Wednesday Hodgepodge

It's time for Wednesday Hodgepodge with Joyce, who blogs at From This Side of The Pond.  Each week she'll pose some questions for us to answer. What a great way to journal life.

1. What's a skill you think everyone should have? I think everyone should know how to manage a budget. Is that a skill? I think so. I also think everyone should have a basic knowledge of how to cook. 

2. Do you have a special place or organizational system for gift wrapping? Nope...well, I do have a tall container that has everything in it, but it is NOT organized. Do you still buy 'real' cards to send for birthdays, anniversaries, get-well, etc? For a long time I didn't, but I've started doing it again. 

3. It's National Banana Day...are you a fan? Yes, I do like bananas. What's your favorite thing to make with bananas or, if you're not a cook, your favorite thing to eat that contains banana? I like them in smoothies, in granola or cereal, on crepes. I also make a banana cream cheesecake that is so good. 

4. Do you believe in second chances? Yes. Elaborate. I do believe that for the most part everyone deserves a second chance. After all, if I would want a second chance, then I would hope I'd offer the same courtesy to others. However, with that, I believe there should be boundaries in place. Just because a second chance is given, doesn't mean the person should be in your life, or maybe not right away.

5. What is your idea of fun? It probably just depends. Mostly on my mood and where we are. For me fun can come in many forms....I love playing games; board games, card games, lawn games. Hiking, being outside, heading to the city for a day of wandering around. Hanging out and talking to my family or friends. Going to thrift and antique stores. Garages sales. For me, fun is pretty simple.

6. Insert your own random thought here. I didn't get this finished Tuesday or Wednesday and my hubby and I are on a mini trip to Mt. Rainier and the Olympic peninsula so I'm finishing this pretty quick. I'll catch up next week. 

With Joy Unquenchable,


  1. Hi Kirstin, I enjoyed all your answers. Your cake sounds good. Is it your own family recipe? Have a great time on your vacation!

    1. Thank you. It's not a family recipe but given to me by a friend. We LOVE it.

  2. Enjoyed reading your answers, and we answered similarly for a few of these! A banana cream cheesecake sounds delicious - I'd love to try it! Hope you're having a great time on your trip!

  3. Oh, I have to try banana on crepes next time!! Have a great trip!


  4. Those sound like two good skills. Your use of bananas sound good. Yes, second chances are good but there has to be boundaries set. You have a nice variety of fun things to do. You random looks like a great day.

  5. Oooh, Mt. Rainier! I'm a little jealous. I think it is absolutely beautiful and am so happy we were able to see it up close when my daughter lived out there. Actually she had a nice view of the mountain (when it was out) from her neighborhood, but it was fun to actually get out on it. My hubs always wanted to go back and camp but we never had a chance to do that. Banana cream cheesecake sounds delish! Hope you've had a nice week!

    1. It is beautiful that's for sure. I would love to have a view of one of the many mountains


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