Tuesday Four...The Music of Home

The Music of Home

It's time again for Tuesday 4 hosted by Anne from Cottage by the sea. Published each week in memory of Toni Taddeo, it's original author.We keep Toni Taddeo's original idea alive here with 4 questions each week to get you blogging, visiting and  learning about yourself and other bloggers.   The more people join in, the merrier and the better it gets. We are always looking for topics, subjects and ideas so feel free to chime in if you have idea.

It has been a few weeks since I've participated. 

From the play Greenwillow comes the song The Music of Home:

Tis the music of home
The music of home
Full of wonder as angel song
All the music of home
Thе music of home
Singing, "Home is wherе I

There is a music to home.. let's talk about the music in your home. First of all, I love this thought "music of home", "music in my home". 

1. Was home always your safe place?  Or did it leave a lot to be desired? These are loaded questions. How to answer. I don't have a great memory when it comes to my growing up years, especially when I was little. When I think of unsafe, I think the worst case scenario of abuse and neglect. Our home wasn't that. We were provided for, my mom kept the house clean and decorated and she was always present for us. My relationship with my dad was always a bit harder. So I think yes, there was things to be desired, but it wasn't horrible. 

  What would improve the music in your home today? In my childhood home, the music could have been improved by my dad being willing to make some changes in how he related to all of us. 

In my home today, the dream way I'd improve the music is by being able to be home more, even though I love my job. Other than that, I'm sure there are little things that could improve the music, but our home is a place that people like to be and people like to come.

2.Do you like coming home at the end of a day? I do. I love home. In fact, I wish at times I didn't have to work outside the home so I could just stay home. I haven't found a way to make enough money at home.  How about when you were a kid?  I don't remember a whole lot from when I was a kid...I used to tell my mom she could make up anything about my life and I'd believe her. I just don't have solid, clear memories like a lot of people do. I did enjoy being home. My mom created an atmosphere that was cozy and inviting. Our friends loved being at our house. Sometimes my dads moods were up and down and if he was in a bad mood, he might yell or belittle us. He and my mom would fight sometimes and in those times, I wished I was somewhere else. 

3. What is the music of your home?  Hmm..I feel like these are a bit repeating themselves. On my Spotify, I have an eclectic playlist, and sometimes the music in our home is that. Eclectic. Are the grandkids over? It's going to be loud and playful. Me home alone? It could be quiet, peaceful, or the music up louder while I sing and dance in the kitchen. If hubby is home, the TV will be on, too loud for my liking so I'll go in another room. So it all depends. If my daughter is home or she has friends over, there might be laughter and chatter. 

How would you describe life in your home growing up.. I feel like I answered that one above. Though in HS I started going to youth group and was involved in band and things that I really enjoyed. I also created a pleasant space in my bedroom, where I enjoyed being. in the middle of your life...Middle of my life? Well, I went off to Bible College and enjoyed that season. I moved home and got married. We had kids and homeschooled, our girls played sports, we were in ministry, so it was a busy but fun season of life. and right now? While we could technically be empty nesters, we still have one daughter and a friend of hers living at home, and also a buddy who lives with us, so our house is an interesting hodgepodge of people. it's a good mix. Everyone is always coming or going. Is there a song that might fit your home? Boy, I'm really having to think on these. Again, there could be several. Two songs about home that came to mind were Amy Grants "If these walls could speak" and Miranda Lamberts "The House That Built Me". Also "better when I'm dancing" by Meghan Trainor because life is just better when we can dance and sing. I love music and songs have to have some meaning to me to bet on my playlist so I know I could think of so many more songs. 

4. Like a symphony, home has it's ups and downs as the picture to the side illustrates.  What are your homes best ups and worst downs?( stories of happy times, busted water heaters, goofy things that have happened, etc Two come to mind, though I know there have been many..
When we first moved in, we got two feet of snow and had so much fun being snowed in.

We've had a few occasions where we've had bats in the house and while this was horrible, we got some good laughs and I wish even more videos of us trying to get them out. So funny. 

We've had a few water leaks in our house, that were NOT good experienced but thankfully ended well. One was when I pulled the washer away from the wall and didn't realize I pulled out the hose...it's upstairs, so water ran out. Thankfully we were home and caught it quick. but that was horrible. The second time was two years ago and our furnac (also upstairs) leaked and came into the kitchen...but we caught that quick as well. 

Games around the table, or watching sports on TV, laughing and talking. 

I do try to focus on the good and make the best of the not so good. I always want to create a home that speaks peace and rest, but also joy and fun to those who enter. 

With Joy Unquenchable,


  1. Oh my.. bats! That must have been quite a trip! There is something wonderful about a houseful of people.Thank you for joining in!

    1. There is something wonderful and I do love it, but sometimes it tries my patience..."we're all adults here, people!!!" Bats were no fun, but it ended being humorous because what else can you do.


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