Taking in Life Around Me...#Sundaystills: Color theme

This #sundaystills challenge is hosted by Terri from Second Wind LeisureIt's a great themed photography challenge that you'll enjoy. I love seeing the other participants interpretation of the theme each week...it causes me to think outside the box. I joined in hopes of it pushing me to get out and take more photos...I have to some degree, but I also like that Terri is okay with us finding photos in our archives, which is also a lot of fun. So check out my photos and then head over to Terri's page to participate or visit other's posts. There are some awesome contributors who always inspire me.

I'm going to try to post next week, but we are heading out of town for a long weekend. We will be in nature, and it would be perfect to use pics from our getaway for the earth day post. So we'll see. Might be Tuesday before I get to it. 

This weeks theme is our monthly color challenge...the colors, yep plural, being: quartz/diamond/purple/Crystal. 

A few fun murals in downtown Vancouver, Wa sporting purple flowers. 

Of course there's never a lack for finding purple flowers. Even though purple isn't my favorite color. I do love it in nature...apparently, from all the pics I found. 

I have some purple tulips growing in a container outside on my porch. I had a bit of fun and put my ring in one of them. I was going for something different but nothing was cooperating with me. 

My lilacs are finally starting to bloom. I brought my lens ball out but was struggling with it, and was too lazy to get a tripod. 

I found these hydrangeas last year in Seabrook, Wa. next to the house we were staying at. 

Grapes from my aunts vineyard. They almost look black. 

I don't know what year this was, but one of my favorite things when my girls played soccer, was the sunsets on clear nights. Check out the purple hue. 

My oldest daughter got me this purple grape ornament for Christmas so I could remember the grape harvest in Ohio. 

Ice crystals forming on a fence in Sunriver, Or. 

I found these pics from one of the hotels in Vegas. 

I normally see white trillium in the woods, but we came upon a beautiful purple one. 

Diamond shapes in the tiles on these steps. I loved these steps. 

I couldn't decide if these were all pink or went from pink to purple...I voted on the latter. 

More diamond shapes on this tower on Orcas Island. 

I LOVE when we come upon crystal clear waters. I was hunting for a photo I thought I might have of the Spring River in Sunriver, but I didn't have any. It is an offshoot of the Sun River, but is fed by a spring, and is so clear...and cold. 

The top photo was on one of the beaches on Lake Erie. 

A "crystal" clear jelly fish on the beach at Anderson Island. 

"Crystal" clear waters at Anderson Island. 

Above and below... more clear water in Hawaii. 

And last...one of our trips to Florida. We went to Blue Lake park and saw the manatees. So fun!!

With Joy Unquenchable,


  1. Amazing images showing all the colors of this month's multiple color challenge, Kirstin! Spring definitely arrives a but earlier in Vancouver and Portland than Spokane, judging by your gorgeous floral images. That one shot of the Vegas hotel had all those colors in one image as well :)
    I wish we could have had a change to meet up--it was such a whirlwind trip to help my cousin and spend time with her for dinners (she works full time). Have a great week and save some pics for Earth Day. It's a general theme but I'm going with an array of landscapes. Take care!

    1. Thank you Terri....I wish we could've met up too but I totally understand.

  2. You have so many fabulous images this week it's hard to pick a few favorites! But I must say it was fun to see your diamond ring inside the tulip! And the lilacs, and ice crystals forming are marvelous too! 😊

  3. A fabulous array of photos, and you used ALL of the colours. Beautiful! 😍 I thought the ring in the flower was a cool idea. :)


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