vacation.

With Joy Unquenchable,


  1. I enjoyed your answers. I'd love a new kitchen too but space wise it's never going to get any larger. It's too small but really one can make anything work if you try. Enjoy your vacation.

    1. It's hard and kitchen remodels are so spendy. Uggh!

  2. Oh my, that is a beautiful kitchen!!! I love it! I love your big island especially! And having that extra storage area for your kitchen is really nice! Love the floors too!! Thank you for sharing your kitchen with us. It looks like a place I'd love to visit!

    1. Thank you. I love the island too and yes storage is sure nice, I just have to be careful not to add too much clutter..haha. I love having people over and spending time around it.

  3. Very nice kitchen♥♥ I enjoy clearing my countertops and rearranging things, seems to make it look fresh and new. Hope you enjoy your vacation.

    1. Yes, I will definitely be moving things around.

  4. Lovely kitchen. I especially love the floor. For me kitchens can never have enough storage. Growing up my moms kitchen had zero counter space but we had a butler's pantry that helped a lot.

  5. Well, we don't have a coffee pot so I could absolutely do without that! LOL. But we do use so many other appliances often that I'd be hard pressed to pick favorites. That said I am pretty adaptable and can usually adjust to whatever I'm living with at the time whether it's a beautiful large kitchen or a tiny little bare minimum set up.

    1. It is hard to pick favorites. I can do the same....I loved my small apartment and trailer kitchens and our new big one. It's truly what you make it.

  6. Your kitchen is beautiful! And what is the room in the first picture? Is it like a butler´s pantry? It looks wonderful for storage. I hope your vacation went well!

    1. Thank you Maria. That is a kitchen as well...we built our house in phases and that was the kitchen...it was supposed to eventually become a utility room, but we haven't done that yet so we just use it as a second kitchen. Our young adult daughter lives at home still so she uses that as her kitchen, kind of.

  7. I like your kitchen. :-) I love the island and the floors.


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