Taking in Life Around Me.....#SundayStills : Theme: #Groups

This #sundaystills challenge is hosted by Terri from Second Wind LeisureIt's a great themed photography challenge that you'll enjoy. I love seeing the other participants interpretation of the theme each week...it causes me to think outside the box. I joined in hopes of it pushing me to get out and take more photos...I have to some degree, but I also like that Terri is okay with us finding photos in our archives, which is also a lot of fun. So check out my photos and then head over to Terri's page to participate or visit other's posts. There are some awesome contributors who always inspire me.

This weeks theme is #groups. It can be groups of anything. I'm working on making my way around to comment on everyone's posts from last week...I seem to always be behind. Is it time for me to retire yet? haha! But I wanted to pause and get this post started at least. It probably won't be posted til Monday which seems to be my habit. 

Quite a few years ago...as in probably over 10...wow, I went to the beach to drop my oldest and another friend (who had a soccer game that day), to a birthday party. I stayed for awhile and took some photos of the group of girls before heading back home. It was windy and wet, but we went down to the beach for a fun "photo shoot".

In 2018, Indy was about 1 1/2 months old and we were planning a trip to Florida...everyone decided to come and celebrate my grandma's 90th birthday. Missing a few families, but my grandma had a great legacy. 

Spending time with friends and family is so huge for me. The photo above and the next 3 were taken in 2019 when we went to the beach with family, and a few additional friends. It seems friends always join us on our family vacations. 

Friends of ours (on the far right) recently moved to Tennessee. Before they left we had them up. Bittersweet times when friends move away. We have known the gal since she was two (me), my hubby has known her since she was born. It's fun when you know people their entire life and at some point they become close friends. 

I LOVE old photos. The above is an old photo from a family reunion on my maternal grandmas side. I believe this was sometime in the 70's..We were either in Washington by then, or just not there, because I looked and my family wasn't in the photo. I still love it. 

This large group of people getting ready for the 10k race I did last October with my mother in law and a friend of hers. 

Groups of surf boards were all over in Hawaii! 

The groups of roots of the banyan trees fascinated me. As in, I wish we had them here in the PNW. 

How awesome are these groups of signs on this barn. 

This group of grabs we caught on the Oregon Coast became some yummy crab fettuccini and also an amazing crab dip!! 

At our local wildlife refuge a few years back, I spotted these sweet goslings!! 

Turtles at the Fort Worth Botanical Gardens.

Fort Worth Stockyard cattle drive. 

We spotted these elk (there were 2 or 3 others) on our way home from Leavenworth last year. 

We regularly have at least 2-4 deer in our yard. I'm not sure if they are the same ones, but usually 2 mamas and their babies. 

Grouping of fungi on a tree we spotted on Anderson Island. 

This was a fun display at the Hurricane Ridge visitor center of the variety of mushrooms one might spot in the area. 

Beautiful groupings at the Farmers Market!!!

I found and brought home this group of 4 cups at a recent vintage market. I don't know what I'll serve in them, but I just loved them.

A grouping/collection of fun clocks at the airbnb we stayed at in Queechee, VT. 

In Queechee, Vt there is an antique toy museum, owned by one person, and it was awesome. This was just one photo of so many collections. 

Cluster of grapes at my aunts vineyard.

This display of classic books caught my eye because it was just beautiful. 

Clusters of beautiful sunflowers in Switzerland.

With Joy Unquenchable,


  1. Terri Webster SchrandtMay 6, 2024 at 11:06 AM

    I don't often comment from my phone, but I am today. Thanks for leaving space between your comment and the link. Huge help!
    Wow, love the silhouette shots and the family groups, Kirstin. The retail groupings and animal groups were fun to see!. I like your cups!

    1. Thank you Terri!! I rarely comment from my phone..well, never, really. I need my computer..lol.

  2. I so enjoyed seeing all the groups you've taken photos of or have photos of. What a rich and happy life you've lived so far. I was impressed with the variety of groups you found to share. Groups are everywhere we look if we take the time to notice, right? The silhouettes on the beach are fascinating to me. I always forget to take a jumping shot. The one with the hearts is precious! Did you frame it? Well done on the post!!

    1. Thank you Shelley. That means a lot. It is true, groups are everywhere, and some very creative ones. I wish I had taken more time to go out and about. I didn't frame it, but I should have.


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