Taking in Life Around Me: #Sundaystills Theme: Pets and Kids

This #sundaystills challenge is hosted by Terri from Second Wind LeisureIt's a great themed photography challenge that you'll enjoy. I love seeing the other participants interpretation of the theme each week...it causes me to think outside the box. I joined in hopes of it pushing me to get out and take more photos...I have to some degree, but I also like that Terri is okay with us finding photos in our archives, which is also a lot of fun. So check out my photos and then head over to Terri's page to participate or visit other's posts. There are some awesome contributors who always inspire me.

This weeks theme is around pets and kids. We don't have any pets and I know in past pet posts I've shared the ones we've had so I won't repeat photos. I have two amazing daughters, a son in law and two grandkids. It would be great to add another son in law and maybe more grandkids, but we'll see where life takes our youngest. 

I have to share a funny story. This is an old photo of deer in our yard, but they are frequent visitors..one day I happened to be outside and met an amazon driver delivering a package. He said "is that your pet?" pointing to the yard. Note: we don't have pets. I said "excuse me?" He said, "is that your pet in the yard?". I looked around the corner of the house and a mama deer was grazing. I was kind and didn't laugh, but said "no, they just come in our yard regularly". I wanted to say something like "yah, but tonight it's dinner". We do have deer almost daily in the yard or walking through the yard. Usually just mamas and their babies. 

This guy lived next door to the gal I helped out for a few years. They were beautiful, and often came up to the fence when I mowed because they liked the fresh grass. 

When my aunt and uncle lived in Florida still, these sandhill cranes were almost like pets...coming out of the marsh area daily for food that my uncle would spread around the yard. They would come so close. Not afraid at all. 

I spied this guy (well, several) in Hawaii...I didn't mind him outside, but when I knew they were in the house, that was another story...yikes. Oh, and not in an enclosed habitat inside, but sneaking in and freaking us out. It does fascinate me sometimes, what people keep as pets. 

Definitely not a pet, but I sure wouldn't mind seeing one of these every day in my yard. 

This dog (I can't remember her name now), reminds me of the dog on Winn Dixie just a different color. She was sweet and smart. She belonged to the owner of the house we stayed at in Hawaii. 

 We spotted this Snapping Turtle when we visited Ohio a few years ago. He had wondered out of the marshy pond area and onto the beach. A local passing by returned him. I'm sure there might be some who'd want him for a pet. 

Now on to the people in my life. I'm blessed to be mama of two daughters, and really, several of my girls friends who I have considered like daughters. I also have two amazing grand kiddos and several nieces and nephews and a great niece and great nephew. I LOVE them. Someday I hope my youngest gets married and has kids, but we'll see where her journey takes her. These people are some of my favorites and I'm so glad I get to do life with them. Back in 2020 our oldest, her husband, and then 2 year old Indy moved to Texas to be youth pastors at a church. It was one of the hardest things for me. There was no telling how long they'd be gone, so we started a Texas trip budget. It ended up they were only there for 6 months, and while it was hard for them, and my heart was sad at the circumstances, I was more than happy to have them home, for many reasons, but one main one, was because our granddaughter was born there right before they came home. Who knows where the journey of life will take any of our kids, but for now, I soak up all the time I can get with them. 

I highly recommend grand kids. They're so much fun. Indy's big thing is riding his dirt bike. He wants to race, and they actually have races for his age that run on Thursdays at the local PIR track. I will admit, it makes me a bit nervous, but his daddy is super safe and smart. He was over yesterday and had us laughing...he was asking different ones "do you want to be my mechanic", etc. I said I'd be his photographer and his great Nannie can make sure he and his team have food afterward...haha! 
This little one lives up to her name....Pepper..both sweet and spicy and everything in between. She's my buddy on Tuesdays whlie big brother is in school, but I can't wait for summer to have them both. 

I have been overly blessed to have these two girls to call daughters. 

I'm glad they like to do things with me, and have me a part of their lives. My oldest got married young and so we haven't traveled together, but I've gone many places with my youngest. 

Since my oldest started her coffee cart, I've done many events with her and I love our times together. 

Over the course of our daughters lives, we've had many of their friends join us on vacations and spend much time at our house. I've felt like I've had many children. 

When we were in Seabrook last year, we took the popular Gnome Trail, where people place fun treasures along the path and in the woods. I loved this rock. It reminded me that my great grandpa used to make "pet rocks". I don't know what happened to mine, but this reminded me of it. 

We took Indy to see Jurassic Quest when it came to our local fairgrounds. He was in love....I'm sure he thought this would be fun to have at home. Hmmm...A dinosaur as a pet? 

The joys of my life are the people in it. 

With Joy Unquenchable,


  1. You are so blessed with your family, Kirstin, and I can see you have loads of fun with them whenever possible. I love how you do so much with your grandkids! Your local wildlife must be fun to watch and be able to provide some food. I chuckled at your comment about the geckoes in Hawaii--I liked seeing them in our B&B...they eat bugs, so fine in my book :) thanks for sharing your family and wildlife with us this week!

  2. Beautiful family (and animal) photos, Kirstin. I'd love to see wildlife more often.


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