Wednesday Hodgepodge

It's time for Wednesday Hodgepodge with Joyce, who blogs at From This Side of The Pond.  Each week she'll pose some questions for us to answer. What a great way to journal life.

1. February is coming to a close. Give us a two-word phrase that tells us something about how yours went. New Places! I traveled to Hawaii and that was the highlight of my month.

2. If you had to describe how you're feeling right now as an amusement park ride, what ride are you on?  I'm going to say one of the fun know with the sack you sit on and slide down. Explain. I feel like things are just cruising might go fast or it might slow down and usually I'm like "wow, that went by fast". 

3. What's something on your desk or a nearby wall that cheers you up when you see it or walk past? Hmmm...right now it's some daffodils that my mother in law and her friend brought me after going on a walk. I teased them by saying "did you steal these from someones yard?" They didn't confirm or deny...haha! 

4.  Are you a salad eater? Yes, I love salad and all sorts of salads. How many salads do you typically eat in a week? Honestly it depends. Usually at least one, but sometimes 2 or more. Sometimes if I work late we'll just do some cooked chicken on salad. Your favorite kind of salad? I like a variety of salads and I enjoy trying new ones at restaurants. I love a good green salad with veggies, nuts, seeds, etc. 

I always have a bag of spring mix, and then a bag or two of a salad mix that has things like Kale, cabbage, etc...that I mix in with it. 

I also like potato salad, fruit salad, chicken salad, and tuna salad. Ha! A lot of times it depends on how it's prepared. 

5. Without telling us the category give us your top five ______________. 

I was torn with what to do here, but then it came to me. 

1. These are Good Days

2. Curl Up and Clue In

3. For the Love

4. 10 Things to Tell You

5. Another Name for Everything

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

I'm back in the swing of life after vacation. It's funny because I keep thinking "oh, I wish I would've seen this or done that, tried that"...guess I need to go back sometime. 

I have a dental cleaning today and while it's supposed to be my day off, I'm working since one of the other gals is out of town. I love my days off, but no one else volunteered so I took it. 

A high school classmate who was also one of my best friends and who I haven't seen in so many years is going to be doing a virtual book study with some people and I decided to join in. The book sounded good and it's a great way to reconnect with her, even if it's on google meets. The book is "Do the New You", by Steven Furtick. I've read the Intro and first chapter and I think it's going to be good. 

I'm focusing on getting back to doing my 70,000 steps a week, and a friend recently asked if anyone wanted to do one of the Couch to 5k challenges and I said I'd join. I need to kick my rear in gear and accountability will be good. I don't like running, but this seems doable. We'll see how my body responds. 

Well, gotta go so I'll leave it here for now.

With Joy Unquenchable,


  1. I've heard of some of the podcasts you mention but not all. I listen to one called Relatable with Allie Beth Stuckey. She went to uni with my daughters which is how I found her but she's a young Christian conservative and has a real gift with words. She talks faith and politics both. My daffodils are blooming out front and I can see them when I pass the window or sit in my dining room. They are a day brightener for sure!

  2. Good luck with the couch to 5k; I know many people who started there. I just ran 2 miles every other day for weeks until I could run more!

  3. The daffodils are beautiful! It's been awhile since I've listened to a podcast. I need to get back to that again. Enjoy your day!

  4. Those daffodils made me smile and the thought about where they might have gotten them. LOL! Happy end of February to you.


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