Taking in Life Around Me.....#SundayStills: Sunrise/Sunset

This #sundaystills challenge is hosted by Terri from Second Wind LeisureIt's a great themed photography challenge that you'll enjoy. I love seeing the other participants interpretation of the theme each week...it causes me to think outside the box. I joined in hopes of it pushing me to get out and take more photos...I have to some degree, but I also like that Terri is okay with us finding photos in our archives, which is also a lot of fun. So check out my photos and then head over to Terri's page to participate or visit other's posts. There are some awesome contributors who always inspire me.

This weeks theme is sunrise/sunsets...two of my favorite things. I'm going to double dip this week and add some quotes for Marsha's #WQ.

Like I said, sunrises and sunsets are two of my favorite things. There's just something so peaceful and calming about them. I love how they each differ from one day to the next. 

At home, I'm surrounded by trees, so if I want to enjoy them I have to be intentional and go somewhere I can see them better. I don't often do that, especially in the summer. Most of the time, it's when I'm on vacation that I capture them. Right now I'm on vacation in Ohio. I really wanted some new photos to share instead of older ones (which, since we often repeat themes), I realized I had shared most of the ones I had. Thankfully I did get out and get a few sunset photos. I didn't quite get up early enough for sunrise. I did include a few sunrise photos at the end that I took at home. 

My uncle and aunts live on Sandusky Bay. This was the view the other night from my Uncles neighborhood. 

I love this tree that sits out on the jetty all by itself. I think it would be neat to have a photo of it in each season. 

Another view with some purple crown vetch growing a long the bank.
The above photo and the next two were taken at the end of my aunts neighborhood (a 55+ community of single wide manufactured homes). It's such a cute area. The trees blocked the view, but it was still pretty. 

The above was on Kelley's Island across the road from my other aunts home. This was last October. Ohio sits on Lake Erie! When you're on the island, if you are on the North side you will receive a "welcome to Canada" message. 

The remaining photos were taken at our local tulip fields. I got up early one morning and decided to take a ride to see if I could get photos of the sunrise over the fields. I think I was pretty successful. 

With Joy Unquenchable,


  1. Terri Webster SchrandtJune 17, 2024 at 3:49 PM

    What great quotes you found to go with your sunsets, Kirstin. What lake fronts Ohio? Beautiful sunsets there. Wow, your tulip sunrises are stunning. Enjoy your vacation!

    1. Thank you Terri. I should've shared that...it's Lake Erie!

  2. Lovely photos, Kirstin! I especially enjoyed the sunrise over the field of tulips. :)


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