For the Love of Reading.....What's on Your Bookshelf

Welcome to my What's On Your BookShelf post. The WOYB link party is hosted by DebJo and Sue....all gals I follow on a few other link parties. I love their blogs. Go check them out. #whatsonyourbookshelfchallenge

I almost missed the post except that I saw Deb post something on her IG. I had every intention of having my post ready and scheduled before I left on a getaway, but nope...I forgot. 

This won't be long because I didn't finish many books in March. I guess it was just one of those months. I won't share the books I finished in April...I'll save that for Mays post. 

March reads: I only finished two books. I had several going at once, but just couldn't get them finished. 

Wake up with Purpose: by Jean Dolores Schmidt ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
I gave this one 5 stars because, wow...the woman is 103 years old and writing a book. It was VERY interesting, but much of her life revolves around being the Chaplain for Loyola University's mens basketball team, which is fascinating, but I'm not a huge basketball fan, so I think I would've enjoyed hearing other things. Either way it is worth reading or in my case, I listened to it on audiobook. She does the introduction but someone else narrates it and does a good job. 

Out of the Frying Pan: by Michelle Griep ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
I love a good cozy mystery and this one was so good. The main characters are a pair of hilarious ladies (sisters) who live in a retirement community. When the chef turns up dead, they decide to investigate...I don't like to give much away, but it's worth reading. It combines generations when their niece and a younger detective are on the scene as well. 

What I'm currently reading:

The Book of Joy: Lasting Happiness in a Changing World: by Dalai Lama and Desmond Tutu and Douglas Carlton Abrams

I'm not that far into this one, about 23% of the way through, but I'm really enjoying it. So fascinating. The description says, Two great spiritual masters share their own hard-won wisdom about living with joy even in the face of adversity. Here are two men who have both lived in exile, sharing how joy can be a part of daily life. 

Everything Sad is Untrue: by Daniel Nayeri
You guys, I'm still struggling with this one. I shared about it last month. I've renewed it twice and am still only about 21% done. I honestly don't know if I want to finish it...What do you all do when you have a book but just aren't "feeling it"? Normally I'd probably just stop, but because this is part of the 12/12 challenge I'm part of, I kind of feel like I should plug away at it. Thoughts? 

Those are the only ones currently being read. I'm trying to push myself to finish the above book, but I may need to start another just to survive...haha. 

I said this would be a short one. 

I do want to share something I bought that I am excited to use. A lady came in to where I work to mail a package. One of the items she was mailing was a small book called Bookstore Passport

I think this will be so fun. My hubby and I are on a mini getaway and I brought it with me, with the intention of visiting a bookstore or two if I find them. 

One thing I am trying to work on is reading books on my actual book shelf. Now, whether I can be disciplined to do this is another story. 

With Joy Unquenchable,


  1. What a coincidence - I saw historical fiction novels by Michelle Griep at the library the other day but not your fun read. Must look at the catalogue and see if it’s there
    Cathy #WOYBS

  2. I rarely go to bookstores except in my own city (and it is an independant which I love) so the passport, which does look interesting, probably wouldn't work for me. As to the book you can't finish -- don't. Life is too short to read stuff you don't enjoy. Bernie from

    1. Yah, I get where you're coming from. It could take me awhile to fill it I don't always buy books when I visit them.

  3. I had a did not finish last month too - and it really tore me as others had loved this particular book but it just didn't do it for me. I tend not to review them or even mention them because it's usually "me" rather than the book.

    1. I agree, it's so hard when I know some people really liked a book. The one I'm struggling with, I just can't seem to figure it choppy!

  4. I love that a 103 year old women wrote a book! It's certainly never too late is it, Kirstin. I'm so pleased you could join us for #WOYBS? and what a great idea the Bookstore Passport is to encourage people to visit rather than buying online.

  5. I'm very keen to read Wake Up With Purpose. What an achievement to have a book published at that age. Bookstore Passport is a great idea. I'm sure bookstores must be suffering these days. I mostly read on the kindle so I'm guilty of not supporting them, though I do love to visit a bookstore when we're on holidays.

    1. It was really good. I read a lot of kindle too or use the library. Books can be so expensive that sometimes I cringe because I often don't read fiction books more than once. Non fiction I will look back to but not usually fiction

  6. Hi Kirstin, Out of the Frypan sounds good and I love the idea of the Book of Joy too. Some months are just like that aren't they? It's hard to keep going when a book just doesn't do it for you but you feel you should keep reading. Thanks for joining us for #WOYBS and for the shoutout too, so glad you saw my Insta post :)


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