Wednesday Hodgepodge

It's time for Wednesday Hodgepodge with Joyce, who blogs at From This Side of The Pond.  Each week she'll pose some questions for us to answer. What a great way to journal life.

1. Growing up, at what age did you think you'd become an adult? Gosh, I honestly don't know if I ever thought about it. I suppose I just assumed 18. I was pretty responsible. At what age did you actually become an adult? Well, what does that actually mean? To become an adult? Does it mean when you had bills to pay, etc. I guess maybe I felt like I hit adulthood after I finished college and lived on my own right before getting married. I lived above a friends garage for awhile before moving back home to save a little more for getting married. 

2.  What's a favorite item you've bought this year? Hmmm...(I know, I say that a lot). Let's see it's May, what have I bought. I bought some neat ceramic cups at a vintage barn sale that I love. We bought the kids a blow up water slide toy. We did buy a new set of knives. I guess that's all for now. 

3. May 28th is National Hamburger Day...are you a fan? Yep, I do love hamburgers. If so, how do you like yours? I like them medium done, juicy, well seasoned. I love them with cheese, pickles, lettuce, mayo, ketchup, avocado. Or I like a good mushroom swiss burger, with nothing else on it. When was the last time you had a hamburger? A few weeks ago we had burgers for dinner.  Besides the backyard grill, what's your favorite place to go for a burger? Hmmm...I'm not sure. I don't have a specific restaurant. We used to go to Red Robin and I loved their Swiss Mushroom burger. 

4.  How have your priorities changed over time? Hmmm...Years ago, when we were first married and had young kids the priorities were family, and ministry. I homeschooled our girls, they were in soccer, life was busy. Then we found ourselves out of ministry and priorities turned to finding new jobs, and realizing we were not well prepared for retirement. Family has still always been a priority, but now along with that it's trying to work and save hard for retirement. I'm also prioritizing me a bit more, working on being so people pleasing. I suppose if I thought about it more, I could come up with something deeper, but the truth is, our 3 year old granddaughter is here for the week, and I just had a tooth filled this afternoon and I'm late getting this post done, so I'm just typing whatever comes to my mind first. 

5. What's one thing on your June calendar you're really looking forward to? I'm going to visit my aunts and uncles in Ohio. I've been trying to go once a year. It's been so good for me to be with them. These are my moms sisters (3) and her brother, and my aunts husbands. My youngest aunt is only 7 years older than I am. It's a special time to really spend intentional time with everyone. She and her husband live on Kelleys' Island on Lake Erie, and my other aunts and uncle live just on the mainland a few minutes from the ferry. It is always such a great trip for me. Quiet island life, spending good time with family. It is much needed. 

6. Insert your own random thought here. I mentioned above our granddaughter is here til Saturday. They all slept over Monday night and then my daughter, son in law and Indiana flew out early Tuesday morning to go on a mission trip with the leadership school they are over at their church. They are in Reynosa, Mexico. We've had a good week. Our granddaughter is pretty easy...busy, but easy. With that being said, while I'm able to get more done than when she was younger, it's still a bit tricky because her brother isn't here to play with her. I've had the last two days off but go back tomorrow. I'll take her to one of her cousins house for part of the day, then to my daughters mother and father in laws house til I'm off work. On Friday I'll take her to my inlaws for a few hours, then my youngest daughter will pick her up and bring her home til I get home from work. They come home Saturday. 

This afternoon I went in and had a cavity filled. I don't know if I mentioned that it sounds like I need a root canal on one tooth, then needed two teeth filled and one needs a crown. Ughh. I had one tooth filled today, but waiting to hear what insurance will cover for the crown. I go next week to talk to the endodontist about the root canal. If you pray, I could sure use some. I hate dental work. I was laying in bed the other night and was like "you know Lord, a miracle of fixed teeth would be cool, I'd love to keep my real teeth as long as possible". 

I'll end it for now. Going to get a little one to bed soon.  

With Joy Unquenchable,


  1. Our Red Robin closed but I did like their food. Sounds like a nice time with your granddaughter!

  2. Oh dental work takes a toll on you. Hope all the babysitting time is going smoothly!


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